Chapter 249
Chapter 240 Nine
Not only was Pang Dahu confused, but the big men who followed were all stunned on the spot. They wanted to say something more. When they turned around, the young master lowered his head and snapped his fingers without waiting for others to answer the question. count.I don't know what it is.

Jiang Jingming was also a little confused at first, and he didn't understand why Xuejian asked himself quietly in person and asked so loudly!When I finished listening, I finally understood.This little girl's mind is really hard to figure out!But this trick is obviously wonderful!Seeing a few vicious big men froze on the scene with a few words like this from a little girl, Jiang Jingming felt inferior to himself.When I came here, I was still in the car and discussed with Mr. Liang how to help Xuejian stabilize these tenants.Now it seems.There is no need to do it yourself.

The other people watching at the side didn't understand what Xuejian meant at first, but when they heard that she was still praising that Pang Panghu's ability, they were all worried that Xuejian didn't know how to work and would be fooled, afraid that Xuejian would be caught if she said the wrong thing.But I don't want Xue Jian's words to be neither light nor serious, but completely detain those people.Mrs. Jiang has turned a few times in her heart. If this little girl becomes her little daughter-in-law, then the Jiang family will only have a more developed one.However, his own son is not worthy of her.Now she is the junior sister recognized by the prince himself, and she is backed by the princess and young master Hou.Forget it, it's better not to offend her!Anyway, they are relatives!

Finally, Xuejian seemed to have finished the calculation, he let out a long breath and looked up to see Pang Panghu and the others, a little surprised and said:
"Uncle Pang Da is still there. Coincidentally, I just counted the people in my grandfather's village. In addition to those who are going to help the construction team, there are more than 200 people, but these 200 people have more than 100 laborers. Pang Da Uncle, what do you think if I bring my grandpa’s family and people from their village here? With you, it will not be so hard. In this way, the grain harvest will be more, and I can get rid of more grain. How to plant I don’t know about crops, but I understand that every labor is rewarded! If I produce the field, you contribute. If there is a harvest, everyone will be happy. If there is no harvest, the field will still be mine, and you will have nothing. You say is not it?"

Pang Panghu now felt that he was so wrong to come in such a hurry to give the master a blow!It's time to wait until I have inquired about the master's house before coming back.How can I step down now?

When Pang Panghu was thinking of a solution, a person beside him said softly:
"Brother Hu, if she calls her grandfather, she will definitely not let you take care of things."

Pang Panghu shuddered.That's right, what she believed at that time was that her grandfather couldn't possibly be her, so she managed to drive one away, and another one couldn't be driven away.Then I have been busy all these years.No, you have to ensure your own status first.Moreover, this master's family is small after all, even if what he said just now is a bit shrewd, it seems that he was taught by adults.As long as I am still here, what if there is no chance?The last owner was the brother of a petty official.

Thinking of this in my heart, I brought a three-point low breath on my face, showing a lot of respect.Xue Jian understood the thoughts of these people at a glance, sneered in her heart and said:

"Uncle Pang Da, don't worry too much. I just bought this field, and I haven't seen it yet. Usually, my uncle comes to help me with it. Today I just came to see what happened to my [-]-acre land. How big is it, what is the situation, I will not have to go to the village to play in the future. Since Uncle Pang Da is here, please accompany us for a while. If you, who are familiar with these fields, can introduce it to us, we are afraid that it will be even more difficult. understand better."

Xuejian is praising people again?Even Liang Junlin on the one side didn't even think about it, did Xue Jian want this person or not?Should I use this person or use this person?
In any case, Xue Jian expressed her meaning very clearly.I won't touch these people for the time being. If these people want to come and talk to me about renting food, they have to make some achievements for themselves. If they don't see the harvest, they can't talk about it.And Xue Jian believes that the standards set by the previous employers will not be very low, it's just that these people are too greedy!
Before halfway through, Xuejian called a stop.With such a large area, I am afraid that I will be tired if I walk on it by myself.Not to mention Sister Shuang and Mrs. Jiang who have never practiced.There are also cousins.They are all readers.Xue Jian turned around and looked, it was not far from the village where the tenants lived, so go and have a look.

Xue Jian turned around and walked towards the village over there, but she shouted:
"Uncle Pang Da, let's go to the village to see if there is anything interesting. Walking like this is really boring."

Pang Panghu thought that Xuejian was playful, but after thinking about it, it doesn't matter if it is the master's house, children are children, and they only want to play.

Entering the village, there is a big tree at the intersection, and a few old men are sitting under the tree, chatting with each other, and judging by their expressions, they are talking about their new owner.Xue Jian ran over with a sweet smile and called:

"Hello grandpas!"

Several old men stood up, looking a little cautious, and an old man with gray hair replied:
"No way! Are you the lady of the main family?"

Xue Jian nodded, and said:

"Several grandpas are chatting, right? I won't bother you anymore, I'll go to the village to play."

The old men took a step back to make way for Xuejian.Xuejian was bouncing around and was about to move forward when she heard crying and cursing from the village:
"It's from Pang Da Hu's family! Don't do anything wrong! People are doing it and the sky is watching. These houses are allocated to my family by the boss. Before we leave, you are going to bully us! The boss hasn't even spoken to drive us away. Let's go! Do you think your family has become the overlord here? Now that the master has changed, you think that others don't know about the fact that you bullied the previous master! We were right about what happened the day before yesterday, it was your family Duhu deliberately put us on your back then! Conscience! Did we do those things? Everyone knows it in their hearts!"

"It's useless to talk about it from the Tujia family. We Duhu went to see the new owner's house. From now on, this will be our boss. I just fell in love with your house, so what? My son is getting married. What's the matter?" Good for a new house.”


Xue Jian sighed, isn't it better to come early than to come by coincidence?The group of people who followed also heard part of the quarrel, and their expressions were different!Pang Panghu's face changed the fastest, a little embarrassed, a little annoyed and a little flustered!Xue Jian saw it all.

"My lord, these women are like this. They're going to make a fuss every other day. They're all messing around. They've polluted the ears of the lord!"

Pang Panghu looked at Xuejian's expression of wanting to smile, but he was still a little uneasy.If the master doesn't speak, he won't be able to guess her mind. A child's mind is the most difficult to guess, and it will change after a while.I don't know the attitude of this master!That nasty woman doesn't occupy the house in the morning and doesn't stand in the house at night, which is just right!Was hit right.

(End of this chapter)

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