Chapter 250

Chapter 250

In a moment of embarrassment, no one spoke.Sighing, Xue Jian said with a mischievous smile:

"Uncle, you are a scholar. They say that scholars understand a lot of truths. Take a look. This kind of truth may be difficult to find in books."

Liang Sheng hummed more and said:

"Where do the village shrews get the reason for their quarrel? I can't find it in the books."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"No! There are many reasons! Peasant women quarreled just because they lacked some official language, and each of them talked about their own reasons. We can still learn something from it. I am going to have a look and understand the situation. You guys Don't go with them for the time being. Uncle Pang Da, you can take them around outside the village, don't worry, I just went to watch the peasant women quarreling. I won't do anything. Uncle, Uncle Pang Da will leave it to you."

Jiang Jingming understood, cupped his hands knowingly and said:
"Yes, old Pang, you can take us to see it again. If she is a child who likes to play, let her play. It won't be good if we all go. Let's go, let's go, you guys will follow us too."

Jiang Youpeng also understood what Xuejian meant in seconds. Xuejian didn't want these people to report the news, and he didn't want those who were arguing inside to know that his party was here.Jiang Youpeng also took a step forward, seemingly casually, but blocked the way into the village.The father and son stopped at the intersection as they sang together.

Shen Sanzhu and the others took a moment to understand what Xuejian meant, but Shen Sanzhu was a little worried that it would not be safe for Xuejian to go in alone, so he wanted to follow, but was also stopped by Jiang Jingming.Under Jiang Jingming's signal, everyone took the reluctant Pang Dahu and others away from the entrance of the village, and went back to the fields to look around.

Xue Jian rushed to the village alone, no one noticed this strange little girl, everyone was attracted by the person in the quarrel, these two women were the two queens here at the beginning.Now that one is about to lose, the other naturally has more supporters.

So when Xue Jian squeezed in, she saw a woman standing in front of a slightly larger yard, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a tall figure, who seemed to know that she had a lot of strength, and her face was flushed with anger. Bending down and cursing.Although she was alone, she did not lose her momentum at all.

On the opposite side of her stood a slightly better-dressed woman, wearing a [-]-[-]% new jacket, and a slightly thinner golden hairpin on her head. It seemed that this was the wife of that Pang Panghu.Although she was thinner, she looked shrewd and capable. There were seven or eight women standing behind her, whispering to each other from time to time.

The self-proclaimed Gentujia swept his eyes and saw one of the seven or eight women hiding behind and shouted:

"Yo, Rong'er's mother, this is the shot? Don't forget, who told me that Pang Panghu traded bad food for good food and handed it over to his owner. Why? Then he rushed to lick his ass I’m sorry! It’s because your family’s Rong’er is seriously ill, and our family’s Gentu and Rong’er’s father took him to the market overnight to see a doctor. After staying all night, he came back and paid 25 coppers. Until now, you have no Pay me back. It's hard to think about your family, and I haven't asked you. Can you pay me back now?"

Xuejian also followed her eyes to look over, a pale, thin and weak woman, who was pointed at and scolded by Gen Tujia, she could only shrink herself as small as possible and hide herself deeper.But he also felt the eyes from everywhere, especially the mocking eyes from the Gentu family and the knife-like eyes from the Pang Hu family.This Rong'er's mother became anxious, and she immediately limp and fell to the ground.

"Hey, as you can see, I didn't scold her or beat her, but she pretended to be dizzy and wanted to pay me back, right?"

The Tujia pointed at the fallen mother of Rong'er, and declared loudly.The crowd parted ways, and squeezed in a thin and sweaty man, who bowed to Gen Tujia and said:
"Sister Lin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll take her back first."

Then he walked quickly behind those women, and stretched out his hand to help Rong'er's mother who was left alone.He left without saying a word.The onlookers also automatically made way for them.

The Gen Tujia sneered, and then looked at the women across the way, two or three of them also avoided her eyes, as if they wanted to avoid it, wishing there was a crack in the ground to fit themselves in.It seems that these two or three are also temporary rebels.Xuejian felt a little interesting.Everyone is farming some land, and they are helping others to cultivate the land, and they have formed gangs.

Not only the adults, but also the children on one side also quarreled with the gangs.This one says what's wrong with your mother, and the other one says your father has done something bad.Xuejian was just a spectator, hehe, it was really lively.Because the son of the Da Dahu family is here.

Pang Panghu's son looks the same as Pang Panghu, tall and strong, a little stunned.He came up with a loud voice, comparable to that of Liang Sheng.

"Mother, what are you still arguing about? Didn't you say that the East Wing here is going to marry me? I'll go in and follow things."

After saying that, he rushed into the yard in a daze, and bumped into Gen Tujia when passing by.Xue Jian stared to see clearly, Gentujia's waist was turned back to one side, and then his shoulders were straightened.His left shoulder bumped into the left chest of the stupid boy, and the tall stupid boy was knocked back several steps and failed to stand still. He sat upside down covering his chest, and fell to the ground with his ass.But the Tujia tree fell before him, but took a step back and fell on the wall, yelling and cursing:
"Beating! A big guy bullied us women! This is a good tutor of the Pang family! Not only did he come to rob the house, he wanted to kill someone! God, open your eyes! The family who bullied us is not at home. , just come to bully me as a woman!"

The voice of crying and cursing spread far away.Even the group of people far away on the ridge of the field heard it.Pang Panghu was shocked, fearing that something had happened.If something happened, I would be a bit confused.He hurriedly cupped his hands to Jiang Jingming and said:
"Master, I have to go back to the village to have a look. It seems that something happened. I can't help but look. The master is still a child, and she is still young. Don't step on her when there are many people."

"Step on her? Humph! If anyone steps on her, there will be no one to eat. Yesterday, the daughter of the Futai lord didn't know her and slapped her. In the end, the Futai lord and his wife knelt down and didn't ask for it." Excuse me. I guess we will change the government office here soon."

Jiang Jingming said slowly and softly.Hearing that, Pang Panghu was even more surprised!How powerful must this person be who can move the official position of the Futai Master?And my little thoughts...If this is the case, what if someone in my family hurts the new owner?Alas, no matter what, I still have to go back to the village to have a look.After thinking about it, the huge tiger's legs softened, and the tall man suddenly became shorter, kneeling down and begging him to go back to the village to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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