farmer's daughter

Chapter 251 I Didn't Say Chapter Nobody Can Move

Chapter 251

Chapter 250 No one can move without me talking
In fact, it's not just Pang Panghu who is worried, but everyone who hears the voice is also worried!Seeing that Xue Jian was their relative, Liang Shengyue turned around and went to the village without waiting for Jiang Jingming to speak.Just one sentence:
"Jun Lin and Jun Lei stayed to take care of the female relatives, I'll go and have a look."

Shen Sanzhu also went with him.The two walked back to the village quickly, Jiang Jingming frowned, raised his finger to a person behind Pang Panghu and said:
"Go and have a look, and then talk about it when you come back."

Pang Dahu doesn't dare to move too much now, he is afraid that his status in this Zhuangzi will not be guaranteed if he is disobedient. In fact, he is not very worried about his family.What's more, Gentu left early in the morning, probably to find another Zhuangzi.

And Xue Jian at the scene was very calm!She finds it very interesting!This Gentujia is not an ordinary person, you can see that she is hiding from others and at the same time, she returned her hand without showing any traces. Maybe the people around didn't understand, and thought it was the Pang family boy who went to bump into Gentujia and beat him up. Knocked down and fell down.

Someone fell and someone bumped into it. There was a lot of crying and talking, and there was a lot of noise.Xuejian was sitting on a stone strip beside a well and watching.There were also a few children sitting beside her and watching.A child touched Xue Jian and asked:

"Which family are you from? Why haven't I seen you?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I just came here today, of course you haven't seen me."

"Look at the clothes you're wearing, look good. Is your family rich?"

Xue Jian smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly she saw her brother-in-law and father rushing in, she hurriedly stood up to meet her and said:

"Why did you come in? It's okay, I just sat here and watched. They were just arguing."

"Is it all right?"

Shen Sanzhu is not at ease, this girl was beaten yesterday, the swelling on her face disappeared, fortunately there is the medicine from Master.

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"It's all right. Look, I'm fine, but I found out that there are still experts here."

The child on the other side looked at Xue Jian and the two strange men, and hurriedly ran over to talk to the adults in his family:
"Father, there are some strangers over there."

The child's father turned his head to look over, and at a glance he knew that Xuejian was not a tenant. Although Shen Sanzhu looked rougher, but because he didn't usually do much farm work, he was not considered a black man.Wearing a new coat again.The man hurriedly went to talk to others, suspecting that the new master had come.After a while, the noise in the venue stopped, and everyone turned their heads to look at the three of them.

Xue Jian smiled, walked up to the Gentujia man and said:

"What's your name?"

Gentujia looked at Xuejian with a defensive face.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"I am your new master, and this Zhuangzi will be mine from now on."

After finishing speaking, she ignored the surprise of others and asked again:
"Can you tell me your name?"

The Gentu family looked at the child in disbelief, Xuejian looked up at the house and said:

"You should live in this house. I have not agreed. No one dares to let you move out, and no one dares to occupy this yard."

The stunned boy who was knocked to the ground suddenly stood up, pointed at Xuejian and shouted:
"Where did you come from, wild girl! Dare to speak big words here, it is my father who has the final say, and I have the final say on this yard. I will use this yard as my new house when I get married next month!"

Xue Jian's eyes turned cold, she turned to look at the stunned boy and said:

"Do you dare to try to occupy it?"

Pang Da Hu's family also stood up and stared at Xue Jian and cursed:

"Hey, where is the little bitch here! I'm afraid it's a bastard born from that soil and someone else! Wherever it's cooler, go! Don't come here to make trouble!"

As soon as the words were finished, people flew up.With a bang, it fell a foot away.It was the first time for Xuejian to beat someone with internal force!Didn't expect it to work so well!Just blow a grown-up into the air!However, the movement of her kicking out also attracted everyone's attention. Xue Jian stood still and shouted with a sullen face:
"A good person who doesn't speak human words! Reasonable reasoning, scolding people should be beaten!"

He turned his head and said loudly to everyone:

"My name is Shen Xuejian. From now on, I will be the new master of this Zhuangzi! I don't care what you did before, but I'm afraid it will be hard if you want to fool me like you fooled the former master in the future! Let's leave, everyone. I can’t see people looking up, so what’s the use of making noise! ​​Everything in this village will remain the same for the time being, after a good New Year, I’ll make arrangements again! Anyone who refuses to accept and wants to leave, I won’t stay! But whoever wants to act as a bully here Yes, just keep your hands and feet! My Zhuangzi, I am the master! It’s not even a tenant’s turn to be the master!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and pointed at a boy and said:

"You, go find Pang Dahu on the ridge of the field, and say that I agree with him returning to the village!"

Not to mention that kid was a little surprised, everyone was surprised, Pang Panghu was afraid of this little girl?After Xue Jian finished speaking, she turned and walked towards her father.The crowd was slowly dispersing, although those people were pointing at Xue Jian while walking, Xue Jian pretended not to see it.

The native Tujia stood up slowly, looked at Xuejian suspiciously, and smiled again in a blink of an eye:
"You made the master laugh! Miss is really the master? Isn't she a master?"

Xue Jian said seriously:
"It's me, that's my uncle, come and help me see first. Can we come to your house for a while?"

Gen Tujia patted the dirt on his body, stroked his hair in embarrassment and said:

"Why not! As long as the master doesn't think our country is rough. Please sit inside!"

"Wait a minute, we still have some people."

Just as he was talking, he saw Pang Dahu coming with a group of people. That stupid boy was supporting his mother. When he saw it, he yelled:

"Father! This little demon girl beat my mother! She even said she was the master! Come and deal with her!"

Pang Dahu glared at his son!This stupid boy has more success than failure!They don't even look at each other!Pang Panghu went directly to Xuemian and clapped his hands:

"My lord, if my family offends me in any way, please forgive me!"

The stunned boy of the Pang family watched his father apologize in surprise, this, this is too unexpected!Could it be that this little girl is really the master?Or the host's lady!
Xuejian said lightly:
"I never thought Uncle Pang Da would be so powerful! Your family said that you have the final say on the affairs of this village! You have the final say on how to plan against the master's family! I don't believe what they said is true, and the days will be long." Come on, let's take a look! By the way, I just hit your woman because she scolded me! Nothing here is to be moved, and changes will be made after I notify you, and no one should occupy another's house first. If I know someone is bullying the weak, I will make him regret it!"

Pang Panghu gave his wife and son a hard look.Can't it be a day late to make trouble?This new master doesn't follow the routine, I haven't figured out her temperament yet!

(End of this chapter)

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