farmer's daughter

Chapter 254 I Know I Picked It Up

Chapter 254 I Know I Picked It Up

Chapter 250 Four, I Know I Picked It Up

Think about that Zhuangzi, a major change is needed to revitalize that Zhuangzi.But how to do it.I had an early idea that night, and Xue Jian felt that it was not mature enough.In some places, I really don't know much about agriculture. It seems that I have to invite my grandpa and grandpa together to teach myself a lesson.

In addition, at home, my mother has arranged for an embroidery workshop, and other people in the family have to find something for them to do.Lying on the bed and thinking about it, it seems that the eldest sister and brother-in-law should be put on Zhuangzi.Before my family moved out, I might as well show my family a little over there.

The last time I heard my mother and grandma discussed it.I want to arrange the marriage of the second sister Yueyun, and the dowry has been arranged for the second sister.It was only Hong who nodded now.

To be honest, Xue Jian didn't want to take care of anyone in the uncle's family except these sisters.But grandma has to take care of it, don't think that Xue Jian doesn't know that grandma secretly takes things from her own house to help her uncle's house.Xuejian opened her eyes and closed her eyes as if she didn't see it.Xiaocao vomited with her grandma for a few days because of this matter, but it was Xuejian who persuaded Xiaocao.

People in my grandfather's family don't have to worry about Xuejian, and they are always helping Xuejian.My uncle will go to Beijing to take the exam after the Chinese New Year, and my grandmother is going to leave the family affairs to my aunt. My grandmother and my aunt will go to the town to cook for a few cousins ​​and take care of their lives. This is not going to be next year. Shen Chengye, Cheng Qiang and his family's Chengwen are also added.Think about it, my uncle's small yard in the town has turned into a boarding house.Originally, Xuejian said to install underfloor heating in my uncle's yard, but my uncle disagreed, saying that they don't know how to study hard if they don't, and they sleep more sleepily with underfloor heating!
After much deliberation, Xuejian didn't know how she fell asleep, but before dawn, she turned over habitually.I started practicing in the yard.It's just that Xue Jian found that he was followed by a follower when he was practicing.This is Chengqiang. Chengqiang has changed recently. He is silent, but he has a way of doing things.I am more focused on everything I do.That's a nice change.

After practicing, Xuejian came to the front yard, where Wang and Xiaocao were already preparing breakfast for the whole family in the kitchen.There are many people in Xuejian's house now, and there are two tables of people when the meal is opened.Originally, Grandpa Niu mentioned that he brought the three disciples to cook and eat alone, but Xue Jian disagreed, saying that it is like a family if everyone eats together.

After a while the eldest sister also got up.The grandparents and grandchildren were busy making breakfast, and they also cooked some porridge and baked some cakes.Xue Jian sat in front of the fire, staring at the fire in a daze.

When it was twilight.Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.The eldest sister hurried to open the door, and a stick hit her head on. Shen Yuerong couldn't dodge, she was hit on the shoulder, and she screamed:

Only then did he take a look, and it was the Hong family who came over.Mrs. Hong swung the stick again, and cursed at the same time:

"You little whore, little slut, when you see someone else's family is rich, you go to lick their ass, and you come to be a slave. My old lady has been sick in bed for several months. I haven't visited my old lady. My old lady is born You raised you for someone else's family! You heartless whore. I can beat you to death even if I gave birth to you!"

Yue Yun, who came in behind Hong Shi, stepped forward and grabbed her hand, trying to take the stick from her hand, and shouted:
"Mother, stop beating, stop beating, eldest sister has nothing to do. Brother-in-law's family drove them out, and they have nowhere to go, so they came to third uncle's house. Will you take them in when you return to our house?"

And Shen Yuerong crouched in the corner with her head in her arms and cried.Hong Shi rushed over again and wanted to fight again.A few Wangs stood up, and Wang scolded:
"Hong Shi, what are you going to do? Come to other people's house early in the morning to fight and make trouble, don't be ashamed! Yuerong's family was called by me, and you said she was born by you, so why don't you still watch her?" Let their family starve to death."

Mrs. Hong threw the stick in his hand on the ground, stood in the yard and cursed loudly:
"You don't need to say so much. Didn't you say that you would follow our big house? Didn't you say that you would stick to Chengzu in everything? The third family is rich, has a new house, and has big white steamed buns to eat. You guys I just ran here to enjoy the blessings. Are you enjoying the blessings? It seems that you wake up early in the morning to make breakfast, and the third family is still sleeping late, and they want you to cook breakfast and wait? You just want to eat the meat. Let us leave Chengzu alone. Our Chengzu can't read well now, and has no food or clothing. This is your eldest grandson! Look at our family, the broken hand was beaten by the monster they invited, Broken leg, broken leg, do you care? Pooh! Don’t tell me so much, let me discipline my own head office!”

Xue Jian stretched her head out from the kitchen, she was a little surprised, this Hong family is swearing well today!No more pranks?

Xiaocao stood in front of Mrs. Wang and replied:

"Auntie, don't talk nonsense. My mother didn't get up to cook because my mother's injury hasn't fully healed yet. Every morning, she needs to apply medicine. Grandma also loves my mother so she comes to help with the cooking. Don't think about it for so many years , Have you cooked breakfast? Isn’t it all made by grandma? Why are you arguing now that you haven’t done it with you? You don’t want to think about how you treat grandma and grandpa, you still have the face to quarrel.”

Hong raised the stick in his hand and threw it at Xiaocao, cursing:
"You little bitch! You don't even know who your mother is. You don't even know who gave birth to you."

Xiaocao dodged the falling stick and cursed angrily:
"I picked it up, I know I picked it up, what's the matter! The mother who gave birth to me doesn't want me, so I will treat her as dead. This mother wants me and loves me, so I will recognize her as my mother, what's the matter, Everyone in the Murakami clan knows that this is my family, and only this family has my mother!"

"Okay, okay, okay, when you grow up one by one, you think that I can't control you anymore. If I don't have a good life, you don't want to live a good life either!"

Hong didn't have a stick in his hand, looked left and right, and there was nothing in his hand, but he rushed up angrily, grabbed Shen Yuerong's clothes, and tore them apart. It was torn, revealing the new jacket inside.Seeing it, Hong was even more angry, tearing up and cursing:

"Didn't you say you're going to die of starvation? You're still wearing layers of new clothes, so you don't come back to see my old lady. I don't care if my old lady is dead or alive. My old lady will pull your skin off."

Xue Jian could see that Shen Yuerong was afraid of Hong Shi in her bones, and would only make her dare not fight back.Still crying in his mouth:
"Mother, don't tear it up. This is the new dress my sister Xue'er bought for me. It's a pity to tear it up. Don't tear it up. I was wrong. I'll go back to see you and Dad in a while!"

"Stop it, what are you doing here so early in the morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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