Chapter 255
Chapter 250

It was the old Mr. Shen who came in wearing a long robe. The old Mr. Shen was still used to walking around the fields every day before dawn. Yesterday he heard Xue saw that he had bought a Zhuangzi in Fucheng. , There are more than 800 mu of good land, and old Mr. Shen is very excited. For an old farmer like him who has been farming all his life, having land and good land is the happiest thing.

He couldn't sleep well last night, always thinking about how to plant the 800 mu of land.How to plan.Turning around, I thought that when I was old, no matter how much land I gave myself, I would not be able to grow much.I didn't sleep all night, got up early in the morning and went out to look at the original land of my home. I thought about how hard I had planted these fields for decades, but I didn't make a fortune. It was because of Xueer's hard work in the past half a year that she also had a house. There is also money.Now there is still such a big Zhuangzi.How wide is this land, I'm afraid you can't see the edge at a glance.

I came back when I was a little tired from walking around, but I didn't expect to hear the noise in the yard before I entered the yard.As soon as he came in and saw that the eldest daughter-in-law was acting like a demon again, the old head Shen was so angry that he yelled as soon as he came.

After being yelled at by old Mr. Shen, Mrs. Hong stopped for a while, and then simply sat down on the ground and started her own profession again, sloppy.Weeping and cursing:
"What kind of world is this? I was conceived in October, and all of them went to other people's homes. If there is food for mother, if there is clothes for mother, are you not afraid of thunder? My mother broke her hand." You still have to cook and eat yourself, and you have to take care of your brothers, and if your father is sick and no one goes to see him, is there any reason?"

Wang stepped forward and asked:
"You mean Dazhu is sick?"

Turning around, he said to himself:

"That's right, I haven't seen him come out for the past two days. Yun'er, is your father really sick?"

Yue Yun nodded and said:

"Yes, Dad may have caught a cold, so he refused to ask Grandpa Seven to get medicine. I went to find some herbs for him to cook for him to eat. He got better last night. He sweated a lot, and he didn't have a fever today. gone."

Wang said oh.The Hong family was still howling there, waking up the whole family, Cheng Wu burst into tears when he was woken up, Xiaocao was busy hugging Cheng Wu again, and also helped clean up Yue Wei.Liang Chengfang had to apply medicine for an hour every morning.This is what old man Mo told him, and there is no delay.So, in fact, Liang Chengfang woke up very early every day, and applied the medicine when he got up, and it would be just right when the children got up.But now listening to Little crying and Yuewei calling for someone, Liang Chengfang couldn't get on her stomach anymore.

When Shen Sanzhu heard that his sister-in-law was making trouble, he didn't want to come out to deal with her, but now he saw that the entire family was in a mess.Hastily pressed Liang Chengfang and said:
"You can't move, don't forget what Senior Mo said. I'll go and see the child, and I'll just bring Wei'er here too."

Xiaocao also shouted at the side:
"Mother, don't pay attention to her, look, our Wu'er is not crying anymore. Be good, sister Wei will come to play with Wu'er in a while. Sister Cao'er will bring you your rice cereal, and grandma will make it for you Well, put it in the pot and heat it up."

After a while, Shen Sanzhu hugged Yuewei, put her on the bed with her mother, Yuewei crawled over to be next to her mother, and imitated her mother to lie there, and fell asleep again after a while.

Xuejian now doesn't want to pay attention to this auntie, she quarrels everyone in a good morning and everyone is in a bad mood.Mrs. Wang originally wanted to drive Mrs. Hong away, but when she heard that her eldest son was really ill, she turned around and took off her apron, saying that she was going to see her eldest son.Mrs. Wang wanted to call Mrs. Hong away, but Mrs. Hong refused to leave, and cursed:

"I came here today to talk to my third brother for a reason. My daughters have been snatched away by him one by one. As a result, no one in our family came to visit. These white-eyed wolves were all teased by him. This The younger one was given to him, and even the married one will be taken back. What is he going to do! Ah! His third child has become rich and rich. He also repaired the house for the second child. Everyone said that Shen’s third child How nice to my brother. Have you ever visited his elder brother? Shen Dazhu is not his brother? He grew up without Shen Dazhu behind his back when he was a child? You have to have a conscience. You are fed and clothed warmly, but what about us, Our family doesn’t even have any rice. My God, this is going to starve us to death, our family will only eat white water and wild vegetables during Chinese New Year!”

Seeing her father standing at the door of the main house, Xue Jian lowered her head slowly.Seeing Xue Xue got angry, this Hong family has never been unreasonable, what he said today was a set pattern, and he even talked about love.There must be someone teaching behind this.It doesn't matter who it is, but looking at Shen Sanzhu like that now, it really reminds me of my childhood.

Xue Jian stepped forward and stood in front of Hong Shi, staring at her and saying:

"Do you think that my master is not at home to make trouble? My father and the others don't want to touch you, and my mother is sick and dare not use force. We are still young and you are easy to bully? Let me tell you, you are wrong! Don't Tell me about those things when I was a child, I am now a child. I wrote down how your family treated our family when I was a child. I just remembered this enmity. What? If I have money to give to the whole village, I won’t give it to you What's the matter? Hong Shi, let me tell you, don't come here, I don't know who will teach you later, today you still speak in a different way. This is not something you can think of, you can't say it Yes. I am the head of our family now! Uncle is sick, uncle has sons and daughters, and you are a capable wife. Go ask your sons, aren’t they very successful? Can they only eat meat and not bran? I have eaten it, has your son eaten it? When I was a child, when I was a child, was my uncle like this? Isn’t it because I married you, a woman! Get out! Get out! In the future, you Hong will step into the door of my house, I'll break your leg!"

While talking, Xue Jian approached Hong Shi, and at the same time pulled out the whip that was still wrapped around her waist after practicing.There were two empty sounds beside Hong Shi, and Hong Shi got up and backed away to the door with a grunt in fright.That skill makes people laugh!This is when the wicked are punished by the wicked.

After Hong backed away, he raised his slap fiercely, as if he wanted to hit Xue Jian, but this time Xue Jian was not afraid to take another step closer, raised his face to stare at Hong and said:
"Hit it, try it, see if you hit me first or I break your leg first? Do you think I learned from Master for nothing?"

After speaking, he flicked the empty whip again, and it hit Hong Shi's feet with a bang, and Hong Shi jumped instinctively.Just jumped on a small stone by the door, stumbled on his feet and backed away suddenly, couldn't stand still, and fell backward with a slap.This time she didn't pretend to be dead, she just turned over and ran out of the courtyard, before yelling:
"Someone is coming, Xue Jian is going to kill someone, here is someone, Xue Jian is going to kill someone!"

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(End of this chapter)

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