farmer's daughter

Chapter 261 Take Animals, Do It Too Chapter 1 Education of Close Relatives

Chapter 261 Taking Animals as Education for Inbreeding
Chapter 260: Using Animals as an Education for Inbreeding
Aunt Shen looked inside the car again, and then looked at Shen Sanzhu's slightly sweaty appearance.Still in disbelief:



Only then did Shen Sanzhu pull the eldest sister back into the house, and Aunt Shen looked back uneasy, and shouted again:
"Qisheng, you just look at the carriage at this door. There are still things from your uncle's house in the carriage."

Wu Qisheng nodded with a smile, and pinched two pastries given to him by Xiaocao in his hands. This is something he has never eaten before, so taste it carefully.

Aunt Shen went back to the house with a pile of fabrics in her arms, Xiaocao and Yueya had already cried into a ball, Xuejian persuaded her, the two little ones were a little at a loss.Aunt Shen's daughter made a cup of tea for her uncle, and Shen Sanzhu called out:

"Xiaohua, come on, this is your sister Xueer, you have seen this little grass sister before. This is Chengwen, this is your eldest cousin's son, named Xiaoliang. Xueer, this is your eldest aunt's daughter , Miss Xiaohua."

Xuejian called out sweetly:

"Miss Xiaohua."

Xiaohua nodded shyly, smiled, turned around and went to the kitchen again.It looks like it's going to be eaten whole.Xue Jian hurriedly said:
"Auntie, we came here to eat, so don't prepare our lunch."

"Where is it that you don't even take a sip of porridge?"

Aunt Shen didn't follow her anymore.See you again:
"It's true. We're here to pick up Sister Yueya and come back to see you and sister-in-law, and bring you some New Year's goods."

Aunt Shen said in a low voice:

"Look, you bought so many things for my aunt, but it cost a lot of money. Xue'er, your father said that you are now the head of the house. You are still young."

Xue Jian also lowered her voice mischievously:
"Don't worry, Auntie, it's not just things. I'll take this for you. Now our family has something to do. My mother is working in an embroidery workshop. If you want, next year I will ask sister Xiaohua to embroider with my mother. My father and I The second uncle is repairing the house. Next year, I will call my uncle and cousin. Then your family will be better. You can use this money to buy a piece of land and rebuild the house. Don't suffer this anger in the middle! Go out and build a big house."

Aunt Shen lowered her head to look at the thing Xue Jian put in her palm, it was paper, she opened it gently, Aunt Shen's hands trembled, it was a silver note of 500 taels!I have never done it myself.At any rate, I went to the bank once, and just met a person who took out the bank note, so I took a look at it.Once you see it, you can't forget it. 500 taels!It's not worth selling all of them!
Aunt Shen hurriedly returned it to Neng Xue like the silver ticket was hot, and said:
"Why do you carry so much money with you? Put it away."

Xuejian held the palm of the aunt's hand tightly again and said:

"Auntie, don't worry, I will give it to you, which shows that I have the spare capacity. I paid for the second uncle's house. I also paid for your house and sister-in-law's house, but they are far away. Buy it. I will ask someone to build it when it is built. Let’s build a house with floor heating like my house. I won’t be afraid of the cold in winter.”

Aunt Shen still wanted to evade, but Shen Sanzhu stepped forward and said:

"Sister, just keep it. If your niece is willing to give it, our family can afford it. Don't talk about it anymore, outsiders will hear it!"

Only then did Aunt Shen accept it, her heart was still pounding, she turned around twice and said:

"There are so many, where do I put them!"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"Take a purse and tie it around your waist. Auntie, don't worry. In this way, you'd better hurry up and buy the land. The money will be opened, don't you feel relieved? If there is any left, just Save it for the eldest cousin to marry a wife."

Aunt Shen also calmed down, smiled and said:

"Okay, listen to you. It's not safe here in our house."

After saying that, he gently raised his fingers to point to both sides; Xue Jian's eyes darkened.Take it to heart.Aunt Shen really went to find a purse, packed it up and put it on her body.And said:
"I want to marry a daughter-in-law, but I'm afraid your aunt won't agree?"

"What's the matter with her?"

Yue Ya, who was sitting on the other side, turned slightly and passed by.Seemingly embarrassed, Xue Jian asked calmly.Knowing from Xuejian that the aunt had such thoughts, Xuejian wanted to come and talk about it, so as not to let them all fall into it.This is not good.That's why I gave the money directly to my aunt. I originally planned to repair the house for both my aunt and sister.Secondly, it is an excuse to talk about it.

Sure enough, Auntie pointed to Yue Ya and said softly:
"I think that Yue Ya fits my heart, and our mother and I get along well. From now on, we will be together for a lifetime."

Xue Jian lightly frowned and said:

"Isn't that scary?"

Aunt Shen was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Xue Jian said that.Xue Jian's voice was neither high nor low, deliberately speaking so that everyone in the room could hear it.

"Auntie, I've read some books that say it's not good for cousins ​​to get married. It's not good for future generations, and it's easy to give birth to idiots or freaks."

Xuejian said slowly, seeing that the aunt's complexion was not good, Yue Ya's face was also pale, even the eldest cousin stood by the door and looked at Xuejian in a daze.Xuejian said again:
"Let's not talk about what is said in the book, just look at the chickens and pigs we raise. I heard my grandfather say it last time. It said that pigs born from one mother cannot be bred. You have to find piglets from other pigs outside. Feeding. Isn’t this chicken and rabbit all these? Those who come from a father and mother are not worthy, or they can’t afford it, or they are stillborn. Auntie, you have raised animals for so many years, don’t you think so?”

Xuejian's words were simple and easy to understand, and everyone in the room understood when she said them.Even Aunt Shen looked up at Xue Jian.Seeing that this point is broken, Xue Jian seems to be true, but are there still many nieces following the aunt's house?

Xuejian said again:

"Besides, look at our Shenjia Village. The two disabled people and a fool are all related by cousins? I don't recognize them if they are far away, but is it like this among the people you know? ? Not all of them, but there are always a lot of people like this, right? Can you gamble with the lives of your eldest cousin and sister Yueya? Besides, our family will gradually get better in the future, Daddy Cousin is skilled, my sister Yueya also went back to learn embroidery with my mother, or I find another job for her to do, they will not let them get married. Cousin and cousin have a good relationship, we are brothers and sisters That’s right. I really can’t get married. Anyway, I’m against it!”

Shen Sanzhu didn't notice this problem at first, thinking about the two disabled people in Shenjia Village and the second idiot at the west end of the village, it really is!Both of their parents were cousins.One of them was a relative who was exchanged between the two families, and the other was also born with a child who couldn't stand up.Everyone blamed each other for the bad character of the other family.Now the in-laws have become enemies.

As soon as Xue Jian said it, Shen Sanzhu really felt that this was the case, so he couldn't help but sit up straight.After thinking about it:
"Sister, that's really the truth. Why don't you take a look again? Don't worry, we take everything about Qidong to heart."

Aunt Shen's eyes were red now, she choked up and said:
"Our family is poor! The good children have never gone to school. I am at odds with Yue Ya, so I have this idea, but I didn't expect that it would harm their descendants. If this is the case, then I really I'm sorry for the two children!"

(End of this chapter)

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