farmer's daughter

Chapter 262 I found a shopkeeper before opening the shop

Chapter 262 I found a shopkeeper before opening the shop
Chapter 260 The store hasn't opened yet, so I found a shopkeeper
Xuejian looked at the big cousin squatting at the door and sister Yueya sitting in the room, it seemed that she only had such intentions, and she hadn't reached the kind of deep affection. After hearing what she said, she didn't Very painful look.I let go of half of my heart.

Everyone in the room fell silent. Although Xue Jian's words were reasonable, she was still a child after all, so her persuasive power was still not that strong.

Xue Jian said another medicine:

"Gu, you know that my uncle is a Mr. Juren, right? When my family was like that, my grandma thought about ordering me to one of my cousins, but my uncle firmly opposed it. What I said just now is My uncle said it. He is a gentleman, and he is also a person who has read a lot of books. He will go to Beijing to be an examiner next year."

Xue Jian threw the blame on Liang Shengyue again.Liang Shengyue, who was preparing for the exam at Liang's house, sneezed loudly, and Hu Yueyan hurriedly asked if he was cold.Turn around and see that this is in the underfloor heating room.Liang Shengyue didn't understand why he sneezed.

Xuejian's reason has some weight.Aunt Shen looked up at Shen Sanzhu and said:

"Is that true? Did her brother-in-law really say that?"

Shen Sanzhu refused to come up, Xiaocao fell to the side and continued:
"Yes, when we first came to live with my grandma, I heard them say it once. Dad didn't know."

In fact, Xiaocao was confused in her heart, Xue Jian had told Liang Shengyue about this at the beginning.Xiaocao heard it.But now she can't remember who said it first, anyway, Xue'er said it was my uncle who said it, so it was my uncle who said it.Cher never misses.Xiaocao thinks so.

With Xiaocao's testimony, Aunt Shen wrote back.Moon Ya also lowered her head.Xue Jian let out a sigh of relief.And said:
"Auntie, don't be angry. My eldest cousin is only 16 years old. The house will be built next year. My eldest cousin will come to my house with my uncle after the new year. I promise to find a good job for you. Yes. Things are done, and we have a new house. My eldest cousin is good-looking. Are you still afraid that this marriage will not come to you? When the time comes, we can choose it!"

Aunt Shen spat on Xue'er, laughed and cursed:
"Look, you are a girl who goes out and says this, and you are not afraid of being laughed at by others. Besides, it is not because of your help to repair the house."

After saying that, he patted the purse in his heart again.Xue Jian said sternly:

"Auntie, I don't like you thinking about this every day. You and my father are sisters and brothers of a compatriot, and we are a family. How can I not help when I am able? Just change places, It’s my cousin who has the ability, our family is still the same as before, do you think you are different and will help us?”

"That's right, sister, Xue'er is right."

"Ah, now I know why this little doll is in charge of your family. You speak so sweetly! You are also thoughtful in doing things! Okay, auntie will listen to you this time. Next year, let your big cousin and you Uncle is going to find you. Our family is pointing at you!"

It seems that Aunt Shen trusted Xue Jian, so Xue Jian patted her chest and smiled:
"Okay, wrap it on me."

Wu Qidong, who was leaning against the door, looked back at Yue Ya, and then said slowly:
"But neither my father nor I know how to repair a house."

Shen Sanzhu said:

"It doesn't matter, it can't be learned."

Xue Jian looked at this cousin seriously, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a stocky figure, he was a reliable person at first glance.

Xuejian said again:

"Cousin, I don't know what you can do. Let me put it this way, have you ever thought about what to do? What is your favorite thing to do? Tell me, I think I can help!"

"I...I'm most..., anything can?"

Halfway through, Wu Qidong asked Xue Jian again.Xue Jian nodded and said:
"I have a master and four senior brothers. Among them, my senior brother is the eldest son of the Hou family, and my senior sister-in-law is the princess of the grandson's palace. So, as long as you don't do bad things, I think I can help you."

Aunt Shen opened her mouth wide, looked at Xue Jian and said:
"Really? Xuejian?"

Shen Sanzhu on one side said:

"Really, there is also her little senior brother, who is also the son of Xiaoyaohou. She has lived in our house for a long time."

Wu Qidong moved his body, stood up straight and said:
"I don't want to be an official, nor do I want to do bad things. I want to be a shopkeeper. When I went back to town, I saw that shopkeeper. He was very good! I thought it would be great if I could be a shopkeeper."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone else in the room laughed, thinking that he would ask for something, but he didn't expect to be the shopkeeper!
Xuejian also laughed, but when she saw her cousin's flushed face, she smiled and said:
"It's not impossible! It's just that you want to be the shopkeeper of what you sell? I just bought a shop in Huishan Town, and I don't have a shopkeeper yet."

Wu Qidong's eyes lit up, he bent forward and asked:
"Really? What are you selling?"

"Dong'er, you, it's better to learn how to repair the house from your third uncle and second uncle, so don't make trouble for Xue'er."

Aunt Shen hurriedly interrupted Wu Qidong, fearing to cause trouble to Xuejian.

Wu Qidong stopped as expected, and heard Xue Jian say again:
"Auntie, it's really nothing. My shop is still empty now, and I have no idea what to do. If my cousin has an idea, you can tell me, and I can start planning. However, if my cousin really does it My shopkeeper, you must first learn how to read and write. Come to our house in the next year, and I will be responsible for enrolling you and your younger brother. It’s just that you go to school during the day to learn characters, and at night you have to learn accounts. I'll teach you. OK?"

Wu Qidong stood up straight, and said seriously:

"I can sell anything. I want to be a good shopkeeper. Can I really learn to read?"

Xiaocao said:
"What's wrong, Xue'er paid for a school in our village. From now on, the children of our clan will not need money to go to school, and Xue'er will take care of it. It must be fine for you and your little cousin to go to school. "

Wu Qidong immediately turned around and looked at Aunt Shen, and said firmly:
"Mom, I'm going!"

Aunt Shen was also very excited, she looked at Xue Jian again and said:

"Really? Then there are literate people in our Wu family!"

After being reconfirmed by Shen Sanzhu, Aunt Shen finally nodded in agreement. Wu Qidong rushed out happily, and went directly to tell his younger brother that he would be able to enter school next year.

Wu Xiaohua also stood up and said:

"Mom, the porridge is ready, it's time to eat."

Seeing that the children were full in the carriage, Xue couldn't eat any more.Shen Sanzhu even drank a bowl of porridge.After eating, Xuejian said again:
"We have to go to my sister-in-law's house for a while, and then I have to go back, dad, I'm afraid to hurry up."

Shen Sanzhu nodded and said:
"Okay, let's go, Yue Ya, pack your things. We'll pick you up when we come back from my little sister."

Moonbud nodded.Shen Sanzhu took a few more children and rushed to the second sister's house. Fortunately, Aunt Shen's house was only a few miles away from Aunt Shen's house, and Aunt Shen's house was still eating when she rushed there.

(End of this chapter)

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