farmer's daughter

Chapter 263 Is there anything delicious to hide when you see a visitor?

Chapter 263 Is there anything delicious to hide when you see a visitor?

Chapter 260 The third chapter is there any delicious food that you hide after seeing visitors?

The house of Aunt Shen's house is similar to that of Aunt Shen's house, only a little bigger.As far as Xuejian knew, Aunt Shen's family was originally not separated, and there were still elders.But this elder is now paralyzed in bed, and Aunt Shen and his wife are in front of the house.But just when the aunt's house was about to leave, I heard that the sister-in-law's family had separated, Shen Sanzhu only said:
"It's better to divide!"

Aunt Shen's real name is Xiaomei Shen.It is said that when she was born as a daughter, she didn't even choose a name carefully, so she was called Shen Xiaomei directly.

Shen Xiaomei's husband is called Wei Chenggang. In fact, the Wei family was originally a craftsman who knew how to make wine.It is said that the wine brewing of the ancestors is still famous far and wide, but in the generation of Wei Chenggang's grandfather, the family business was lost due to gambling.Even if he was in his old business again, he didn't even have any clothes.Wei Chenggang's father's generation is busy with making ends meet, and they don't care about their own ancestral handicrafts. It's just that Wei Chenggang's grandfather is approaching old age, but he really regrets it. He only wants to pass on the handicrafts. .So I wrote behind closed doors for more than half a month, and wrote down some technologies that are unknown to outsiders.After observing the three grandsons for a while, I finally decided to pass it on to Wei Chenggang, who is the most honest and diligent.

Wei Chenggang was taught by his grandfather for half a year. When his grandfather returned home from illness, Wei Chenggang firmly remembered that he wanted to revive his ancestral business.But for a large family, it would be nice to have enough to eat, so where is the capital coming from?

Wei Chenggang can only rest assured about this matter, although learning from his grandfather is really only on paper and has never been practiced, but Wei Chenggang honestly memorized the things written by his grandfather by rote.I dare not forget for a day that there are two younger brothers in the family who have also become relatives one after another. Now a family of ten or so eats meals and has to take care of the old father who is paralyzed on the bed every day.In addition, the two younger sisters and daughter-in-law always feel that they have done too much work, and they have to come back to take turns taking care of the old man when they are tired.Both Wei Chenggang and Shen Xiaomei are honest people, even if they are a little tired, they don't care about it so much.

But the more honest a person is, the more he is bullied.The small two families even found some such and other things to make troubles, and finally broke up a family last month.In the end, Wei Chenggang and Shen Xiaomei let the two younger brothers and sisters take everything away.In the end, I didn't even have food for the day at home.After hearing the news, Aunt Shen rushed over in a hurry, and luckily brought a few catties of rice with her.That's why the hungry child and the old man paralyzed on the bed were not starved.

Aunt Shen refused, and went out to find their clan, and it is said that their clan even came forward to mediate.In the end, some things were brought back, but no one wanted to share the care of the elderly.The brotherhood between father and son is said to have been broken since then!If you still set up a branch tree in the family, it doesn't mean a family tree.

Clay Bodhisattva still has three elements of earth nature.This time Wei Chenggang was also angry.I agreed in front of the patriarch, and when my father gets old, he will provide for the old by himself.The Wei family no longer has these two brothers.The patriarch really divided the scores for them.

After hearing this, Xue Jian just sighed, this is really a difficult scripture for every family.

When we arrived at the door of Shen Xiaomei's house, Shen Xiaomei's family was eating, and they said they were eating. There was only one pickle on the table, a small half pot of wild vegetable soup, and only two children and Shen Xiaomei were eating. To be precise, Shen Xiaomei was looking at the two The children ate it, because only two children still had a rough bread in their hands.Miss Shen didn't.There is only a bowl of soup in front of me.

Seeing Shen Sanzhu coming into the yard, Shen Xiaomei was stunned for a while, and immediately went to bring the soup and put it inside, as if she wanted to hide something.With a sullen face, Shen Sanzhu shouted in a low voice:

"What are you hiding? Is there any delicious food that you hide when you see visitors?"

Shen Xiaomei also put down the basin in embarrassment, and put it directly beside her, and stood in front of her and said:

"Third brother, why are you here? Have you eaten yet?"

Shen Sanzhu is more than a head taller than this second sister.Stretching out his head, he knew it, and said with a dark face:

"If you haven't eaten, come and eat what you want to hide."

Xiaocao and Xuejian followed in, and Xiaocao called out:
"Sister-in-law, there are still us."

Xue Jian also called aunt.Only then did Shen Xiaomei see that there were several children behind.Shen Xiaomei hurriedly called the children to come in and sit down.Only then did Xue Jian take a serious look at my sister-in-law's house.Except that the house of Xiaomei Shen's house is a little wider than that of Aunt Shen's house, the house is really barren.My sister's house doesn't have a yard yet, the door is just a road away, and it's still far away from other people's homes. I heard that the two brothers didn't want the old house here after they separated. They are all looking for another place to live or simply going to seek refuge with their natal family.But you can also imagine how crowded the ten people in this family used to be, and three of them were husband and wife.

Of the two children sitting at the table, one looked to be eight years old, thin and small.Those eyes were big and watery.Like sister-in-law.And the younger one is probably only five or six years old, maybe younger than me, but looks thinner.It seems to be sick.

When Xiaomei Shen saw her younger brother, nephew and niece coming, all of them were well dressed, she felt a little embarrassed and restrained like this in her own house.

"Where's brother-in-law Wei?"

Shen Sanzhu glanced at it and asked.

"He's feeding his father in the back room."

Shen Xiaomei hurriedly greeted the two children as Uncle San, and the two children shrank behind their mother as if they were a little timid.Shen Sanzhu was tall and dark-faced, indeed a bit scary.No wonder children are afraid of him.

Shen Sanzhu didn't pay attention to this, he was angry because he heard what the elder sister said.This second sister has always been honest and never goes back to her mother's house to talk about things.The last time the house was repaired and they were invited back for dinner, only the second sister went back without saying anything.This also means that the Shen family is not incapable now, so why not go back to her mother's house to talk about something?
What made Shen Sanzhu angry was that the second sister was too honest!Without waiting for the second sister to say hello, she sat down and said:

"Look at you, how your life is going. We didn't talk about your situation when we went back to Shenjia Village last time. We thought you were all right. No matter what happened before, the family still had enough to eat. Look What are you eating now? It’s fine if you don’t take care of yourself, and let the children suffer with you. Go back to your mother’s house and talk about your difficulties? We brothers can help if we can, and we can’t help everyone together Isn't it good to think of a way? It's good to hide everything. If we didn't come here today, when do you want to hide it? If the eldest sister is close to you, I will give you something to eat from time to time. I think I will watch it today It's not you!"

(End of this chapter)

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