farmer's daughter

Chapter 264 Make Another Investment

Chapter 264 Make Another Investment

Chapter 260 Four Make Another Investment

Shen Sanzhu became more and more angry as he talked.Looking at the clothes worn by the two children behind Xiaomei Shen, her eyes turned red again, and she turned to Xue'er and said:

"Go and get a set of clothes that are going to be bought for Xiaoliang and his brothers in the car. Wear them, bring yours, and wear them for little cousin."

Xue Jian was a little surprised, this little one is his cousin?Looks like a sick boy.The hair is also short, it looks like it has been cut.The clothes I wore were also changed from the clothes of adults.Surprised was surprised, Xuejian still took Xiaocao and turned around to get into the carriage to get things.

Chengwen and Xiaoliang also turned around and helped to move all the things on the carriage for the sister-in-law's house into the house.When Xue Jian came in, there was another person in the room, a man who looked naive, it seemed that this was my uncle.It also seemed that he was being scolded by Shen Sanzhu.

Aunt Shen, like Aunt Shen, looked a little apprehensive when looking at the things brought in, and also anxiously stopped them.The words are the same, thinking that there are too many things for her.Afraid of bringing trouble to Shen Sanzhu's family.

After going back and forth several times, some things were taken down by Shen Sanzhu himself.The children cannot move.Xuejian shared the cakes in her hand with the siblings, but the siblings did not dare to reach out to pick them up.The hand that the little cousin stretched out was pulled back by the elder brother.He just stared at the pastry and kept swallowing his saliva.

Xue Jian handed it forward again, and said softly:

"Eat, this is what I bought today."

When Xiaomei Shen saw it, she wiped her still red eyes and said with a sob:

"Eat, Feng'er, Bao'er eats too."

Only then did the two children take it over to eat, and they ate it in small bites, for fear that it would be gone after eating it all at once.

Xue Jian was a little speechless, these two aunts seemed to be having a bad time, but they never went back to their mother's house to ask their brothers to help them, at best they had backbone, at worst they were stubborn donkeys!Shen Sanzhu naturally criticized Wei Chenggang again. Wei Chenggang's brother-in-law dared not speak in front of this brother-in-law.Stand obediently.

Xue Jian couldn't figure it out. The elder uncle was older, and he knew that he would go out to find work and find money when the farming was not busy. The younger uncle looked tall and big, but stayed at home all day. The whole family pointed at more than three acres. Susukita lives in Susukita.And drag a patient.

From the conversation, Xuejian also asked this question, and Aunt Shen sighed and said:

"His father is sick and paralyzed in bed. He doesn't want me to serve him. He said he is afraid that my wife will kill him! The wife is an outsider, as long as your uncle is close. He has been lying in bed for three years. Our family separated this year, and he said that I instigated it. No, he doesn't eat the rice I cook, and he has to cook for him alone with your brother-in-law."

Xue Jian was speechless, this old man would not be reconciled if he did not torture his son and his family!I don't know if the little uncle is his own!

Shen Sanzhu sighed and said:
"Is there any way, this man is old and sick, who knows what he thinks. But your family can't always be dragged down by him like this. He's not sober, but he's a bit shameless. Maybe he's afraid that you won't care Second brother-in-law, you should tell him clearly that you are going out to earn money to support your family. You cannot always be kept at home. Whether he accepts it or not, you have done your best. Otherwise, these two children will always To grow up, money is always needed.”

Wei Chenggang squatted on the ground, scratched his hair with his hands, and said in a muffled voice:
"Actually, let's go out and find something to do, and I don't know what to do. After the separation, we only have two or three acres of land. To be honest, it's not a good land. What can we get? We used to be a big family together. It's okay to drag and drop, but now that we're separated, I feel that I have nothing to eat."

Xuejian interface said:
"Little uncle, you can do whatever you know how to do. I have also heard from my father along the way that your family has the skill of making wine from family. Why don't you do it? If you don't have the capital, then you should think about it from now on." How to do it, what to prepare, how much money to spend, tell me, I will invest the capital for you, you make it, and I will sell it. Okay?"

Wei Chenggang looked up at Xuejian in surprise, in fact he didn't recognize Xuejian, and he hadn't seen Xuejian for a long time. When he went to Shenjia Village, Xuejian didn't go out of the house because of illness.And this year, I haven't been to Shenjia Village because of family affairs, but I just heard from Shen Xiaomei that the third brother's daughter is very smart and has helped the family earn a lot of money.

Wei Chenggang was not surprised by what Xue Jian said, because he just looked at the things they sent, and knew that they did have money recently, and they even built a new house.But the money belongs to others, not to himself. Wei Chenggang lowered his head and thought about it, then raised his head in embarrassment and confusion and said:

"I don't think there's anything you can do to help me. I just heard my grandfather memorize those things, but I haven't actually done it, and I don't know if it's okay to do it. Don't use the money and end up in vain."

Xuejian raised her finger to point to the room and said:

"Little uncle, take a look at your family. Now you have nothing. It's better to try than not to work hard. It doesn't matter if you fail the first time. We will do it the second time and the third time. As long as you are willing If you try with your heart, you will always succeed. We don’t do so much at the beginning, we just need to master the skills. Do you think it will work?”

Wei Chenggang's eyes lit up, Xue Jian said again:

"What do we need to prepare? We don't understand this. You have to say, you have to think about what tools you want before we can prepare. Where to do it, how to do it, you have to plan first. Little uncle, anyway, this is far away. It’s only two days before Chinese New Year, and you can’t do much farm work, so you should think about it carefully and write down what you want. We’ll do it when the time comes.”

Having said that, Xuejian took out a five hundred silver note from her purse and handed it to my uncle, saying:

"I will give five hundred to my aunt and aunt. I told them that I want them to use it to build a house. With your money, I think you are going to make this brewing bar first. Don't worry about the house in advance. If you really Do it, decide where, and then build the house. Do you think it will work?"

Wei Chenggang stood up all of a sudden, wiped his hands on his body, looked at the bank note in Xue Jian's hand, but dared not take it.Repeatedly said:

"How can this be done, how can this be done? There are so many!"

Xuejian turned to look at her father again and said:

"Father, I think so. Why don't we let the elder sister's family and the younger sister's family move in after repairing the house on the Zhuangzi? Grandpa and grandma also said they want to go and have a look. The elder brother-in-law always said that he would take care of Zhuangzi. I'm afraid I can't do well, so now my sister-in-law and the others are going too, so we can look at each other. That way we can rest assured. Let them go and live first. There is food in the village, and there is a mountain spring over there. It would be better to use it for wine making The water is good. Let's build the winery on the Zhuangzi, what do you think?

(End of this chapter)

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