farmer's daughter

Chapter 265 Where Did Master Go?

Chapter 265 Where Did Master Go?
Chapter 260 Five Where Did Master Go?

"it is good!"

Shen Sanzhu patted his thigh and said:
"In this way, Xue'er just bought a Zhuangzi outside Fucheng. It has more than 800 mu of land. There is a house on the Zhuangzi. It is a two-entry yard, but it is very large. There is a small house behind the mansion. There is a mountain spring flowing down that mountain. It would be really good to build a winery over there. The food can be grown on your own farm. Brother-in-law, you just want to make wine. "

Shen Sanzhu told the second sister about some of the family's situation, the main reason is that Xiaoliang's family has been kicked out now, and they are temporarily living in their own home.I also told about some of the arrangements I made when I went to the elder sister's house.

Wei Chenggang sighed and said:
"Now we brothers and sisters are all relying on Xue'er. Fortunately, there is a Xue'er in the Shen family!"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:
"It's not like this, I don't rely on me, I'm just an idea, what do you think I can do? I'm still a child. I just use everything you know, everyone contributes and everyone benefits. This is not Just let everyone be fine? Besides, my father and sister-in-law are dear siblings. How can the whole family do without helping? Unless it’s someone like the eldest aunt, I won’t help!”

Wei Chenggang turned around and went back to the house for a while, then came out holding an old cloth bag, opened it and there was a layer of cloth inside, Wei Chenggang handed the few pages inside to Xue Jian.Xuejian guessed that it was the prescription passed down by their ancestors. Xuejian knew that the ancients were very concerned about this, so she didn't take it, but shook her head and said:
"Little uncle, I can't understand you even if you give me this. You should keep it for your own research. You just need to tell me what to prepare. Later, I will ask someone to prepare it, or you can prepare it yourself. The main thing is The house needs to be settled now. If your father is fine, move him away too. We will come to pick you up then. Let’s talk after the New Year first.”

Wei Chenggang was a little excited. It is possible to do something that he has been thinking about for so many years.I am still very excited.Although it is a bit embarrassing, but as Xuejian said, if you try it, you will know if it will work.

If the sister-in-law and his wife want to move to Zhuangzi, it is not good for the children to be too far away. Xue Jian thought about going to Fucheng next time to see it, and it would be good if the Zhuangzi also invites a down-and-out scholar to teach literacy.But let’s not talk about this now, and we have to take it step by step later.

After arranging the affairs of Shen Xiaomei's house, Shen Sanzhu took Xuejian and the others away.If you don't walk home, it will be too late, and you have to go to Aunt Shen's house to pick up Yue Ya.

There are few pedestrians on the road in winter, and I didn't meet anyone along the way.It's just that when I went to my aunt's house, I saw that everyone was full of anger.After asking, I found out that when Shen Sanzhu and the others walked forward, people from the left and right families flooded in. Fortunately, the people from Aunt Shen's family were also quick, and took all the delivered things into the house in a few strokes, and put them away. Those people took away the bag of snacks that arrived on the table before they were free to pick them up.If Wu Qidong hadn't taken a pole and stood at the door of the back room.Those people still want to go into the house and have a look.One said that he had never seen such a good fabric, and the other said that he was going to marry a daughter and wanted to have a piece of good fabric to make a wedding dress.They all want to come and touch.

Xue Jian frowned, and flew up to the courtyard wall, standing on the top of the wall and shouting to the person on the opposite side:

"Listen to me, Shen Huiniang is my aunt. If anyone bullies my aunt again, I will not be polite. I will break the hand of anyone who holds it. If your hand is harder than this brick, That's your luck."

As he said that, he raised his hand and split a brick in half with one hand, and everyone in the room over there was frightened.Hastily hid in the house and did not dare to come out.Xuejian shouted the same words again on the other wall.Fortunately, these people are bullies and fearful people.They were all frightened by the broken brick.

Turning back to pick up Yueya into the car, Shen Sanzhu hurried home.

The weather changed in the afternoon, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be piling up.Shen Sanzhu looked at Tianhou and said:
"Sit still, I have to hurry up, it looks like it's going to snow heavily this day. Go back and see what else needs to be tidied up at home."

Several children were sitting close to each other, Xiaocao kept talking to Yueya about the family affairs along the way, Xue Jian could see that Yueya was still a little nervous, maybe she was afraid of sending her back to her uncle's house again .Xuejian reached out and pulled her, saying:
"Sister Yueya, don't worry. We are going back to my house. My aunt doesn't dare to make trouble. My eldest sister's family is in our house. Even sister Yueyun's marriage is also decided by grandma. We have prepared a dowry for her, and it may be given to her in the next year. Let's do it."

Yue Ya lowered her head and said with red eyes:
"Thank you, Xue'er, we sisters all have to thank you!"

"Stupid, am I not your sister?"

Hurry up, it seems to be dark when we get home, and it seems that there will indeed be a heavy snow.Shen Sanzhu and others put away the things they bought and the large and small pieces of embroidery they brought back, and it started to snow a little.

Wang naturally pulled Yueya over and looked at it. They didn't know that Yueya had actually been at the aunt's house for the past few months. They were met by Xuejian and brought them back.

Shen Sanzhu talked about the front and back, and Wang scolded Shen Sanzhu while wiping away tears:

"You don't even tell me. I don't sleep well these days, and I always think about what's going on with this girl."

Shen Sanzhu smiled and said:
"I can't say it. At that time, I'm afraid that if I say it, they will go to the eldest sister to make trouble."

Grandpa Shen Qi who was sitting in the main room of Xue Jian's house drinking tea suddenly put down his teacup and said:
"If it snows heavily at Masaki's house in Xitou, I'm afraid it won't be able to bear it."

Old Mr. Shen also looked up at the sky, and nodded with a serious expression.With a sullen face and no words, Xue Jian didn't quite know which Masaki's house belonged to.Shen Sanzhu and Shen Erzhu stood up, the two brothers looked at each other, put on a bamboo hat and went out.Cheng Qiang wanted to go too, but Shen Erzhu gave him a stare and turned him back. The eldest brother-in-law Lu Cheng stood up and said:

"I'll take a look with my second and third uncles. I can build thatched huts."

Shen Erzhu nodded, and the three of them went out.Eldest sister, second aunt, and Yue Yin entered the kitchen, ready to cook dinner.Everyone looked at the sky from time to time, and they were very worried. Every year when it snowed heavily, there would be house collapses or people freezing to death.Hope nothing happens this year.Only Chengwen and his little ones are playing vigorously in the house, even Chengwu, who is hugged in Chengqiang's arms, is so happy that he moves his little hands and feet, and wants to go down and play with a few sisters and brothers look.

Xue Jian thought in her heart that Master had been away for a few days, and she didn't know where he went. It was snowing heavily, so he shouldn't be on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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