farmer's daughter

Chapter 270 What a self-sufficient one

Chapter 270 What a self-sufficient

Chapter 270 What a self-sufficient

Back in the day, it was because the Chou family had a cheat book that could create a new type of powerful weapon.But the Chou family couldn't tell the reason, and refused to hand over the cheats, so the emperor feared it.He found a reason to kill the Jiu Clan, but fortunately, a battle report from the border at that time came back, saying the enemy's great achievements, so he didn't kill the Jiu Clan.But the enemy's family ransacked their homes and exiled the army, and the three immediate families also ransacked their homes.

At that time, my daughter had only been married for half a year.Ask her to write a book about breaking away from the enemy, but she refuses, saying that she would rather follow the enemy into exile.That's why the Murong family made a statement to sever the father-daughter relationship.Saved Murong's family, but also had a trembling life.In order to show his justice, the emperor rewarded a Marquis Xiaoyao based on the Murong family's military achievements, but took all the military power of the Murong family.Murong Yunhai recognized it.

Now the grandson is back.If the Murong family was involved because of this matter, Murong Yunhai felt that this matter should be carefully planned.At the very least, he cannot be allowed to appear in front of the people of the capital.

In the palace, Lian Quchen and his wife were taken directly to the emperor's study room. The emperor, who was in his prime, was still crouching at his desk to approve papers. It seemed that being an emperor was tiring!
As the emperor of the Tianying Dynasty, Dongfang Ya is the ninth emperor of the Dongfang family.Since he succeeded to the throne at the age of 16, he has been the emperor for 30 years now, and he has always been conscientious.Can be regarded as a Mingjun.

Lian Quchen and Princess Changsun came to the mansion in front of the book case and knelt down to salute, shouting long live.Then the emperor raised his head, moved his neck and said:
"Get up, you guys are back, come and sit down. Yu'er, I just read the brochure you handed over. Tell me, why do you have this idea? Where did you go to play this trip? "

The eldest grandson You smiled and Mimi stepped forward to salute again:
"Thanks to the emperor for allowing us to go out for a walk. We didn't go anywhere, so we went to Qingyang mansion. The emperor rewarded me with food in Qingyang, and I have never visited it. Brother Chen this time So he took me there, I didn’t want to meet Brother Chen’s master there, and it turned out that his master accepted a junior sister for them, and we have experienced farm life at that junior sister’s house in the past few days.”

"Oh? Went to the farm? Yu'er is used to it?"

"Your majesty, get used to it, isn't Brother Youchen here?"

The eldest grandson Youjiao smiled.

"Oh, with your brother Chen here, you will be fine everywhere. I don't think it will be difficult for you, a golden lady, to go to the farmhouse. Besides, you haven't brought anyone to wait on you when you go out. I'm afraid you will come back after suffering. Dare you say it?"

The emperor laughed and made fun of Changsun You.

Changsun You stomped his feet and said with a coquettish smile:

"Your Majesty, what I said is true. Brother Chen is taking care of me everywhere. I also feel very comfortable. It is because I live comfortably. I have seen two cases of people being raped in the small town over there." As for the bullying, one is a person without legs, and the other is a person who is dying of illness. After asking, I found out that they all came out to join the army. Later, they went back disabled and were kicked out by their families. Such a disabled person People without a home have nowhere to go in life. When I saw it, I thought of my father."

Speaking of this, Changsun You couldn't help but choked up.After calming down, he said:
"I just think of the soldiers who treated my father the best when he was still alive, he said. After every battle, the soldiers who die the most are the soldiers, but in the end the ones who get the most are the officials. Those disabled The retired soldier gave money to go back to his hometown, but after returning to his hometown, the money was used by his family and it was gone, and then the family thought the disabled man had done nothing, so they kicked him out."

"I also asked a lot of old people in the countryside, and they all said that this kind of person is the most pitiful, and most of them die alone. I just want to gather them together, even if they take care of each other, they will have a companion until they grow old. I dare not say anything else, but I dare to do it in Qingyang. I believe the emperor will support my approach. I just want to help my father take care of his soldiers back then. Maybe I will take them in. There really are soldiers that my father brought with him back then. Don’t you think so? Your Majesty.”

"Haha. You'er grows up and will think about problems. Yes, the second half of life of these soldiers who have been soldiers is indeed a problem. You can set up this kind of storage station if you want, but it can't just be in Qingyang. The whole dynasty There are those who have been soldiers. There are also such lonely old people among these people. You have to take care of them all. You, the princess, are not in vain. I think about it for the sake of the court. Girl, it’s okay. This matter I will make a decree tomorrow, and you will supervise it, no, your princess mansion will handle it! Hehe, Quchen, you have to help me secretly."

"However, girl, have you thought about what to do? Once so many people are collected, they have to feed. It costs money. I can't support here all the time. Recently, the tribes in the west have We are gathering. I am afraid that there will be another battle. You did this in time and helped me a lot, but I really have no money! Tomorrow I will only give you 1 taels, which is not enough! Girl, you can't afford to pay for your private money."

Changsun You smiled and said:

"Where do I get any private money? I have been eating what the court gave me and using what the court gave me. Even if I have a surplus, I plan to use it this time. But before we come back this time, Brother Chen and Master Chen When discussing this matter, I still listened to what Brother Chen’s junior sister said. The younger junior sister said ‘self-sufficiency’. This means to gather these people together. Give them some land, or build them a A workshop that can do things, so that they can also do something within their ability. In addition to being lively, everyone can help each other provide for the elderly. It can also create achievements. I think her statement is very good, because some people are disabled. It's serious. Most people are still able to take care of themselves."

Dongfang Ya slapped the table and applauded, saying:

"That's a good idea. Self-sufficiency. This is the best idea! Okay! How about this, if you go to every place to build a shelter, the government will allocate land, one acre per person, and the number of people you take in will be determined." How many acres are there? Let them cultivate by themselves and take care of each other until they grow old. Of course, it’s also good for those who have families to go home to support the elderly. This is a good idea!”

"By the way, Quchen, you come to Zhezi and tell me what's wrong with the Governor of Qingyang Mansion. Tell me about it."


Lian Quchen described the situation when Xue Jian was beaten.No addition, no subtraction.Anyway, you can find out these things as soon as you check them. There were so many people present at that time.

"Damn it! These people think of themselves as local emperors. An order will be issued tomorrow to bring this person back for another trial. You have been coming here recently, don't always wait for me to find you. Now that you are married, this Tomorrow is the court, you have to come. After this court, it will be sealed again after the Chinese New Year. You have to come at that time. I need you, and I will make a decree on this matter tomorrow. You don’t have to go Listen to them."

(End of this chapter)

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