Chapter 271

Chapter 270
Even Quchen understood what the emperor meant, the emperor knew how his family treated him.Just looking at the people who came to pick him up today, even Quchen knew that there would be a lot of theories when he went back home from the palace.

The emperor is very satisfied with meeting these two juniors this time, no matter how they thought of making this shelter, it is the best and most popular thing for the dynasty.Nor did they proceed quietly.Instead, I asked myself what I meant from the beginning.The two children figured out a way to let themselves show up.Gained fame and popularity for yourself.Don't worry too much about future western wars.

After coming out of the palace, Lian Quchen originally planned to go directly to the princess mansion with the princess.But Princess Changsun disagreed, and others would criticize her if she didn't go back to the mighty Marquis's house. The eldest grandson You is a daughter-in-law, and there are some things that need to be done with face.Lian Quchen was a little worried about the family's disrespect for the elder grandson.Afraid of angering the eldest grandson.

No matter what, the two returned to Lian Quchen's home.It was the big butler who stood at the door and greeted them, directly indicating that the old man wanted to see Lian Quchen.Lian Quchen had no choice but to let the princess go back to the room first, and followed the big housekeeper to the outer study.And the old mighty Wuhou was sitting there with a dark face.

Even Quchen entered the study, bowed his hands and saluted, and called Lord Hou.He didn't even want to be called grandfather.Hou Ye who has always been called like everyone else.

With a dark face, Wei Wuhou raised his head and stared at this grandson. Because of those experiences when he was a child, he has never been willing to forgive his family.In front of his own family, he is always so distant and indifferent.This made him very angry and helpless!When I was young, I could vent my anger with sticks and sticks, which was called discipline. Now that I am older, I have face in front of the emperor.If you fight again, it seems that you can't beat him.Mighty Marquis felt more and more powerless.

After saluting, Lian Quchen stood like this without saying a word.In his opinion, he has nothing to say with this family.Wei Wuhou couldn't wait for him to speak, so he had no choice but to speak bluntly:
"I heard that you are going to set up a shelter, why don't you discuss it with your family first?"

"It's not me who wants to do it, it's the emperor who wants to do it, and it has nothing to do with me. The emperor will leave it to the princess, and I will not interfere. I will discuss with you what to do about it."

Even Quchen knew that he was doing it for this matter, because the son's failure to live up to expectations made the reputation of this mighty Hou family fall repeatedly.Now there is such a good thing, if it happens to the mighty Hou family, isn't this a good time to clean up?Of course, he thought well.But Lian Quchen never took this mighty title seriously.Back then, if it wasn't for his mother to have a resting place, he wouldn't have recognized this family.Now, he only has one thought, which is to live peacefully in this way until the two elders are dead, and no one can move his mother's grave.He asked to withdraw from the title.

Originally, the emperor valued him and gave him many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. If he made meritorious deeds, he would be rewarded.He didn't even want it, and his behavior has always been smooth and steady.Because he didn't want to embarrass this so-called Hou's mansion because of himself!

"Do the princess? The princess is your wife. Isn't she doing it for you? Isn't it the business of our Houfu? I have arranged for the housekeeper. If there is anything you want them to do, you can arrange them to do it. This is also for you. It’s something that our Hou Mansion looks good on. If we do it, we must do it well. Let me know when it’s completed, and I’ll take the time to take a look.”

Lian Quchen sneered and said:
"You don't need to bother too much. The emperor really didn't entrust me with this matter, but the princess's mansion. There may be an imperial decree tomorrow, so don't worry too much, just take a good rest when you are old. The longer you live, the longer you can see this Marquis Mansion."

Even Quchen didn't care what he thought, turned around and left.As soon as he walked to the door, there was the sound of porcelain falling behind him.But what does it matter to him?

Mighty Marquis is throwing things to vent his anger, and another old Hou of the Hou Mansion is also throwing things!

"Look, you all go and look for me! If you can't find anyone, don't come back! Let me tell you, don't even think about driving him away, you can get the position of the son of the world, without Jing Hao, I will go up Please withdraw the title! You are too cruel! You have to attack a child who has no father or mother!"

It was Zhenxi Hou Fu Xiangcheng who cursed.It was Fu Jinghao who he wanted to find back!His most beloved grandson!The only bloodline of his direct son!
Master Fu Hou had just returned from his patrol, but when he came back, he found that his eldest grandson was missing.My step-wife claimed that she made a mistake in her studies and was scolded by her husband, and then ran away from home in a fit of anger, but was never found.Master Fu didn't believe it, so he sent someone to find the eldest grandson's husband and nanny, but learned that the eldest grandson's husband was dismissed because he couldn't teach well.The nanny fell ill and was sent out of the house.All the girls and servants in the eldest grandson's yard were sold.Even the old family who guards the door has changed.

How could he believe such words?If a child is gone, his wet nurse and book boy are all gone too.The old servants of the family were all gone.Although he is a person who fights on the battlefield, how can these little tricks be hidden from his eyes!Isn't it just for the position of a marquis?This marquis was bought by his own son with his life. They enjoy the fame but they can't accommodate a child!Fu Xiangcheng deeply felt that if he hadn't held the title now, he would have been thrown to an unknown place.

The people in the family can't be trusted. After so many years, Fu Xiangcheng has always had some cronies.I also sent people around to find my grandson and the family members who took care of my grandson at the same time.But the news from the nanny made Fu Xiangcheng chill.Grandson, I'm afraid I won't be able to find him.One meal was actually drugged, and I don't know where I took a child.

However, in the middle of the night, a servant quietly came to Fu Xiangcheng's window, knocked lightly on the window, and threw in a ball of paper.Fu Xiangcheng chased after him, only saw a figure from behind, turned around and picked up the paper ball, on which was written:

"The eldest son may not have died. He was thrown into the river at that time, but he searched along the river for ten days and did not find the body."

Seeing this, Fu Xiangcheng was furious, and immediately rushed to the backyard to talk to them, but when he walked out the door, his clothes caught on the screen, and the screen fell down with a bang, which was very shocking in the middle of the night.Fu Xiangcheng was awakened immediately.

There is no evidence for such a note and the confession of the nurse I found, so what can I say?Unexpectedly, Na Lian's heart is so cruel.It was a mistake to marry her as his successor wife back then, but because her natal family was a mighty Marquis, under certain circumstances, he had no choice but to marry her.Sure enough, she married a vicious woman.It can't be said that Jing Hao's mother's death was not that simple!
(End of this chapter)

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