farmer's daughter

Chapter 274 Why is this world completely changed!

Chapter 274 Why is this world completely changed!
Chapter 270 Four Why the World Has Changed!
Lian Quchen and the princess were busy with everything in the capital, and everyone was busy with the New Year, so they didn't pay more attention to other things.The problems of the Fu family are only known within their own family.Did not spread to the outside.

But Qiu Yuan from Beijing and those two rushed to Qingyang Mansion non-stop along the way, getting along along the way.Qiu Yuan also felt that this couple was a capable person. The man's name was Zhuang Xiuwen, who was a businessman, but his wife turned out to be a person in the world.Her name is Shi Chun, and she is known as Miss Fei Jianchun.

This couple is aboveboard and careful in their work.The three of them took care of each other along the way, but everything went smoothly.Qiu Yuan didn't stop at Qingyang Mansion, but went directly to Huishan Town, and then went to find the way to Shenjia Village.

Xue Jian didn't know anything about the situation in the capital.Because of the heavy snow a few days ago, it fell for two days in a row, and three houses in the village collapsed. These three families are now living in Uncle Shen Qi's house.And Xue Jian took Grandpa Shen Qi and his wife to live in her home.

The road was blocked by heavy snow, and every family could only stay in their own homes. Only people like old man Mo came out to walk, so there was no trace of stepping on the snow.These days, Xuejian just stays in her own room to do some things during the day, and is busy writing and drawing every day. Chengye wanted to do her a favor, and went to Xuejian's room for a long time, but couldn't find anyone to help her. place.At most, I would help Xuejian pass papers and get things.In the end, it was Xuejian busy Xuejian, who took Chengwen to read while rubbing, because it saved a room from burning the floor heating.Also save some firewood.

Banxia is sometimes reminded by Grandma Seven, and she also knows that she is here to be a girl, not a lady.These days I also nest in Xuejian's room, it's okay, sometimes I pour water for Xuejian, just seeing that she is only a little higher than the table, Xuejian can't really let her do anything.Let Chengwen teach her to read and write.

I nested myself in this room for four days, and on the fourth day, Xue Jian had a stack of drawings in his hand.There's artwork for designed ready-to-wear, there's artwork for headwear, and there's a really weird thing.People of that era definitely didn't recognize it.But any modern person can recognize it.That is the bicycle.

When Chengye and Chengwenwei came up to look at it, Xuejian took away the paper, put it in the drawer, and locked it.Xuejian really wanted to make this thing.But thinking about the one that Qiu Yuan showed to himself, it means that there are still people who passed through like him, so you have to look at it again, otherwise it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

Seeing the pictures of clothes drawn by Xuejian, Xiaocao repeatedly sighed:

"Xue'er, it's really beautiful! If these clothes are sold, they must be sold at a good price. They must be sold to those rich people."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yo, my sister Cao'er has a business eye too. Okay, you said sell these to the rich, then we will sell them to the rich! That's what I think. Let's buy these clothes and come back and make them ourselves. Come out. We sell ready-made clothes. But now we can’t sell them in Huishan Town. We can’t sell them here for much money. At least we have to go to Qingyang Mansion to sell them. Or sell them to the capital. Sister Cao’er, how dare you do this The owner of the shop? We will open a clothing store in Fucheng in the future, and you and my sister Liang Shuang will do this, do you think it will work?"

"Dare! Why don't you dare! It's just... no, Xue'er, I can't go to Fucheng alone. I will go after you all go. I want to stay with my family."

Cao'er answered the words smoothly, but after responding, she suddenly thought of going alone, leaving home?This has never happened before.I would be terrified by myself.

Xue'er put away the artwork in her hand again, and said:

"Wait a little longer, I want to draw some more pictures before the end of the year. If there are more, I will hand them over to the embroidery workshop to make ready-made clothes. To be honest, I still need a tailor who can read pictures. This can only be mastered If it leaks out of your own hands, it will be troublesome. Otherwise, Sister Caoer, I will ask the princess to ask someone to teach you how to cut clothes. After you have learned the technique, you will be in charge of tailoring in the future, you Once it’s cut out, the embroidery workshop will do it again. How you cut it out, you have to follow my drawing, okay?”

"That's fine. I'm not very good at negotiating business with others. I should be able to do this, but I really need to learn everything."

Xiaocao replied after thinking about it seriously.It’s not bad to have a goal for yourself. In the future, everyone in the family will have things to do, but I can’t find a specialty that I can learn. Now that Xue’er said this thing, I think it’s okay. Even if I don’t cut these clothes, I will do an embroidery workshop in the future. There are many things.Then you can cut it yourself.

There are still three days to celebrate the new year.Everything that needs to be prepared at home is ready.The village also had some New Year's atmosphere, and Xue Jian also settled the wages of everyone in the construction team.Everyone was very satisfied, because Xueer not only gave wages, but also gave everyone a pack of snacks and a piece of meat weighing three catties.In this way, everyone at home will at least have meat to eat during the New Year.The same goes for the people in the embroidery workshop. Some families got two packs of dim sum and two pieces of meat, because the husband and wife were both helping Xuejian with work.Carrying the meat home like this caused some people who didn't come in to do things to give pointers.I'm jealous!There is no other club that has Xuejian as good as this.

No matter what, the members of the uncle's family don't want to see each other, but it's under the uncle's name.Still gave five catties of meat and two packs of snacks.It was Shen Sanzhu who brought Yueya there. As soon as Hong Shi saw Yueya, he rushed to beat him. Shen Sanzhu pulled Yueya away and said:
"Hong Shi, you can't hit Yue Ya at will anymore. I can tell you that if you want to hit Yue Ya again, father said, I will divorce you! Yue Ya came back to help Xuejian with things. She is a real person. Originally I asked her to live in our house, but she still thought that you are her parents, so she should come back to live. But if you bully her, then don’t expect to get a root from our house in the future. Yarn a piece of rice!"

Then he said to Shen Dazhu who came out to meet him:

"Brother, let's take care of Yueyun's affairs after the next year. Wangshan's business is getting better and better now, and I can't handle it alone. With Yueyun's help, the young couple can live a good life. Don't worry, the dowry We're all ready. We won't lose the child, as Xue Jian said, we'll handle all the banquets."

Shen Dazhu lowered his head.All this should have been his own business.But now let the old three help.My own family still treats others like that.Really shameless.So there was nothing to say, just nodded.Hong shi opened his throat and cursed:

"Who dares to marry her! Whoever marries her will cook for me! My mother is in poor health and can't do housework. She was born by my mother, so she should serve my mother and these brothers!"

Chengzong looked at Shen Laosan and then at Yue Ya with bitter eyes.But now he doesn't dare to offend Shen Laosan's family, even though his broken hands and feet have been healed.But it is disabled, walking with a limp.Chengzu stood in front of the main house, and looked at Shen Laosan in confusion. He really didn't understand how the world had changed in just over half a year!
(End of this chapter)

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