Chapter 275 This Is Just One
Chapter 270 five this is just one
After Shen Chengzu came back from vacation, he really saw the changes in his family.I have also experienced hardships that I have never experienced since I was a child.Only then did I take a look at my own home.In recent days, the family no longer takes special care of their own food and clothing.Because there was no food at home.It is difficult for everyone to have a full stomach.If it weren't for Fu Wangshan who would occasionally send some meat to their family, I'm afraid they wouldn't see meat for a few months.Oh, not necessarily, sometimes Yueyun or Wang will bring them some food.They belonged to Mr. Shen's family.

Shen Chengzu has read books for two days, lived in the town, and understood some things.But now, he really didn't know what to do?Continue to study or go home to help my father raise the family!A lazy mother and a lazy second brother.There is also a younger brother who is not very sensible and is taught to do some bad things by his second brother.Shen Chengzu saw that his home was riddled with holes.But I don't know how to make up for it or what to do to change this home.

Seeing that the third uncle and second uncle's family has now become the richest family in the village, and I heard that the third uncle's family has relations with some powerful people.This is something I can't envy!So, when he saw his mother say those unreasonable things again, Shen Chengzu frowned slightly.This is the mother who has always spoiled her?
Shen Sanzhu sort of sent Yue Ya back to his elder brother's house, and when he got home, he saw a few more people in the house.It was Qiu Yuan who rushed all the way and those two people who came to help Xuejian.

Qiu Yuan introduced Zhuang Xiuwen and Shi Chun to Xuejian.Zhuang Xiuwen and his wife learned that the beautiful little girl in front of them was their future master.He knelt down to Xuejian with a plop, and said:
"The slave has seen the master."

Xue Jian hurriedly jumped off the chair and stretched out her hand to help it, and said anxiously:

"Get up, Uncle Zhuang, Aunt Shi, get up! I'm not a master. I'm just a little peasant girl. The big brother sees that I'm too busy. So please help me, I'm tired You have traveled thousands of miles, how dare you accept this great gift."

Unexpectedly, the couple just couldn't get up, Zhuang Xiuwen took out a letter from his arms and handed it over:
"Master, a master is a master. A slave is a slave. This is what the princess told the slave before the slave couple set off. Let the slave pass this word on to the master. The slave couple are blessed by the prince Lian and swore three lives Follow the son as a slave. But when the son came back after a big wedding, the slave couple changed to be the master. From now on, the master is the master of the slave couple. If the master doesn't want us, then we can only die!"

This also blackmailed himself?Xuejian sighed, took the letter first and then said:

"You guys should get up first! Since you all said this, it would be my fault if I didn't accept you. But I also have my rules. I don't like others kneeling down on me. My identity is just a peasant girl, and I I'm still a child. Saluting like this is a shame for me. You can talk again when you get up. I accept you. But in the future, I will still call you Uncle Zhuang and Aunt Zhuang, okay?"

Shi Chun laughed, stood up as soon as he slapped his thigh, gave Xue Jianfu a body and said:
"Master, the Shizi said before I came here. He said that the new master is a straightforward person, and it seems to be true. We husband and wife will follow you from now on. You can call us Uncle Zhuang and Aunt Zhuang. You can also call us by our first names." Or you can change our name according to Beijing’s rules.”

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I don't dare to change your names. Eldest brother said it before he left. He wants to send me two capable people. They are people who can help me completely. Uncle Zhuang, Aunt Zhuang, and Xue'er are still young, and they have many things. I don’t understand, I really have to rely on you two in the future.”

"Master, I laughed. My wife was originally from the Jianghu. He still has a bit of a Jianghu style when he speaks and does things. Please forgive me, master. Slave."

Before Zhuang Xiuwen finished speaking, Xue Jian interrupted:

"Uncle Zhuang, if I accept you, I will first set two rules. One is that you are not allowed to kneel down and worship. The other is that you are not allowed to call yourself a slave. You are my people and my assistants when you help me. What you help is just doing things, not selling your dignity From now on, you should call yourself 'I'."

Hearing this, Zhuang Xiuwen made a gesture to kneel down again. Just as he bent his legs, he thought of Xue Jian's words, and stood at attention, bowed and thanked:
"Thank you, master! Slave, my husband and I are very grateful! Although the rules set by the master are considered unruly by the people of Beijing, as long as they are made by the master, my husband and wife will definitely abide by them!"

Xue Jian nodded.road:

"This is a farming family, and there are not so many rules in the capital. Be more casual in your daily life."

Then Xuejian said again:

"There are quite a few people in my family. I will introduce you one by one when I see you later. In this way, I will take you to see where you live first."

Here, old man Mo jumped out and said:
"Xue'er, Ah Yuan will live with me."

Xue Jian froze for a moment, then nodded.He took Zhuang Xiuwen and his wife to the backyard.There is another room in the east wing of the backyard, Xue Jian said:

"You husband and wife should live here. Next door is my younger brother's room. Opposite is my room. Our place is much smaller than that of the big brother Jingzhong. But I will build it again in the future. I still want to I have a small yard of my own."

As soon as Zhuang Xiuwen and his wife entered, they saw that everything in the house was new.Shi Chun saluted and said:

"Master, we husband and wife don't need such a good household item."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"You can use this. Don't worry, we don't have any old ones in our house at present, because before building this house, our house was burned down, and there was nothing left except for a few living people. So, everything in the house is now It was bought later. It’s all new. Besides, Uncle Zhuang and Aunt Zhuang are here, so I can’t use the old ones to entertain you. Come on, Uncle Zhuang, take a look and let me tell you how the floor heating works in this house. burnt."

Xuejian took Zhuang Xiuwen and his wife to the dark stove behind the house, and talked about the floor heating and how to use it.Zhuang Xiuwen ran back and forth while listening, and then praised:
"Master, this is really a good thing! Mr. Chou also told us about this thing on the way, but he has never seen it before, and he didn't know much about it. I only understand it now. No wonder the prince asked me to help you make it Well, if this is extended to the capital, master, you will be a millionaire! How many people have to beg to do it."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"That's right, it's just that I have handed over the promotion of this to others. After all, I'm just a child. If the big brother appeared three months ago, I would have sent you here. It's a pity The initiative of this matter is not entirely in my hands. But don't worry, there will be other things to do in the future, this is just one of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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