farmer's daughter

Chapter 290 Arrangements after the Year

Chapter 290 Arrangements after the Year ([-])
Chapter 290 Arrangements after the Year ([-])
Shen Xiaomei asked anxiously.Because Shen Sanzhu said before, let the children come to study after the next year.If the third child's family is gone.Isn't it hopeless for my child to study again?

"No. It seems that Xue'er wants to go up first. Your father and I will help her watch. Yuerong's family is going. Cheng Fang's body is not fully recovered yet, and she can't use her strength. She can't sit for a long time. Stand up Can't stand for long. Well, it's not that bastard's fault."

Only then did Shen Xiaomei feel relieved, and she made an agreement with Wei Chenggang.This time, I have to listen to the third child. Xuejian said that he will be a wine shop, but he doesn't know where he will do it.

As soon as Xuejian returned to Shen's house, she went into the backyard, called the third senior brother, and explained the arrangements for the people who were going to be brought into Beijing. Qiu Yuan also agreed with Xuejian's approach.I heard that Liang Shengyue was going to enter Fucheng on the fifth day of the lunar new year.Qiu Yuan wanted to go to Fucheng together that day.Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Okay, it's just that I have to be busy. I will confirm the person in the past two days. I will take him away on the fifth day of the lunar new year. Then I will ask Uncle Zhuang to bring him into Beijing to find the senior brother. The capital will be handed over to the big brother." Brother. For those of us who are going here, I want my second uncle and grandpa to take people there. After the matter is settled, grandpa can come back, so let Uncle Zhuang stay with us in the capital for a while, and then we will go back when grandpa comes back. Let’s start to do things in Fucheng.”

Qiu Yuan nodded in agreement.

In the afternoon, Xuejian called the second uncle here again, and said something, and the second uncle also proposed a few people who could go to the capital with him.Xuejian asked her second uncle to go to the village and talk about it one by one, to determine who would go and which would not.It's time to go together.

This is because the manpower in this village is not sure. Shen Erzhu came back less than an hour after going out. The few people proposed by Shen Erzhu are willing to go, because Xuejian said that if they are willing to go, everyone will withdraw ten taels of silver at home first, and then they will never leave. It's deducted from the wages.In this way, you don't have to worry about the cost of your home.And Shen Sanzhu will take care of anything at home.So the people in Shenjia Village made a quick decision.Xue Jian wrote about this matter, and asked Zhuang Xiuwen to drive to Liangjia Village again to clarify the situation.When it was time for dinner in the evening, Zhuang Xiuwen came back, and everyone who had confirmed the plan for Liangjia Village was willing to go.That's it.Just find a few more carriages.

I had dinner that night, because Xuejian had said something first, so I wanted to stay with my aunts to talk about something.So apart from the children, Shen Huiniang and his wife, Shen Xiaomei and his wife, Shen Erzhu and Lan's, Shen Sanzhu's couple and Xue'er, and the old Shen Touer and Wu's who must be indispensable, and Shen Qi's grandpa, his wife and Lao Niutou who were invited by Xuejian .Old man Mo didn't care about these things, and ran up the mountain by himself again.However, Qiu Yuan and Zhuang Xiuwen were also sitting at the door of the house.Shen Yuerong and his wife didn't want to come, but Xuejian insisted that they also come to listen.

Seeing that everyone was here, Xue said:
"Grandpa, elders, I want to make arrangements for our lay family members. Please see if there is anything wrong with my arrangement, and discuss it after I finish speaking."

Everyone in the room nodded their heads, and in response, Aunt Shen said:
"Tell me, Xue'er, we are all listening, now we are all counting on you."

"That's right, Xue'er is the head of our Shen family now."

Lan's also said.

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Then I'll tell you. It's like this. It's the New Year. There are two things I need to be anxious about here. One is to send people to Beijing. The number of people is basically determined here. The leader, I decided to let my grandfather go to Liangjiacun, and my second uncle to our side. Both grandpa and second uncle are not familiar with the people and things in Beijing. So, I still want Uncle Zhuang to take them to the village. Eldest Brother, and then Uncle Zhuang stayed and arranged for everyone, and things went smoothly. Let my grandfather come back first. I have to do things in Fucheng. Uncle Zhuang will wait for Eldest Brother to order. Yes Come back when you come back. When you come back, leave all the people and things we brought in to my second uncle. Of course, the second uncle has to listen to the elder brother in the capital. The last thing he can't do is to cause trouble for the elder brother. There is one thing to be careful, people who are not personally appointed by the senior brother tell you what to do, and you don’t believe it easily if you bring a letter, don’t be used by others. It will hurt the senior brother instead.”

Shen Erzhu said in a deep voice:

"Okay, don't worry Xue'er. I'll keep this in mind."

Xuejian said again:

"Another important thing is the Zhuangzi I bought outside Fucheng. The spring plowing plan has to be done. We will go to Fucheng on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I will allocate personnel first. If grandparents want to see it, then go with them. Sister Yuerong and his wife, you can decide whether your Xiaoliang should stay in Shenjia Village to study, or you can take him there, and I will find a place for him to study there later."

"No need, Xue'er, it's much better to bother you. I'll leave Xiaoliang in Shenjia Village and your house, I don't worry. He can go to school with Uncle Chengqiang every day."

Shen Yuerong responded quickly, it seems that their husband and wife also discussed it.Xue Jian nodded and said:
"That's fine, you can just stay. Anyway, I invited two gentlemen to come to the village, and the children in the village may all go there. Of course, there will also be the eldest cousin of the aunt's family and the relatives of the sister-in-law's family." Cousin should stay here to study. Even Big Cousin Qidong will stay for a month or two to learn how to read. You have to hurry up. I only planned for you for two months. I want to send you to a store to learn how to be a shopkeeper. You said you wanted to be a shopkeeper. I will find a chance for you to learn. Cousin Xiaohua and my sister-in-law’s little cousin will stay and learn from my mother Right. If you can learn well, I'm sure there are other things for you to do."

"Little uncle, think about it, can you pick up your craftsmanship? I said, I will give you a chance to try, can you and my sister-in-law come with us? Your father will ask someone to take care of him, and he will pay you every month. That’s right. After you settle down there, you can come back and pick it up. If your craftsmanship is revealed, I’ll build you a wine shop. It’s on the Zhuangzi’s side, and there’s plenty of food for you to make wine. Then My cousin, I will set up a store to sell your wine for him. I will give my cousin two months to learn how to read, and another two months to learn to be a shopkeeper. You will have four months to try brewing. Alcohol. After a few months, the food will start to be harvested, so the winery can be expanded. Do you think it will work?"

"My aunt and my uncle first choose the address, prepare some things, and then ask my father to arrange someone to repair the house for you. Just build it like our house. You have to plan it. You are two sons, the house You can figure out how to get it yourself. Don’t worry about the money, I said I will repair it for the two aunts, then I will pay for it.”

"Next is our family. My father is in charge of our family. Arrange these things. My mother's embroidery workshop is in charge of my mother, but my father has to help run errands. I may not come back for the first two months. If there is something for me Send a letter."

 It's the last day of this month, please vote!
(End of this chapter)

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