farmer's daughter

Chapter 291 I don't know who is the mother and who is the child in this family

Chapter 291 I don't know who is the mother and who is the child in this family

Chapter 290 I don't know who is the mother and who is the child in this family
Seeing Xue Jian's arrangement was logical, Lan said with a smile:

"Xue'er, did you go to Fucheng and never come back?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Why don't you come back? I'll come back after I've made arrangements over there. My master said, it's better to go back here to practice quietly. I'll make a plan like this. I'll go to town tomorrow. My second uncle will also go, and we We have to hire some carriages, we only have three carriages, and we can’t fit so many people, and we have to keep one of the carriages at home in case we have something to do at home.”

Old Mr. Shen knocked the cigarette in his hand, nodded and said:
"It's all arranged well. This kid thinks carefully. I can still move my body in the past few years, so I'll help you watch some Zhuangzi. If I can't move in the future, I'll just come back to take care of myself."

Old Mr. Shen, is this a statement?This is to follow the old three's family.Wiping her eyes there, Wang seemed to have some red eyes and said:

"Xue'er, can you?"

Before she could say anything, Old Shen headed over and said:

"Xue'er has enough affairs, don't add trouble to her!"

Xue Jian knew what Wang was going to say, but she didn't want to do it.Not only Xuejian knew, but everyone sitting in the room probably knew.In the past few days, Wang has been talking to everyone behind Xueer's back and mentioning Shen Dazhu.In this way, I can see the family of the third child and the family of the second child.I just thought of the boss family.For her, the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, and they are all her sons!This is good, just think about that.When we were together before, I always felt that everyone was watching under my nose, and I would take care of everyone.

But now at the third child's house, I can't help myself and the old man being in charge of the house.Although it is good to eat, wear and live well.But I saw that the old people couldn't even eat enough. There was still food to support them a while ago, and now they have nothing to eat.Wang's heart ached.

Old Mr. Shen knew what his wife was thinking recently, so he said he would take her to Zhuangzi too.Old Mr. Shen has had the biggest change in his thinking in the past six months.One of the two blows to him was Xuejian's ability, which showed that girls are no worse than boys, and the second was Chengye's No.1, which showed that it is not only the eldest son of the house who can stand out.That Chengye had never been given special care since he was a child, and he even got No.1 in the exam.Behavior and doing things are much better than Chengzu.

This one granddaughter and one grandson slapped old Mr. Shen in the face properly. All the ideas he had insisted on for decades were overthrown. Old Mr. Shen was really silent for a while. Chuang Tzu.For this old farmer, that is a big deal, he has the ability!Old Shen was completely convinced.So the master of this family is Xuejian, and Old Shen will completely agree and obey what Xuejian says.

Wang didn't say what she said, and Xue Jian pretended that she didn't hear it, otherwise it would hurt her feelings if she heard it.Xue Jian lowered her head, and after a slight look of calmness in her eyes, she said again:
"Then everyone has no objection, so let's make our own preparations. There will be more children in the family, father, you have to pay attention to the arrangements. Second aunt, I want to say something in particular. My mother can't do heavy things, so you can help our family Cook a meal, so many children want to study, and they also need to eat when they come back. Later, I will pay you according to wages."

Lan's face blushed and stood up, choked up and said:
"Xue'er, isn't it a slap in the face for you to say that? You have taken care of our family like this. I need wages for cooking? I dare not ask for it. If I ask for it, I won't be able to sleep for the rest of my life!"

Liang Chengfang hurriedly pulled Lan's hands and said:
"Okay, okay, second sister-in-law, don't worry. Xue'er, mother also said that it's not good for you to do this. How about it, the seventh grandpa, the seventh grandma, and the second aunt's family will eat at our house in the future, but because of my broken body, Please ask Grandma Seven and your Second Aunt to cook for us. It will be more fun for everyone to eat together, and I have two little ones that I need you to take care of. Will you?"

"Yes, Second Aunt, I said the wrong thing. Don't be angry with me. Mother, the lives of our two mothers were given by the Seventh Grandpa, so the Seventh Grandpa and the Seventh Grandma will be members of our family from now on. We will pay for the two elders old!"

Xue Jian said quickly.

"Of course this mother knows, you don't need to tell me. I don't know who is the mother and who is the child in this family."

Liang Chengfang stared at Xue Jian, everyone laughed when he said this.

Early the next morning, Shen Erzhu and Shen Sanzhu each drove a carriage to the town. In the carriage were Xiaocao, Xuejian, and Zhuang Xiuwen and his wife.The carriage came directly to Hongfu's cloth shop. Although the door was opened, there was no one in the shop.Only one guy was there, and when he saw Xuejian coming, he came up and said:

"Miss Shen, it's not a good time for you to come. My boss's family has gone to visit relatives. They may not come back until the day after tomorrow."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Okay, then tell me that I'm going to stay in Fucheng for a while, and my father will come here if something happens, just give me a message."

The guy accepted a few small coins from Xue Jianshang, and happily replied:

"Thank you for the reward, Miss. I will definitely bring the message with me."

Shen Erzhu said again:
"Xue'er, there is no need to go to Mr. Zhao's place. Generally, restaurants only open on auspicious days, and usually open for business after the eighth day of the lunar new year."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Then let's go to Zhao's house and leave a message."

Shen Sanzhu said:

"It's better not to stay here. It's not good to go to other people's houses. It's not good for Chinese New Year. Those who are fastidious will have to ask the prophet."

Zhuang Xiuwen also said:
"Yes, miss, the prophet will meet you, or leave a letter and ask someone to take it."

Xue Jian sighed, she was also thinking that everyone was a business partner, thinking that she should say hello after leaving, it seems that she still has no such experience in life.After thinking about it, I agreed with what the adults said.Everyone turned around and went to a carriage and horse dealer to hire a carriage.

This time I hired a bit too many carriages, this is just a town carriage house, there are only four carriages in total, not enough for Xue Jian and them.Xuejian sighed again and said:
"It seems that we have to think of other ways in the future."

The owner of the coach shop heard that he wanted to hire eight carriages.Hastily stepped forward and asked:

"May I ask when you want the carriage? Do you want a coachman? If there is not enough carriage, I will find it for you."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Of course I need a coachman. We need eight carriages, and we are going to the capital. You only have four, and one of them is broken. This is not okay. What if it breaks on the way?"

"Eight cars are no problem, just wait a bit, I'll go to the county town on the other side of the river and come over. My elder brother has a shop over there, and there are some in the shop."

In this way, the carriage can be prepared, Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Okay, we want to use it tomorrow morning, and the carriage will be put on your carriage tomorrow morning, but if I see that the carriage is not good or broken, I will not follow it. You have to find me eight good carriages. .”


Shen Sanzhu waited for some haggling, and the carriage was booked.After making an appointment, Shen Erzhu drove the carriage to Liangjia Village to inform the Liang family of the appointment, while Shen Sanzhu took Xuejian and bought some gifts to Jiang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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