farmer's daughter

Chapter 292 I Didn't Leave Any Time For Myself

Chapter 292 I Didn't Leave Any Time For Myself

Chapter 290 No time left for myself
The first thing to go to Jiang's house is to pay New Year's greetings to Jiang Jingming. Besides being business partners, we are also relatives.We have to cooperate in the future.The second is to pay back the money owed to Jiang Jingming.Originally, I said I would pay it back before I saw it, but the matter of coming and going was delayed.

Since the last time she learned about the relationship between Xuejian and the people in the capital, Mrs. Jiang's attitude towards Xuejian's family has changed drastically.Unbelievable enthusiasm.Originally, there were other relatives who came to their family today, but Mrs. Du asked the housekeeper to greet them.I specially accompany Xue Jian.

Xue Jian also made it clear why he came here.The money was also handed over to Jiang Jingming face to face.Jiang Jingming said readily:
"Xue'er, to be honest, although you are capable of making money now, your current foundation is still relatively weak, and you have found some money and invested in it. But don't worry, if you need money, just let me know. I can support it." support."

"Thank you, Uncle Jiang. I'll make a note of it."

Xuejian also shared some of her recent plans with Jiang Jingming.Jiang Jingming said:
"You child, you don't have any time for yourself. You are still a child, and you should have your own time to play. This child is very thoughtful about everything. It's a pity that she is not my daughter. My two boys don’t see anyone all day, one went to play. The other went to Yue’s house and never came back.”

Xue Jian snickered, remembering that Big Brother Jiang arrived when he left by himself in the third year of junior high school. It is said that he wanted to come on the first day of junior high school, but his father forbade him, and on the second day of junior high school, his mother refused.There was no objection in the third day of junior high school, so I came early in the morning.Haven't come back yet?That is to stay at grandpa's house.hehe.

After returning home, Shi Chun immediately started packing Xue Jian's luggage, not to mention the clothes.There are also things on the desk, but Xuejian doesn't want Shi Chun to touch them.Xue Jian said that Ban Xia will learn to tidy up the things on the desk in the future.After Shi Chun's teaching these few days, Xue Jian has been able to accept Ban Xia as a real girl should do.And Shi Chun also took Ban Xia with him, and taught her how to take good care of Miss.At the very least, the address needs to be changed, and she can no longer be called Sister Xuejian.Gotta call Ms.

In fact, Zhuang Xiuwen also said something, saying that the name of Pinellia should be changed.This pinellia is also a traditional Chinese medicine, and so is Xue Jian, how can there be a slave whose name is similar to that of a master.

This Xuejian disagreed, saying that Pinellia was the name he gave it.If I still have a girl in the future, I have to name it according to this.

Ban Xia knows that Xue Jian's sister is very protective of her, and she also works hard to learn from Shi Chun.Shi Chun's idea of ​​being loyal to his master finally turned Ban Xia into a loyal girl of Xue Jian!Every morning Xue Jian got up early, and Ban Xia got up early even more. When Xue Jian woke up, Ban Xia was waiting at the door.This made Xuejian very distressed, and later she specifically asked Shi Chun to ask Shi Chun to let Ban Xia sleep until Maozhong every day before getting up.Don't get up early, children who get up too early will not grow taller if they don't sleep well.Talk about getting up early when you're ten years old.Shi Chun knew that Xue Jian really cared about Guan Xia, so he agreed.

Banxia learns characters from her family during the day, sometimes Chengwen teaches her, sometimes Xuejian teaches her.In order to make her improve, Xuejian asked her to tidy up the things on her table, this girl was born to be a girl, she did a very good job of tidying up!Xue Jian drew a lot of pictures, and she would separate them one by one.Those who design clothes are clothes, and those who design headgear are headgear.There are also some other tools or pictures of some children's toys that Xue Jian just drew. If she understands it, she is motivated.If you don't understand, ask Xuejian, and Xuejian will teach her how to read the picture when she is free.

Pinellia grows very fast.What comforts Xuejian the most is the growth of his younger brother Chengwen.Chengwen finally stopped worrying about things.In the past, I heard that my second brother's name would be shortened.Not now.Can take the initiative to follow and learn some things, and can take the initiative to take care of younger siblings.He can take the initiative to help Xuejian run errands, and he is no longer a little brother who wants to pester his sister.

The family packed a lot of things, Xue Jian took a look, and the things alone could fit half a carriage.Originally, Xuejian planned to squeeze everyone down with two carriages.Looking at the burden, Xue Jian was dumbfounded.Shen Erzhu smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I've already informed you. They will walk to the town tomorrow morning and meet at the gate of the mountain. They will walk by themselves. Everyone just pack their bags."

Xuejian thought about it, there were old and young in his carriage, there were quite a few people, and there were not many vacancies left, if anyone was pulled, he would offend others, it would be better not to pull anyone.

Early in the morning on the fifth day of the fifth day, Xue Jian's house was extremely lively.Everyone got up early to see off those who were going to Fucheng.Old man Mo told Xuejian last night that he would not go with him, saying that he would not go until a few days later.Because he played vigorously on the mountain again.

Xuejian only cares that he can't drink more, and let the master play the rest.

Old Shentouer and Wang Shi both wore new clothes, and said goodbye to Shen Qiye and the others with a smile, and even the new patriarch also came to send old Shentouer off in person.This made old Mr. Shen even more face. After being helped into the carriage by Shen Sanzhu, he stretched out his head to say goodbye to everyone.Liang Chengfang followed Xiaocao's repeated urging to take good care of Xuejian.Take care of yourself.Liang Chengfang felt that she owed too much to this daughter.

The old Mr. and Mrs. Shen, Xiaocao Xuejian and Banxia are sitting in the carriage.In the carriage driven by Shen Erzhu, Qiu Yuan didn't want to take another carriage, so he came to this carriage and sat with Shen Erzhu.Sometimes he also chatted with Xue Jian.In the other carriage were Shen Yuerong and his wife, Lao Niu and his three disciples.Xuejian wanted Grandpa Niu to go and see a large blacksmithing workshop in person, and asked Grandpa Niu to help handle the heat for two days.Zhuang Xiuwen and his wife worked as coachmen to drive the carriage.

Originally, Shen Sanzhu said to send it to the mansion, but Xuejian turned around last night and thought, the second uncle and grandpa had left.Grandpa Niu also left.There was no man left in the family, so Shen Sanzhu was still asked to stay, and he was given a sum of money to buy a carriage for the family in the town later.

The group finally bid farewell to the people in Shenjia Village, and when they left the village, Mrs. Wang sighed:

"In my life, the furthest I've traveled is to go to the town, and I haven't been to the county seat or the prefectural city yet. This is great, I'm going to the prefectural city with my granddaughter's honor."

Old Shen Boss didn't say anything, his face was very calm.When the car arrived at the intersection of the three forks, it ran into a carriage coming out of Liangjiacun. It was Liang Zhongqiu who was driving the carriage, and Zhang Shi and Liang Shengyue were sitting in the carriage.

Xue Jian jumped out of the carriage and went up to say hello.Mrs. Zhang was worried that Mrs. Hu would go out in a carriage, so she followed.I also know that their young couple will be separated for several months.Then Xiao Hu sent him to Fucheng.Anyway, there are many people along the way, so everyone can take care of them.So I packed up my things and prepared to take Xiao Hu to Xuejian's Zhuangzi to raise a baby for a few days.Xue Jian was naturally very happy.

 Happy May Day everyone!A few days ago, I saw a book friend leave a message, thank you very much, thank you for reading the book seriously, thank you for your suggestion, I will work hard to write it down.

  A new month begins, tickets are being requested.Asking for praise, asking for rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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