farmer's daughter

Chapter 300 I will be your master from now on

Chapter 300 I will be your master from now on
Chapter [-] I am your future host
After exhorting everything he could think of, Xue Jian sat down and wrote a letter to the elder brother.After telling the elder brother about the situation, he handed the letter to Liang Shengyue.

Send them off early the next morning.After breakfast, Hu Yue'e sent her father to the carriage with red and swollen eyes, then Liang Shengyue took her hand and pulled her to Xuemian, saying:
"Xue'er, I put your little aunt here. You have to take care of me!"

Xue Jian nodded.Should be down.After sending away all the people going to the capital, the house became empty, leaving only a few people.Naturally, Hu Yue'e couldn't stop crying, so Mrs. Zhang dragged her back to the house.

Next, it's time for spring plowing.This is a big deal!
Just as Shen Erzhu and others were sent away, Qiu Yuan brought some vegetables and meat with the butler.Originally, Xue Jian planned to ask her eldest brother-in-law to go to Fucheng to buy half of a pig back, anyway, the weather is cold now, the meat is like putting it in the refrigerator.It was freezing hard.Qiu Yuan sent it.This is good, save trouble.

When Xue Jian saw Qiu Yuan coming, she immediately asked her eldest brother-in-law Lu Cheng to go to the tenant's village to inform that all the staff, young and old, would be there in the afternoon, and Xue Jian was going to the village to meet everyone and talk to everyone about something.The requirement is that everyone from every household must come.Face to face, recognize a person.

Then Xue Jian followed Qiu Yuan and the housekeeper and said:

"Third senior brother, you and the butler have to help me hold the scene this afternoon."

After lunch, Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Hu were left behind by the people here, but when he was about to go out, Mrs. Shen retreated, and Mrs. Wang, who had specially changed into new clothes, was also left behind. Shen Tou'er said:
"Xue'er, you just go. We old people will stay at home, and we can't do anything if we go. You are doing business today. We will go and have a look when you are done."

Mrs. Wang was about to say something, but old Mr. Shen glanced at her lightly, and she fell silent.Then he followed the old Mr. Shen back to the house to enjoy the fire.

Xue Jian was wearing thick clothes.Look at Ban Xia who is following behind with a basket and says:
"Ban Xia, you are too young, you should go back too, and give me the basket."

Banxia looked at Xuejian, and silently handed the basket to Xuejian.I also retreated into the house, the housekeeper was sensible, and immediately took the basket and said:
"Miss, let the old slave get this."

Xuejian thought about it, and let him take it.This steward Huang originally fought on the battlefield with the princess's father, General Changsun, but at that time he was just a soldier, responsible for the living arrangements of General Changsun, but he didn't expect that he would go to the rear to help take care of the wounded in one expedition.The general never came back.After returning to the capital, the old prince arranged for him to be the housekeeper of this other courtyard.Butler Huang has been loyally managing this other courtyard.

In fact, this other courtyard has been built since the princess got the title and award, but the princess has never been here.This place is too far away from the capital, and the old prince has come here twice, once to plan how to repair it, and once to investigate on behalf of the emperor.He just stepped down here, but Butler Huang didn't act unscrupulously just because his master wasn't around.Instead, he has been conscientiously managing this place, and sending the two harvests to the capital every year.The old prince also ordered.Every New Year and festival in the capital will reward the servants here.To show that the master has not forgotten them.

Steward Huang followed behind Xue Jian respectfully, his slightly bowed body perfectly reflected his respect for Xue Jian.Xue Jian wanted to show her prestige in front of these people today, so she relied on Butler Huang's intentions.

When everyone came to this small village, there was a big tree at the top of the village, but it was winter now, and there were no leaves on it. The tree was different from the last time I came and saw a few old men chatting here. When I arrived in the village, I found it was quiet.

Xue Jian went directly to the door of that Song Gentu family, because there was a wide drying dam in front of his door.Xuejian looked at it, and then told Shi Chun to call the door.In fact, the door of the Song family was open, and seeing Xue Jian and a group of people coming, that Hong family stood up.Warmly greeted:
"The master is here, second child, move out the stool quickly."

Xue Jian also smiled and said:
"Hong Shi, didn't you say that you are inconvenient? You don't need to be busy. Our people will come and move a table and a few stools from your house."

Hong smiled and said:
"I made the girl laugh. I was a little uncomfortable two days ago, but today I heard that the girl is coming. No, I'll be more energetic now. It's all thanks to the girl."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"You still have to be careful. Where's your family?"

"I just went out, and Brother Pang called someone to go door by door. I'll be back in a while."

The housekeeper and Lu Cheng went to this Hong family's house and moved a table and a few stools out. It was just a farmer's family, with only long stools and no chairs.Xuejian also sat down politely, Xiaocao opened the bag behind her, took out some papers from it, and then sat on the side of the table.

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Mr. Hong, come on, you are the first one. We need to remember how many people and how many children you have in your family. Make a note here. Then the children stand aside and the adults sit here. I will wait for you I have something to say."

Listening to Xuejian's words, the housekeeper looked at Xiaocao who was sitting there preparing to record, and was also a little surprised. This little girl can also write?

Hong stood over and asked cautiously:
"What do you want to remember? Do you only remember people's names?"

"Yes, just write down the name and distinguish between adults and children."

Xiaocao responded.Then asked:
"What's your name, what's the name of your head? How many children do you have? How old are the children?"

Hong raised his head to look around, and the villagers who gradually surrounded him, Xue Jian said loudly again:

"Come from family to family. We're just here to remember first, and to recognize people by the way. Otherwise, we won't know who is who when we walk by the fields in the future."

Hong thought about it before saying:

"My family name is Song Gentu, 35 years old, and my name is Hong Linzhen, also 35 years old. I have two sons. The eldest son is 14 years old and went to Fucheng to learn blacksmithing. The youngest son is nine years old and can help with some things at home. "

After talking about calling out the youngest son who was at home, he called Song Gentu who had just called over and said:
"Come on, I have met the master's girl."

Xue'er raised her eyes and saw that this Song Gentu was really just like soil, black and strong.But the simplicity in his eyes can tell at a glance that this is a down-to-earth person!Seeing Xue'er, she pulled the corner of her mouth lightly, but she really didn't cry out.He really didn't expect that the current head of the family is a girl who is younger than his youngest son.A child who looks like a china doll.

Xue Jian smiled and recognized him.His youngest son seemed to be quite clever.His eyes are very lively.Seeing Xuejian also smiled shyly.Did not speak.

Xuejian stood on the stool and shouted to the villagers who were arguing:
"Everyone be quiet, I will be your master from now on. You can call me Miss Shen, or Miss Snow." A real person!

(End of this chapter)

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