farmer's daughter

Chapter 301 Don't Mix Up Your Family's Dirty Things Here

Chapter 301 Don't Mix Up Your Family's Dirty Things Here

Chapter [-] Don’t get involved with your scandals here
Everyone who heard Xuejian's shouting slowly fell silent.But I still try to squeeze forward as much as possible, I want to see what is written or counted in front of this table, will there be any rewards?Will it be first come first served?

Xuejian frowned, jumped up and stood on the table, and said loudly again:
"Everyone, please stand or sit properly, and don't squeeze over. Song Gentu and Pang Panghu stand up and arrange these people to sit in a row. Everyone sit down and talk about things."

So everyone backed away a little bit, everyone knew that they came here today to talk about something.This is a matter of eating and drinking for the whole family for a year.The men all backed away, only some women were still pushing forward.Xuejian shouted again:
"Families stand or sit together. We just register the names here. With the names of your family members, I will also recognize your family members so that we can get to know each other in the future."

In this way, after the registration of the family, Xue Jian calculated that there were a total of 43 tenants, and the land rented and planted by each family was different. The widest one was Pang Da Hu's family, which planted nearly [-] mu of land.The least is that there is no male owner in the family, and only four acres of land are planted, but that woman is also very strong.

Count down.In these more than 40 households, there are about 15 children between the ages of five and [-]. They don't study, so they help with errands at home, and they are taken to the farmland early to help with farming.

Xuejian Chuchu took a look, and then asked everyone to sit down. Each family brought one or two stools, and everyone sat down.Seeing that Xue Jian was small, she stood on a stool and spoke:

"Now, we have a preliminary understanding. My name is Shen Xuejian, and I am the master of this Zhuangzi. I didn't care how you rented the land before, but now I have to re-plan these lands with me. There are people, you all listen, each family should send a representative to come here and measure how much land your family can rent. Register, and I will redistribute the land later.”

As I was talking, I heard someone shout:
"Why redistribute it? Later, my family will distribute the mature land to others, and give me some corner land."

As soon as the man spoke, many women started arguing with him.Butler Huang stood up:
"Shut up, you can do whatever the master says, and if you don't want to, just stop."

Those people slowly closed their voices, but they were all whispering among themselves below.Xuejian said again:
"You will have opinions, but I am the owner, and I can't be the owner of my land yet? I can plan as I want. If you have the ability, you can report it. You can rent a hundred acres. But here I am Just to make a request, if I find the land that I rented out to you, and you transfer the land to others for planting, then you don’t even think about harvesting and staying here. So, you all think about it, plant as much as you have the ability How wide, don’t worry that I have room, I just want to use the rest to do other things. Of course, it’s not that I’ll give you as much as you want, I have to see your family’s labor situation.”

Both Pang Dahu and Song Gentu talked to their family members, and then Song Gentu stood up and said:
"My family used to occupy 21 acres. This year my eldest son went to learn blacksmithing, so I will only lease [-] acres this year."

Someone asked:

"Gentu, everyone is watching the labor of the two of you. You only occupy ten acres?"

Song Gentu laughed and said:
"Not this year, I have a wife. I have to raise children. I can plant ten acres of land. Don't worry, the master's family is fine and won't let us starve."

Xuejian glanced at Song Gentu appreciatively.This person looks naive, but he is actually very shrewd. He has not even said his plan, but he is promoting himself.It seemed that he was the one who could see the next step.

Pang Panghu also stood up and said:

"Master, my family used to occupy 28 mu of land, but my family has a labor force. I married a daughter-in-law a year ago. This year, I will only rent 25 mu of land."

Pang Panghu was talking, and his wife was staring and holding hands behind him. After hearing Pang Panghu's words of 25 mu, she got anxious and stood up and said:

"What he said doesn't count, we need 35 mu. We have added manpower."

Pang Dahu's face flushed. This is not giving him face in front of everyone, and it is hurting his man's face.Pang Panghu roared angrily:
"My Pang family is still in charge. I said 25 mu is 25 mu!"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"Okay, take note, 25 acres."

Pang Panghu's wife, Liu Guihua, was humiliated by Pang Panghu's yelling, and she yelled and cursed:

"You have to pay a thousand dollars! My mother is not because of our family. Now that there are more people in the family and more mouths to eat, what can be done with 25 acres, it takes 35 acres."

A little daughter-in-law standing behind her was also blushing, she was about to shed tears, weak but everyone heard and said:

"Mom, do you think I can eat it? I can't eat ten acres of grain, I... I will only eat half a bowl from now on."

After saying that, he lowered his head, but the little shoulders were still shrugging, as if he was sobbing.Pang Xiaohu, the son of Pang Dahu, saw his wife crying, and immediately became anxious:

"Mother, look at you, where do you eat too much cauliflower? Which meal is not prepared for you before we eat. Look at you, you also said that you are not an evil mother-in-law. You scolded me as a daughter-in-law. My grandma, you are a mother-in-law and scolding my daughter-in-law."

While talking, he comforted his new daughter-in-law.This daughter-in-law is weaker, but she is very much loved by him.It's only when I have a daughter-in-law that I taste it myself. How can I not feel bad when I see my daughter-in-law being said that by my mother!
This Liu Guihua was dumbfounded, this... this... son and his wife left.She no longer sees herself as a mother.I pulled him up by shit and pee.Now, in front of the whole village, he protects his daughter-in-law and criticizes his mother, not to mention that the old mother has not scolded her daughter-in-law yet.

Liu Guihua was about to have a seizure, when she saw a person flying up in the air, directly lifted Liu Guihua out of the crowd and threw it aside, the person flew back and said:

"The master has to talk about the business, don't mess with your family's scandals here."

Of course, it was Qiu Yuan who flew up.With his shot, the audience was immediately stunned, and no one dared to say anything.Even Liu Guihua, who was thrown down and howled, stopped her voice immediately, grinning her teeth in pain, but slowly stood up by herself, not daring to speak out again.

Xuejian still stood there with the same expression, and said again:
"Okay, write it down, Pang Da Hu's house, 25 acres. Which one is there next?"

(End of this chapter)

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