Chapter 302

Chapter Three Hundred and Two

The following people were honest, and all of them had discussed with their families to register.When it was the turn of the woman who had no man at home, the woman hadn't spoken yet.Snow saw it and said:
"Sister-in-law Gu, you don't need to register. I won't rent land to your family this year. Just wait a moment. I will arrange other things for you. I won't starve your family."

This Mrs. Gu is actually only in his 20s, and he is also handsome.It's just that the pressure of life made her look a little old.Her husband died of a serious illness the year before last, and now she is the only one with two children at home, the oldest is only six years old and the youngest is only three years old.There is also a mother-in-law who is paralyzed in bed.She is the only labor force in this family. Even if she is given an acre of land, she can't grow it well, and she can't take care of her family.Xue Jian decided to arrange her in another row.

Hearing what Xue Jian said, Gu Shi was very panicked, she was afraid that her boss would not want her house.What if I bring two young children and a sick old man?Gu was stunned for a moment, pulled the two children to kneel in front of the table with a plop, and kowtowed repeatedly:

"Miss, please. Give me some land. I can plant it. I... can't let my children starve to death."

Xuejian was taken aback, and quickly got down from the table, together with Xiaocao who came over, helped Mrs. Gu up, but Mrs. Gu refused to get up. It seems that Xuejian refused to agree to her, so she stopped getting up.

A woman next to her said in a shrill voice:
"Mr. Gu, you still refuse to remarry when I ask you to. Take a look. Now your family has lost its way of life. You still take care of that half-dead old woman. If you remarry there, you can still have children. Isn’t that good? Some people are willing to give your old woman five taels of silver, enough for their grandparents and grandchildren. Look, now the master’s family doesn’t want you anymore.”

Gu's tears flowed even more when she heard the words, but Xue Jian raised her head and glared at the woman angrily. The woman saw that Xue Jian's face was not right, so she hid behind others and stopped talking.But Xue Jian recognized whose family this was from, Xue Jian stared at her and said:

"Sister Cao'er, write it down. Huang Laoer's family is talkative. We can't ask her to do anything in the future. If we want to withdraw people here, we will be the first to remove this kind of heartless, bullying the weak. People who have no sympathy!"

Xiaocao was also angry with this kind of person.In the past, when my family was also poor, there were people like this who bullied the Shen family, but now they came to curry favor with the Shen family, but the Shen family didn't want to see her.So is this man.

After listening to Xueer's words, Xiaocao nodded and said:

"Yes, I took note."

Xuejian lowered her head again and raised Gu's head, looked into Gu's eyes, and said seriously:
"Sister-in-law Gu, listen, it's not that I don't want your family anymore, I just don't want to plant land for you. You have to take care of two children and take care of an old man. You have worked hard. Don't worry, I won't ignore it. Your family, there are still some things that need to be done in my village. Starting tomorrow, you will settle down your family and bring your two children to the village. I will do things for you, and you will come back to take care of the elderly at night. Eat three meals a day on Zhuangzi. I will give you monthly money every month. When your child is older, you can sell it. If you want to plant land, I will give you the land to plant."

Gu looked at Xuejian in a daze.It was Mrs. Hong who stepped forward to pull her and said:

"My sister, you still don't thank the master! The master is kind and considerate of you!"

Xiaocao looked at Hong Linzhen and said doubtfully:
"Is she your sister?"

Hong Linzhen smiled and said:
"No, her name is Gu Amei."

Mrs. Gu also came to her senses, pulled the two children and kowtowed to Xue Jian, thanking her repeatedly!Now, three meals must be eaten.This is the great kindness of the master.

More than forty families were registered in a short time.Xiaocao was taking notes, Xue Jian said again:

"It's all registered now. Let me talk about it again. Just now I heard the number you reported. There are a total of 710 three acres of land. You have leased it, and you have left me a hundred or so acres. Okay. I will pay for the hundred or so acres. Plant it yourself, I decide what to plant, but you do it. Now I haven’t decided who will help me, I have to see the ability of some of you. For example, it is impossible for this talkative person to come Done."

Seeing Xue Xue's kindness and power going on, those people still don't understand?Everyone kept quiet, fearing that they would offend the master if they said something wrong, fearing that their own family would have nothing to do.

Pang Dahu looked at Xuejian, then at Xiaocao and said:
"Miss Master, are you sure you did your calculation correctly?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"The number you reported is not large, and I can add it up while listening. There will be no mistakes. My sister will figure it out in a while."

Xuejian said again:

"Everyone, now I'm announcing about this year's crops."

This is the key point, everyone held their breath listening to Xuejian,
"This year, the number of tenants you reported in the report, I will rent the land for you at that time, and then we will go to the field to divide it. I will come out this year, and I don't need your money. The more you plant, you will The more capable you are. This year, I will only collect one bucket of grain per acre of land. For the rest, you will earn more!"

Pang Panghu stood up at once, and asked in an excited trembling voice:

"Miss Master, is what you said true?"

"Uncle Pang Da, of course it is true!"

Xue Jian smiled.

"Did you hear that? Did you hear that? I heard it right. The lady in charge said it's true, it only costs one bushel per acre!"

Pang Dahu turned around and shouted at everyone.There were surprise smiles on everyone's faces.They thanked the host one after another, but at the same time regretted that they did not have more land.

Xuejian cleared her throat and said loudly:

"Be quiet, be quiet. I haven't finished my words yet. Listen carefully. This year, you can use your abilities casually. The more you plant, the more you will harvest. Those who want to sell grain, I buy it at the market price, so you don’t want to sell it to others. But you can also save it and not sell it, because next year, I may have to plant some other things, and I have to listen to what I plant next year. The harvest will be returned to you for money and food. It will not be worse than this year!"

After everyone listened and looked at each other, Pang Panghu said loudly:

"Master, I have been in this Zhuangzi for decades. After three or four masters, I will obey you! You can do whatever you say! I will only charge you a fight. I am a huge tiger. I'm going to follow you! We don't have any other skills, but we are all good at farming."

Others also expressed their views.Everyone is excited.

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Don't worry, I used to be a child of a poor family. It's only in recent years that our family has gotten better. So I know your sufferings. I can't guarantee anything else, but I, a person in the village, will let you Life is getting easier! This year I am not so capable. I promise here that next year, there will be a school in our Zhuangzi, and I will let us children learn to read and write. In my hometown, the children of our village The children will all go to school this year. I hired two gentlemen to teach them. There will be some in our village next year!"

(End of this chapter)

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