farmer's daughter

Chapter 322 An Incomparable Feeling of Loneliness Is Immediately Covered

Chapter 322 An Incomparable Feeling of Loneliness Is Suddenly Covered
Chapter 320 An Incomparable Feeling of Loneliness Is Immediately Covered
After finishing talking here, Shi Chun turned around and said to the person standing here:

"Master, I'm done talking. Let me tell you. My name is Shi Chun. I have been granted the title of internal steward of the estate by the grace of the second lady. This little girl is called Banxia, ​​and she is the daughter of the second lady. Mrs. Wu, you will be in charge from now on." Clean up the fallen leaves in the inner and outer courtyards. The cleaning of the main house is yours. Wu Qiming, from tomorrow onwards, you will follow the eldest lady or the second lady, and learn as much as you can. Follow the orders of the eldest lady and the second lady Mrs. Gu, the lady said, if you really want to enter the mansion, then we will accept you. From now on, you will be responsible for learning from Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Zheng in the kitchen. Because the two cooks belong to the princess People. They will get it back sooner or later. So from now on, you will be in charge of the kitchen. Your two children will take care of it first, and the lady will make arrangements later. "

Shi Chun turned to Xue Jian and said:

"Second Miss, do you have anything to say?"

Xue Jian nodded, stood up and said:
"Do you have any comments on these arrangements? The number of people in our manor will only increase. Everyone, please pay attention. Our Shen family also came from a farm family. Some rules are not so perfect now, but they will be improved in the future." It has become more perfect. If you stay sincerely, please do things faithfully. My Shen family will never lose anyone who has helped us. In the future, I hope we can get along as family members, It's just that everyone's division of labor is different, and they do different things. Recently, I have a lot of things to do. Therefore, if there is anything at home, I will look for my sister."

Gu stepped forward and said:

"Second Miss, this is the household certificate of our three children. My mother-in-law agrees to our entry into the mansion. But I still have to visit her every day."

Xue Jian took the three pieces of paper from her hand, nodded and said:
"Okay, how about this, you'd better take the child home to live in every day, a period of time is enough, I'm going to repair the house recently, after the repair, you can bring your mother-in-law to live together."

Mrs. Gu hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to thank her, Xuejian helped her up and said:

"What are you doing! I don't like people kneeling down."

After another two days, the grass in the field was almost removed, and fewer people came to work, and they all went to work on their own fields.Old Mr. Shen and Mr. Niu'er are back, and they brought back two big things!Old Shen's face was full of excitement, and he looked ten years younger!

Xuejian also went forward to look at the thing that was pulled back, it did look very similar to the thing in his memory, but he didn't know if it would be easy to use.But now there are no cattle, so we have to buy cattle.

Before Xue Jian said anything, Old Shen said:
"Xue'er, I ordered two cows. They will be here in a while."

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"Master, I was thinking about how to buy a cow! It's just right! When the cow arrives, we'll try it."

Qiu Yuan also stepped forward and said:

"If this thing works, Xue'er, you can make some money again. You can even make it for the veterans in the shelter."

Xue Jian laughed.In fact, the things I made are not intended to change the world, but to be more convenient for myself to use.There are many other things that can be done.It's just that I don't need it now.

Xuejian led Wu Qiming and Lu Cheng to walk on the edge of his field, watching the hoeed hay piles form small piles on the edge of the field.Xue Jian stood dumbfounded for a while.As if remembering something, Lu Cheng thought that Xuejian was not happy that these haystacks were here, so he stepped forward and said carefully:

"Xue'er, this is just here, and it will be cleaned up tomorrow."

Xue Jian didn't say a word, still looking at the pile of grass.After thinking for a while, Xue Jian suddenly turned around, excitement was written on her little face, this time she remembered something, she was in modern times, but she was a science major.Actually forgot about this thing.It is also the reason why many of them did not work and went to be housewives.

Xue Jian turned around and hurried to the yard. Lu Cheng and Wu Qiming glanced at each other, but they didn't understand what happened to Xue Jian.The two also ran back.Xue Jian went back to the house directly after returning home.After a while, he took out a few pieces of paper, called Ban Xia and said:
"Ban Xia, go find Grandpa Niu."

Ban Xia didn't know what the second lady was going to do, so she hurried to find Lao Niu. Lao Niu was still discussing with Lao Shen, looking at the two iron guys, and heard that Xue Jian was in a hurry to find him.The old cow also came quickly.Old Mr. Shen thought that there was something wrong with these two things.These two are his treasures now, so Old Shen head hastily followed.I want to see what Xuejian has to say.

When he got there, he saw Xuejian holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.There were some things drawn on the paper, but Old Shen couldn't understand any of them, not at all, at least he understood, that is, the pipe.

Xue saw a piece of paper and told Lao Niu one by one, and Lao Niu understood something.Ask again if you don't understand.See you later.After all, Lao Niu still doesn't understand something.Xue Jian stopped.Patting his forehead, it seems that he can only understand it if he uses something to make a look for him.

Xuejian asked Banxia to find some leaves, branches and some wet mud for herself.Lu Cheng and Wu Qiming also came back, and everyone looked at Xue to see a person playing with mud in the middle of the yard.After a while, Xuejian said he wanted a small board, after a while, Xuejian said he needed mud, and after a while, Xuejian wanted a straight twig.Anyway, what she said she wanted, Wu Qiming and Banxia immediately went to find it, and Xuejian figured it out for a long time by herself, and came up with something.Everyone can't understand what this is.Waiting for Xuejian to explain.

Xue Jian saw the grass piled up on the side of the road, and thought of something that would be used in the countryside, biogas!Xue Jian wanted to make a biogas digester out.Firstly, there is fertilizer for farming, and secondly, the problem of firewood for cooking in this estate has been solved.Now that I can make thinner iron pipes, this is no longer a problem.When I was in college, I was specially taken by my teacher to visit the construction and working principle of the biogas digester.This is nothing to worry about.

Xuejian explained the principle of the basic biogas digester he made, but everyone was still at a loss.After thinking about it, Xue Jian understood.They don't know what biogas is, what fertilizer is, and what fertilizer is used for. For them, this is something they don't know at all.

In an instant, Xue Jian felt powerless, and for the first time felt how lonely a modern person was in ancient times!Here, I can't find a person who has a common language with me. What I know, others don't understand!An indescribable sense of loneliness was suddenly overwhelmed.

Xuejian looked up at the sky for a while, because she wanted to ask the sky why she wanted to be reborn again.The second is to stop the tears from streaming down.After calming down for a while, Xuejian said quietly:
"It's okay, you all go to work. Grandpa Niu, I'll mark the size of some things later, can you make some for me first? I'll see how I do it later."

Lao Niu didn't know why, but felt that Xue'er was a little sad, so he nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll go to another hospital to do it later."

Xuejian returned to her room again, and said to Banxia who followed her in:

"I'm a little tired. You go down first, and don't call me for dinner. I'm going to bed first."

(End of this chapter)

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