farmer's daughter

Chapter 323 A Good Thing That Kills Three

Chapter 323 A Good Thing That Kills Two Birds With One Stone
Chapter 320 Three Killing Two Birds With One Bird
Ban Xia only knew that the second lady was a little unhappy, but she couldn't tell why, so she had to agree.Close the door for Second Miss and back out.Xuejian didn't eat at night, so everyone was concerned about it, and they heard that she was tired and wanted to sleep.I didn't say anything more.

But the person who should have fallen asleep from exhaustion sat on the kang, letting the tears flow quietly on his face.I have been here as a soul for more than half a year.I have been working hard to live, and I have been keeping myself busy.I just don’t want to think about so many modern people and things anymore.But today, I couldn't control my emotions. I agreed that I didn't want to, but somehow those scenes came back to my eyes clearly.I can only hug these little arms and legs and cry here.

Xuejian's sadness is incomprehensible to others.

The next day, when Xue Jian came out, she was still busy arranging this and that. No one noticed that Xue Jian seemed to be much quieter.

On this day, Xuejian called Pang Dahu and Song Gentu.The main reason is to discuss two things. One is to find a few people to build a preliminary temporary house.Song Gentu took over this matter.Because he said that he would also repair houses before.Then Xue Jian will leave it to him.And he must complete it within a month.The wages can be higher, but things must be done well.Song Gentu agreed.

And the second thing is the matter of flood control.Although I discussed it with Qiu Yuan, I also wrote a letter to the elder brother.But I haven't received a reply from the big brother yet.Qiu Yuan could only give suggestions, and the people who were closely related to this were still these tenants.So when Xue Jian said this, Pang Panghu immediately said:

"Yes, this matter is important. The second uncle came to my house yesterday to remind me of this matter. It has been several years since the water has risen here. But if it is not guaranteed, it will not rise this year. We will do what the girl says about this matter. Don't worry, this We must pay attention to what we are doing!"

Snow said:
"Uncle Pang Da, take me to the river to see where the water came from all these years. Is there anything wrong with the village and the prefectural city in front of us. Do you know this?"

"That's clear. I know the bends and turns of the river ten miles up and down. To put it bluntly. We grew up in this river with bare buttocks. If you ask me about this, you are asking someone. Girl I don’t need to walk around again, I can draw for girls.”

Xue Jian immediately brought a pen and paper.Pang Panghu was holding the small pen in his thick hand, which looked wrong no matter how he looked at it.Because he grasped the brush with one hand, he didn't feel that he was wrong, so he started to write on the paper without hesitation.There is an ouch when I write a pen.I laughed and said:
"Hey, girl, look, I'm a big bastard, I can't draw like this. This pen is soft and not obedient. Here, this one."

After speaking, he turned around and came to the yard with ink in his hand, and started to draw with his fingers dipped in ink on the stone slab on the ground.

Although Pang Pang Hu Dou Da doesn't know two characters, but this picture drawn by Xue Jian is very good.Xue Jian couldn't help but think of Mr. Hu who was stunned when he drew a map for the first time. If Mr. Hu knew that this old man could draw without a teacher.I don't know what to do.

Pang Panghu talked while painting, the painting was good, and the speech was clear, which time the flood crossed the bank, which time the flood was higher than where.He made it very clear.It seems that he has always taken this matter to heart.

Xue Jian nodded, indicating that he understood.It turns out that the flood here rises once every few years, not because of what happened upstream, but because of God, if it rains heavily upstream for several days, the river will rise.Ordinary floods will not overflow from here.So it's not that the river has not risen for several years, but it has risen downstream in recent years.It's just not over here.

Xue Jian also understood.The reason why the flood did not overturn in the previous section was because the terrain there was higher.And just as it happened, the terrain began to drop when it reached the section of the manor.Therefore, as long as there is a flood, the place where the bank turns over is the side of the back mountain, and the back mountain guards the courtyard.But he couldn't guard the short field in front of the manor.

Xue Jian had a plan in mind, Xue Jian wanted to gather people to raise the river bank here, and secondly, to divert part of the river.Xuejian had this plan to divert the river when she didn't know that the river would rise. She planned to dig a ditch in the middle of these fields and divert the river water to irrigate all the fields. On the other side of her field, there was a small stream.If some of the river water is diverted, it can be regarded as reducing the amount of flood here and ensuring irrigation.This is the way to kill two birds with one stone.

Xue Jian said something.Pang Panghu and Song Gentu looked at each other, and Pang Panghu and Song Gentu both bowed to Xue Jian and made a big gift!Xue Jian quickly helped her up and said:
"What are you two uncles doing? Sit down and talk."

Big Tiger said:

"Girl! I, Pang Dahu, have passed through several masters. All the time, the masters have nothing to do with me, but I only submit to the girl! Girl, from now on, whatever the girl says, I Pang Dahu will do it without saying a word!"

"Girl, you don't know, this matter of ditching to divert water. It was brought up by my father. It took decades, and no master was willing. Because as long as a ditch is opened, nearly [-] acres of land will be reduced. Such a good land It was hard to part with it when it was dug up. Therefore, even if there is a flood every year, our tenants are still forced to pay the grain. This is why we formed two groups and fought against them openly and secretly."

"Now, we have met a sensible master!

Xue Jian was praised by Pang Dahu with a black line, is this considered a sensible master?What kind of ghost master did they encounter before?This ditching and drainage is a great thing that benefits oneself and others.What is less than 800 mu of land, and the loss of more than [-] mu of land a year is ah.How many twenty acres is that?Oh, that's right, they didn't lose anything. Anyway, if they lost something, they got it back from the tenants.well!Xue Jian could only sigh!

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Don't talk about how good I am. Two uncles, have you thought about how to open the ditch? How can this ditch be taken care of to ensure that Zhuangzi is fully irrigated this time? That means there must be water even in times of drought, right?"

Pang Dahu said again:
"Girl doesn't mean just digging ditches to divert water?"

Xue Jian widened his eyes and smiled:

"Yeah, ditches to divert water is no small matter. I won't do it just to divert river water. I can raise the embankment on my side. I ditch to divert water so that you can use water for farming It’s convenient. Those far away from the river have to be carried one by one, isn’t it tiring? If this bends the ditch and basically takes care of my area, isn’t it good for you or me?”

Pang Panghu knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said:

"Thank you, Miss Master, for thinking about us, okay! If you want to divert water to irrigate, that's what I think."

(End of this chapter)

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