farmer's daughter

Chapter 324 Trial Farming

Chapter 324 Trial Farming
Chapter 320 Four Trial Farming
Pang Panghu knelt on the ground and began to draw the terrain of Zhuangtian again, and then drew a straighter line:

"If you just dig ditches to divert water and pass like this, you will only lose [-] to [-] mu of land, less than [-] mu. I have measured it. If it is according to the master's intention, let the master see, let's make a bend here, so that Take a turn to get out of the water. In this way, all places are not too far from the ditch. It’s not too troublesome even to carry it, is it?”

Xuejian looked at the picture drawn by Pang Dahu, nodded and said:
"Uncle Pang Da seems to be very clear about the corners and corners of this farmland. Okay, this location is good. Let's do it like this. In this way, Uncle Song will be responsible for building the house, and Uncle Pang Da will be responsible for repairing the ditches. Yes. But this ditch is about to be repaired, where did so many stones come from?"

Pang Panghu was taken aback, and said:
"Master, if you use stones to repair it, not to mention using a lot of stones, it will also cost a lot of money, why not just dig a deep trench."

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"Uncle Pang Da, you don't save any money. You are a farmer. You should know that the side of the ditch will collapse after being soaked in water for a long time. The mud that collapses will block the ditch. This It has to be dug by people, and the land will be reduced even more. When this ditch is repaired, stones must be used to block the soil on both sides. Only in this way can we protect our land.”

Pang Dahu frowned and said:

"But master, the nearest stone is the mountain behind this manor. The reason why this mountain is not planted is because the soil is shallow, and the bottom is full of stones. But if this mountain is opened, then this manor will not be so beautiful. .”

Xue Jian laughed:

"Uncle, is it more important to look good or to have a full stomach? Besides, we will mine the side of the manor house, and I will expand the manor house when the land is vacated! This is also killing two birds with one stone!"

The more Pang Dahu said, the brighter his eyes became!After hearing Xuejian finish speaking, she patted her thigh and said:

"Okay! Girls say that, then I'll find everyone to do things!"

Pang Panghu is a hot-tempered person, he will start as soon as he mentions it!Pang Dahu and Song Gentu hurriedly turned around and were about to leave when Xuejian called:

"Wait a minute, you must remember the time when everyone works, so that you can pay the wages when the time comes, okay? If you want to pay in advance, you can come to my sister to get it. But you have to write a note."

The two went out in response.The two of them had to add up, there was only so much labor in this village, and to allocate the manpower well, both of them knew the people in this village well, so they made a decision in a few words.When I went back, I went to call people separately.

That afternoon, the cow seller and Steward Huang came to the manor together, and there were two other cows at the same time!Old Mr. Shen stepped forward to have a look. It was the two he had chosen. After chatting with the cattle seller, he said to Xue:

"Xue'er, give this grandpa five taels of silver. It's the money to buy a cow."

Xiaocao turned around and went into the house, took out five taels of silver, and handed it over to the grandfather, and old Mr. Shen handed it over to the cattle seller. The man happily clapped his hands and said:
"Okay, the cow has been delivered, I should go home now, it's still a long way!"

With the cows, Old Shen couldn't wait to ask Lu Cheng and the others to help take out the iron guy, and called everyone to go to the field together, and some children ran back to the village early to tell.The grandpa of the hostess girl made two strange things and went to the field, as well as two cows.I don't know what to do.People in the village came to see if they had nothing to do, and many people came after a while.

Xue Jian stood by the field and asked Lu Cheng to put the frame on the cow's neck to the cattle frame. There were two long ropes on this frame.It is connected to the Tie Li head at the back.Because Xuejian has never done it before, but only saw it in memory, this Lu Cheng is leading the cow in the front, and the pear head and old Shen Touer in the back will not give it to anyone, so he has to go to the field to try it by himself.

When he first took hold of the Tie Litou, the old Shen was a little crooked, and the old Niutou also went to the field to help him up. Fortunately, there was no water in the field and it was all dry. The two old men managed to get the iron out. Litou was straightened, and Lu Cheng slapped the bull's shoulder lightly, and the bull walked forward slowly.After the cow took a few steps, the rope straightened, and Tie Litou began to be pulled forward.

Xuejian called:

"Grandpa, you have to stick that tip deeper into the ground. It has to be a little slanted."

Old Shen also came to his senses, and according to what Xue Jian said, he gently pierced the pointed end.Sure enough, when the cow took a step forward, the Tie Li's head sank further into the ground.The soil was tied up.As the cow moved forward, the pear head that had been pierced in pulled out a ditch.And more and more mud piled on the pear head.It seems that the pear head is buried.

Xue Jian shouted from the side:
"Stop, stop."

Lu Cheng pulled the rope on the bull's nose.The cow stopped.Xuejian ran to the field, pointed at the mud on the pear's head:
"Grandpa, this won't work. Look at the back, you've taken away the mud from the ditch your pears opened, and your pears are getting heavier and heavier. At the back, the cow can't pull them. You're like this, you When holding this pear, the main thing is to keep it from falling over, the second is to pay attention to the direction, and the second is to pour the soil at any time. Look, if you tilt the head of the pear like this while walking, it will pear up The mud will pour out. Take two steps and tilt it, and take two steps and tilt it again. Try it, so that the mud behind will not be taken away.”

Song Gentu, who followed to see the excitement, was holding a hoe in his hand. Song Gentu also came down to the ground to remove the mud piled on the top of the pear and send it back to the ditch opened by the pear.He is also very interested in this thing.He saw that it was for plowing the ground, which was less labor-intensive than using a hoe.

Xuejian took two steps back and shouted:

"Okay, now you come again, big brother-in-law, let the cow go slowly."

Lu Cheng patted the bull's shoulder again, and the bull walked forward again.Old Shen Touer held the pear head, and as expected, as Xue Jian said, he tilted the pear head in two steps, and the soil really turned over and poured out.Walk a few more steps and feel more proficient.Old Mr. Shen felt that he didn't need much strength. When he got to the edge of the field, Lu Cheng led the ox back and turned it back, so that Litou peared next to the ditch where he peared first.The mud poured out this time just filled up the first ditch.It looks like it turned the ground over.

This way of digging the ground is not tiring and digs deeper than a hoe.Old Mr. Shen couldn't bear to let go after working so hard, he was determined to give up this field.And here all the men in the village came, each of them wanted to go to the fields to try it, and each of them ran to Xuemei to ask him to try it.Especially Pang Panghu, everyone rushed over in a hurry, pushing Xuejian into the field, Pang Panghu also jumped down, pulled Xuejian and ran away two steps.Lest others compete with themselves.Xue Jian was taken aback, and then shouted:

"Uncle Pang Da, let me go!"

Only then did Pang Dahu let go of Xuejian, and said with a smile:
"Good girl, let me try it? Uncle Da Da is in a hurry. I want to try it!"

Xue Jian was so anxious that her face turned red, and she blamed:

"Then you can't do that either."

(End of this chapter)

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