Chapter 331
Chapter 330 Can't afford to lose this person

Murong Xingqiang left himself in the Princess's Mansion, even Xiaoyaohou couldn't come to ask people to go back, because of his reputation as a supervisor for the Princess.

In fact, it was the days when Murong Xing went to Xue Jian's house to stay, and he saw what a really warm home is like.The whole family cares about each other and takes care of each other.Poor is poorer, even eating pickled vegetables with bran and swallowing them with a smile.

But in her own home, the mother is busy staring at the concubines of the father every day.I can't care about my own children anymore.But my father went in and out of this room every day.It doesn't matter which room is fighting with which room.The grandfather calculated every day to be up and down, but he couldn't even protect his own grandson.Otherwise, how could the third senior brother be wandering outside alone?

Although the elder brother was made the eldest son, he was dragged by everyone at a young age, and stared at by the one or two younger brothers who managed to survive.My younger sister, Murong Shan, is not as cute as when she was a child.When I was a child, my sister pestered me every day to ask for such flowers and that kind of flowers, and asked me to pick them for her. When I picked the flowers she wanted, she would thank me with a sweet smile and hug me, but now Little girl, as soon as she saw her back, she asked for something, not just for something, but also for something better!She doesn't like good things, but to compare with those concubine sisters, and those little sisters in Beijing.It's not like Xue'er, at such a young age, she has to calculate the family's expenses and plan to make the life of the family as good as possible.Take care of the needs of your family.

The one or two months spent in the country completely changed some of Murong Xing's concepts and attitude towards life.He has no power at home, and he can't change everything at home, so he has to escape.There is nothing to do during the Chinese New Year, there is no way to hide, now that he has an excuse, Murong Xing is eager to leave that house.

Moreover, Murong Xing recognized most of these people who came.Because when Xiu Xue met the family, everyone had been together.In these poor people, Murong Xing really saw happiness!
Lian Quchen understood Murong Xing's feelings best, so he left Murong Xing behind before Murong Bo could speak.Now everyone in the capital knows that Murong Xing is his younger brother.certainly.This is because the old Hou Ye of Murong's family accidentally revealed it.Yes, that was an intentional or unintentional disclosure.The reason is because people in Beijing know that they are the emperor's people.

For Lian Quchen, he didn't have any feelings for this little junior at first, but after these years, his life has become more and more entangled in the affairs of the capital, and then he sees that the little junior is still making small troubles with his master, Do some innocuous things, think about what made me lose that happiness, and look at the little junior sister now, even though they have only been together for a few days.But it can be seen that the happiness and satisfaction of the junior sister is the same as that of the junior.It's all pure joy.It's just that the little junior sister's home was so tired that she had to stand up.So, from a certain corner of his heart, Lian Quchen wanted to protect the happiness of these two little children.

Murong Xing followed Shen Erzhu all the way that afternoon, until Shen Erzhu was worn out and said impatiently:

"Okay, okay, okay, you go to buy something, I'll try to make it for you later, let me tell you first, I just watched Xueer make it. The ones I make may not be so delicious."

Immediately Murong Xing was so happy that he jumped up to the roof.He quickly came down and called the housekeeper, who asked someone to get some pigs into the water.Want a full set.

The butler of the princess mansion is no ordinary butler.The butler is an official butler.This man's original name was Xiong Hongcai, and he was a soldier of the princess's father. When he went to the battlefield with his eldest grandson, he was saved by the elder son and came back with three fingers missing.According to regulations, you can no longer go to the battlefield.The crown prince invited him to work and got him an idle official position, but when he returned home, he found that there was nothing left in the house.The old parents were sick and died.Xiong Hongcai returned to the capital to look for his son.The prince arranged for him to be a small steward in his own house.From then on, it was renamed Changsun Xiong!Later, the eldest son died on the battlefield and earned back a throne with a different surname for the family.But only the root of the princess was left.

At this time, all kinds of distant and close relatives of the eldest grandson's family approached, and some of them were favored by the old lady. The old lady believed what others said, and thought that the princess and the young lady were big characters, so this is the father of Kefuke.After some tossing, the young lady also went with her husband, but it was said that the young lady died of illness, but in fact she committed suicide.At that time, the princess was still young and didn't know much about these things, but these old people who stayed in the mansion understood the reason.Some people are not afraid of death to find the old Hou Ye, the current old prince.Only then did the old prince clean up some redundant people in the mansion, and sent these old people under the name of the princess. The princess was raised by this group of people who were loyal to her father.So after she got married, she had a special princess mansion, and she brought all these old people out.She wants to give these people old age!
Everyone in the capital knew the status of the eldest grandson Xiong in the princess' mansion.Now Murong Xing wants him to have someone buy pig offal that no one else would eat.The eldest grandson Xiong naturally complained a few times.But I still called a young man to go out to find it, but it couldn't be said that it was the princess's mansion.I can't afford to lose this person!
Murong Xing got Shen Erzhu's promise, and he didn't care whether Shen Erzhu could make it as delicious as Xue'er's.One person took a chair and sat in the yard, watched the people from Shenjia Village and Liangjia Village come in and out, and began to measure the size of each room, making plans for how to do it.

Everyone looked at the second son of Murong, who was basking in the sun with nothing to do.In fact, Murong Xing's head was spinning, thinking about how to get to the little junior sister again.

At this moment, Lian Quchen stared at the letter in his hand in a daze.This letter was written by Xuejian asking about King Liang.

When Yuxue saw that this little peasant girl could see King Liang, even Quchen was helpless.Right now, there are turbulent winds and clouds in the capital.There are currently seven princes, currently there are four adult princes, and three princes who are less than ten years old.Among them, the queen gave birth to the eldest prince and the second prince.The eldest prince has been loved by the emperor since he was a child, and he was made a prince when he was only five years old.And the second prince is King Liang.

The emperor's seven princes have even met Qu Chen, and the one who interested him the most was King Liang.Liang Wang was a smart man, and he knew that his elder brother was the prince.I try my best to do some romantic things, that way I want to be a real and raised prince.Therefore, now Liang Wang is very much in the hearts of the queen and the prince.Most of the time, the emperor remembered this son who was not very successful but did not cause trouble and did not ruin the royal reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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