farmer's daughter

Chapter 332 Miss Shen is a good person

Chapter 332 Miss Shen is a good person

Chapter 330 Second Miss Shen Is a Great Kind Person
When Lian Quchen saw the letter with Xue in his hand, he thought about it carefully. In this capital, he was hugging the emperor's thigh now, and the emperor was very supportive of the prince.But Lian Quchen could tell that the Second Prince was not simple.A real smart guy.

Really smart royal people are worth dating, but he is a supporter of the emperor, and Liang Wang dare not take the initiative to associate with him.I can't even try to curry favor with Liang Wang, if my junior sister can establish some friendship with Liang Wang, that would be a good bridge.

I'm afraid I have to go there myself.Because some words are unsafe to pass on, and even less so to write.But I have to find some reason to go out of Beijing. It will take several days to go back and forth.

When Lian Quchen was thinking about this problem, the three carriages that brought the first batch of iron pipes arrived. This time, Steward Huang asked someone to bring them along. It seems that Xiao Niu is young, only twelve or thirteen years old, but Lao Niu said that he was a teacher in making iron pipes.Because to make iron pipes, you just need to melt molten iron into the mold, and you don't need to strike iron.So the old cow sent out the calf first.

Things are arranged here.Dozens of people began to warm the princess's house.Liang Zhongqiu is ready to go back, and Shen Erzhu will complete everything here.Of course Liang Shengyue stayed to prepare for the exam.Liang Zhongqiu took the people sent by Butler Huang back to Qingyang Mansion.

In the Youran Villa in Qingyang Mansion, everything is going on in an orderly manner.The simple room with the wall has been repaired.Xue Jian entered the city once and prepared all the bedding.All the boys and girls who were willing to come into the mansion accepted their physical deeds and entered the mansion.This time, including Wu Qiming, ten boys and three girls entered the mansion.

Xue Jian looked at the thirteen half-grown boys and girls standing in front of them.The oldest one is Wu Qiming, who is said to be 14 years old this year, and the youngest is a girl, who is said to be ten years old.The others are between twelve and thirteen years old.Some of these people's families have many children, and they want to eat more with their masters.Some are parents who can see that it is definitely better to follow Xuejian than to follow their own farming.For example, Pang Dahu's son and Song Gentu's son.

Xue saw a small person standing in front of the eaves of the main house. Although he stood two steps higher than them, he didn't look taller than others.However, the appearance of Xuejian now has changed a lot from when she first wore it last year. One is because her life is better now.Nutritious enough.The second is because she is practicing.So she will look like a tall girl too.Compared with last year, he has grown more than half a head.

These people will be the backbone of Xuejian in the future. Now that Xuejian wants to build up some of his own strength, he has to train a group of people by himself.These thirteen were the first time she bought so many, but not all thirteen were good, Xuejian still had to choose from them, trying to put each one in the most suitable place.

Xue Jian looked at the restrained look of everyone.I also laughed a little from the bottom of my heart. These people looked taller than me, but in their hearts, I was the master.Just being taller than them can determine their future; it can determine their life and death.

"You don't have to be afraid, and don't worry, even though your deed is in my hands. But don't worry so much, I won't kill you. The main reason for bringing you here is that I need a group of people. You are young. , it’s time to learn something new. From now on, I will arrange some things for you to learn every day. If you learn well, you will stay in the future. If you don’t learn well, I will figure it out , or send you home, or arrange some simple things to do. But your future will be two different lives from those who have learned well.”

Xuejian started to speak with a faint smile.

"This is Steward Shi. Regarding the etiquette of receiving people and things, you should follow her professor. When you have nothing to do, try to ask Steward Shi to ask what you can do. This is my sister, you You can call her Missy. This is my little aunt. You can call your aunts. If you have nothing to do in the morning, the two of them will teach you how to read and write. You can ask my sister for pens, ink and paper. We will give each of you Ready. The rest of the time, you are under my control. You can learn what I teach. If you don’t understand, you must ask and understand. But what I ask you to do, you must do it according to my requirements, understand? ?”

"it is good."



Various responses one after another.Shi Chun frowned, stepped forward and said:

"Now let me tell you the first thing. According to the master's instructions, you have to unify with 'yes.' Claiming that you can no longer call yourself by name or say 'I', you have to say subordinates. Originally, we should say 'slave', but our master said it. From now on, you will be her subordinates. When you see your master in the future, you will be called master. Do you understand?"


He is obedient, and he can teach everything.Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"Now, the boys among you will be managed by Wu Qiming. He will arrange the beds. Girls, steward Shi will take care of it first, and Steward Shi will arrange your accommodation. Go down. Get up tomorrow, at the beginning of the morning. , gather in this courtyard, and I will tell you what to do then."

Xuejian's decision made the boys look embarrassed. It seems that they usually don't get up so early at home.And the girls are calm.Xuejian knew that every family valued sons over daughters, men could go to bed later, and daughters had to get up early to do breakfast or do housework.

After arranging these people down, Xue Jian went to the field to have a look again.Now that the fields are in full swing, it is a great joy for Steward Huang to talk to the newly appointed Master of the Household, Mr. Wang.For him, this is a gift for his political achievements.If the flood here can be diverted away, this piece of land in Qingyang Mansion will not be submerged.Further down is the territory of another mansion, which has nothing to do with me.It can be seen that this leisurely villa has done a great thing to welcome me.

Therefore, after Mr. Wang took office, he declined the invitations of the major merchants in the prefecture the next day, and brought a few people to the leisurely mountain villa. When he saw that the person in charge of the villa was actually a little girl, but I heard that it was this little girl. The girl decided to divert the flood.Lord Wang greatly appreciates it.Promise a big reward on the spot!The land where the ditch was built was occupied by Youran Villa, and the people came from Youran Villa.But it is this large group of people who benefit.So, in the name of rewarding Youran Villa, Xue Jian was given 3000 taels of silver as a canal repair fee.Xue Jian accepts what she can get, anyway, she really suffered a disadvantage.At the moment, I still thanked him a lot, and put some high hats on Mr. Wang, which made Mr. Wang smile!Called out:

"Ms. Shen is really the biggest benevolent person in my Qingyang Mansion! For us, Qingyang Mansion has done her own part and occupied her own land. I'm waiting to admire you!"

(End of this chapter)

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