farmer's daughter

Chapter 337 Everyone Thinks It's a Soul Caller

Chapter 337 Everyone Thinks It's the Soul Caller Arriving
Chapter 330 The seventh one thought it was the spirit caller
Zhen Guohou's memorial caused an uproar in the court!Everyone couldn't understand which song Zhen Guohou sang, the eldest son died in battle.The grandson is missing.Doesn't this have a second son?Don't you have grandchildren?Why do you just say no to the position you bought with your life?
Zhen Guohou made people puzzled, and what the Holy One did made them even more puzzled.The Holy Majesty actually accepted Zhen Guohou's request, and even issued a decree to agree to Zhen Guohou's self-demotion.It's just that Zhen Guohou didn't really become a thousand households, but a three generals in a border town.The three generals are what everyone calls the generals in charge of the army's food and horses. Generally, there is a commander in charge of the whole, and two deputy commanders in charge of the others. Because he is a high-level person, he is actually the head of the groom.

And Zhen Guohou, the three generals, is a bit special, and he even brought his personal guards with him.

The Marquis of Zhen Guo just left, but the house of Hou was in trouble.Firstly, the Zhen Guohou took away the dowry of the original wife and the eldest daughter-in-law, and the life of this family suddenly tightened, and then the emperor ordered them to move out of the Hou's mansion, because they were no longer members of the Hou family. .People who are used to domineering all of a sudden move to a courtyard with four entrances, and their status level drops immediately.Everyone is still confused.Mrs. Hou wanted to make trouble with Master Hou, but she had to find someone. Everyone had gone to the border town.The old group of servants in the family were all arranged by Zhen Guohou to go to the countryside.Mrs. Hou is in a hurry and going crazy now.If I had known, it would be better to let that stinky boy be the eldest son, and I could still be his grandmother, and still be able to overwhelm him and dominate him!

This is just one family in the capital that the elder brother said, and there are many interesting things in other princes' families, but only this one has attracted Xue Jian's attention. After seeing it, Xue Jian just sighed deeply, she can Imagine the sad and decisive mood when Lao Zhen Guohou left!What a lot of courage to make this decision!
Xue Jian could tell.This old Hou Ye made this decision just for Fu Jinghao.Think about it, brother Jing Hao doesn't have a family, at least he has a grandfather who loves him!

After reading these things, Xue Jian looked at the letter according to some rules, the senior brother also left a secret message in this letter, after reading it, Xue Jian smiled.The elder brother said that he might come to Qingyang again soon, but the time has not been determined. The elder brother said that he thanked Xue Jian for recommending Mr. Hu to him and for teaching him how to draw maps.Said that Xue Jian helped their husband and wife stand firmly in the capital, one thing was to build a shelter, and the other thing was to draw this map, these two things would greatly stabilize their position in the heart of the emperor.At the same time, he said that he would help Xuejian to promote the business of the floor heating house, and strive to make Xuejian make more money.

Xue Jian talked with grandpa about the situation of the people going to the capital, Liang Zhongqiu said with a smile:
"Everyone is like a fool. They have never been to a big place, and they dare not go out alone. You don't know that all the big men are holding hands when they go out. Once, a bell was hung on a carriage, and others ran fast. Haven't arrived in front of him yet, everyone thought it was the spirit caller coming, and turned around and ran away."


Everyone in the room listened to Liang Zhongqiu's talk, which made everyone laugh.At this time, a person ran in from outside the door, it was Wu Qiming, who came in and shouted:
"Second Miss, do you want to go and see that the first shed is finished, but how about the door?"

Xuejian had no choice but to get up and follow to the field, turned around at the door and said:

"Sister Cao'er, ask Mrs. Shi to kill a chicken, make some soup to drink at night, cook a few dishes, and give grandpa a chance."

Moongrass smiled and said:

"You don't need to say, the chicken is probably going to be cooked now. Don't worry, go to work, and I will give you a chicken leg later."

Seeing that Xue was gone, Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Hu hurriedly asked:

"How about Shengyue? When is the exam?"

Xue saw the ground and looked at the sheds built by these people. It was not bad. There was no plastic in this era, so it was impossible to make transparent sheds, but it was good to have such ones. Just trying to see if I can make a greenhouse out of something like this.

Xue Jian stepped forward and directed everyone to make a door with a straw curtain. If you go in, it will be so dark that you can't see the light until you open it. Xue Jian nodded, and it was a good job!

Xuejian now divided these people into two groups. The boys had more strength and they continued to build the shed, while the three girls were taken away by Xuejian.Xuejian brought them to the courtyard of the manor house. There are several piles of things here, which Xuejian prepared a while ago, some coarser gravel, some finer soil, and some piles from various houses in the village There is a wooden barrel next to the chicken manure that is coming, and it can be smelled from a distance. It is urine.

Xue Jian brought a few girls over and taught them to mix these things together with a shovel.She herself didn't dislike the smell, took a gourd ladle and added some urine and water into it from time to time. After a while, she mixed several piles together, which looked like a pile of black, smelly, slightly wet mud.

Then Xuejian brought over two bags, opened one and poured out some seeds.These girls have never seen.Both asked:

"Second Miss, what is this?"

Xue Jian giggled and said:

"Let's not say what it's called first, let's wait for it to grow and then determine what it's called."

In fact, it was just a bag of corn seeds, and Xue Jian hadn't finished it yet. I don't know if this method of planting is right, and if it can be planted.

Xue Jian squatted down first, and said to the girls:

"Next, I will teach you how to make this seed nest. You see, we made a ball of the soil we blocked. Don't make it too tight, which is not conducive to the rooting and germination of the seeds, but it can't be too loose. It will collapse. Look, just like this, after the group is finished, press it lightly with your fingers, so that a nest will appear, and then put the seeds in. Then grab some soil and put it on it to cover it In this way, one is made, and one is placed in a dustpan here, neatly arranged.”

When Xue Jian was doing it, everyone in the room came out to take a look, but Xiao Hu couldn't smell the smell, so he could only go back to the room and watch from a distance.But old Shentouer and Liang Zhongqiu couldn't see what Xuejian was doing.But seeing Xue Jian put the seeds one by one like this, the two old men came to say with interest:

"Hey, I've never seen a seed like this before, Xue'er, can you do it?"

Xue Jian also smiled and said:
"Try it, I also want to know if it works."

The girls saw that the second lady didn't care about the urine and chicken manure mixed in the mud, and they didn't care even more.Xiaocao also knelt down and wanted to do it, but Xuejian pulled her up and said:

"Don't do it, you'd better record this. Bring me that bag over there. Here is another kind of seed."

(End of this chapter)

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