farmer's daughter

Chapter 338 Miss Shen is really not a mortal

Chapter 338 Miss Shen is really not a mortal
Chapter 330 Miss Shen is really not a mortal

Liang Zhongqiu and Old Shen Tou'er watched Xue Jian directing the seeds to be made into a dumpling one by one.Then Xuejian asked the three girls to carry the dustpans of these finished balls to an empty room next to them, and then Xuejian brought four braziers, burned charcoal in the four corners of the room, and closed them. Well doors and windows.

Liang Zhongqiu said with a smile:
"I haven't seen the seeds roasted on fire, Xue'er, would you like to fry them in a pot?"

Liang Zhongqiu's words caused everyone to burst into laughter.Xue Jian said in a serious manner:

"The temperature, this is to make the room warm and lively. It is conducive to the emergence of seedlings."

Old Mr. Shen smiled and said:
"Girl, you have never planted the ground. When have you ever seen the seeds kept warm? That kind of seeds are in whatever season, and the ones planted in winter are not afraid of the cold. Look at the seeds I scatter in the field. The rice in the field. Seedlings will emerge in two days."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Master, do you still remember that I grabbed you a handful of grain seeds the day you went to sow?"

Old Mr. Shen hummed.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Ban Xia, go to my room and take out the plate I covered. It's on my kang."

Ban Xia let out a crisp hey, turned around and ran towards the backyard.After a while, she saw her picking up a smaller dustpan, and Xiaocao hurried over to take it over.It was covered with a black cloth.

Bring over the grass.Xuejian stepped forward and uncovered the black cloth, under the cloth was a tender green girl.This green ya has grown three leaves.Xue Jian said:

"Grandpa, grandpa, look. These are the seedlings I bred, and the seedlings you scattered in the field with grandpa were made in one day. But I put them in my house, on the kang, and the kang is a little hot, you see Look, there is not much mud here, and it has grown so well. Can it all be transplanted?"

Both Liang Zhongqiu and Old Shen were speechless in surprise.Xuejian said again:
"This is just my first try. Next year, after I expand the farm, I will build a greenhouse. At that time, I can come out ahead of time for the seedlings I want."

Wang's and Zhang's are also peasant women who have been farming all their lives. After hearing Xuejian's words, Wang touched Zhang and said:

"Dear family, I'm afraid she went to school with the books that her uncle taught her again?"

Zhang smiled and said:

"Isn't this a designation? If it's in Lao San's book, wouldn't Lao San teach us? It must be learned by Xue Er."

But the two old men were speechless looking at the plate of green seedlings.Is he still the old-fashioned way he has planted for decades?How can it be better for a child to do it casually than to do it by himself?

So the two stopped talking and waited to see what Xuejian would grow in the end.Because these old farmers have never seen those seeds.It's just that they don't know, they haven't seen it, but Xue has seen it.Xue Jian knew it was corn and peanuts.This year, she will focus on cultivating these two kinds, and she will try to grow rapeseed in the second half of the year.

These young people were quick in their hands and feet, and by the time work was over at night, four sheds had been built for Xue Jian.The tenants who came back from work at the ditch all gathered around to have a look, not knowing what it was used for.Xuejian is very satisfied that her idea has basically succeeded, and she still has to see if these things can withstand the test of wind and rain.

The next day, Xuejian went to Fucheng again.This time I still went to another courtyard, and Shi Chun and Wu Qiming went with Xue Jian.When they arrived at the other courtyard, Xue Jian met the third senior brother and told the third senior brother that he had received the letter from the princess and the senior senior brother.The third senior brother raised the letter on his hand:
"I also received it. Also, yesterday your relative of the Jiang family brought a letter saying that your father and the others will bring people to Fucheng today. I just told Steward Huang that they were arranged to live in Here, build this asylum."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Just in time, I'm about to send a letter back to find them. The matter here should be laid out soon. You have to build a manor house for me after you do it here, and build a new house for Brother Jiang and the others. The next thing is There's more to it."

Qiu Yuan said again:

"Little junior sister, you still have to be careful recently. That person really sent someone back to the mountain town to inquire about your family. I don't think this person is a good person. I want to show him some color. But Fortunately, Mr. Wang went to your villa to see the operation of those two things in person last time. He also knew that those two things belonged to the princess's mansion, and he sent someone to contact Butler Huang yesterday, asking how many sets he wanted to buy. "

Xuejian said indifferently:
"If he goes to investigate, he will investigate. Our family has not done anything shameful? But as long as he hurts my family, I will definitely let him know that life is worse than death!"

Xuejian said again:

"By the way, third senior brother, I'm going to Ruyi Pavilion, and I'm going to get the set that Boss Yang promised me."

Qiu Yuan got up and said:
"Come on, I'll accompany you to see."

Qiu Yuan drove the carriage, and brought Xue Jian to this Ruyi Pavilion where accidents happened again and again.Xue Jian got off the carriage, took Shi Chun and went in.Qiu Yuan didn't want to go in, so he stayed outside with Wu Qiming and waited for Xue Jian.

The guys in Ruyi Pavilion are all good eyesight. When they see Xue Jian, they know that this little girl is the boss's distinguished guest, so they hurriedly greeted her and said:

"The girl is here? The boss is here today, do you want to send a message to the boss?"

Xue Jian nodded, and Shi Chun took out a few coins from his body and handed them over, which was money for this guy to run errands.The guy turned around and ran to the second floor.After a while, that Boss Yang came down in person.While going down the stairs, he laughed and said:
"Miss Shen, if you don't come again, I will go to your village to find you. Please go upstairs."

Boss Yang personally came downstairs to welcome Shen Xuejian upstairs. In the eyes of the staff in Ruyi Pavilion, this was a special guest, because Boss Yang never greeted anyone who came downstairs. At most, he would stand on the stairs to greet him .

Xuejian was not too polite, and went upstairs with Shi Chun. Boss Yang walked behind Xuejian and said with a smile:
"Miss Shen is really not a mortal. Look at that after you bought that villa, you have been digging ditches and experimenting with making farm tools. You have become famous in Fucheng."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Have you heard that too? Boss Yang is a businessman, and he talks about interest rates. I am the same. I am only a farmer. Of course, I have to choose things that are good for farming. Do things that are good for me. It’s also positive.”

Entering Boss Yang's room on the second floor, Boss Yang said:
"Let's not talk about that. Come, look at this."

As he spoke, he took out a box, which was very beautiful.Boss Yang said:
"Here, it's the boss who said he would make a set for you. Take a look and see if there is anything wrong with it."

(End of this chapter)

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