Chapter 347

Chapter 340 VII Can Make Water Flow Backwards

When Xue saw a little girl, she was always polite and courteous, and this old Mrs. He, who had stayed in the capital and seen countless ladies from all over the world, secretly praised her.I can't help but like it.I put down my old face and came to the door in person, thinking that this transparent little girl also understood what I meant.I just wanted to build a good relationship with her.For the eldest son in the capital, the relationship between Lian Shizi and the eldest grandson Princess has also been established.

If it wasn't for the youngest son who did this thing and apologized personally, I still don't know how to get on this line.I just don't know if the other party will give me this chance.Mrs. He also felt a little uneasy.Thinking about it, this girl who is so sensible will not give herself the face of an old man.Mrs. He decided to speak directly.

"Miss Shen, this time I came to apologize with my son and daughter-in-law. My son is a bit reckless. If there is something wrong, please forgive me, Miss Shen."

Shen Xue saw a twinkle in her eyes, this old lady is really interesting.Xue Jian understood her reason for coming, and also understood her painstaking efforts for her two sons.Xuejian suddenly thought of what Pang Dahu said last night, Xuejian smiled and said:
"The old lady was worrying too much. I explained the matter clearly to Mr. He in front of the old lady that day. I didn't take it to heart. Recently, I have a lot of things here. I am busy repairing the flood drainage ditch. Busy planting, this year's harvest will be planted every year. I haven't really planted the land, and I listen to my grandpa and grandpa for everything."

The old lady smiled and said:

"Miss Shen has a lot of people, but my son made a mistake first. Yuan'er, why don't you come forward and apologize to Miss Shen."

He Yuan, who had been standing next to the old lady and didn't take his seat, was a little unwilling, but he also stood up and bowed to Shen Xuejian:

"Miss Shen, I didn't handle the matter well before, please forgive me, Miss Shen."

Xue Jian hurriedly got up and returned a salute:

"It's really not necessary. Old lady, people say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. I moved here, and we will be neighbors in the future. What is the need to take care of each other? If the tenants below do anything wrong, please ask Mr. He In the future, just talk to me directly. Our family, I can call the shots."

He Yuan also said:

"I sent someone to inquire about Ms. Shen's family, but I didn't have any other intentions. I just wanted to know more about it. After all, Ms. Shen's family had never dealt with each other before. I originally wanted to buy this Zhuangzi, but it was Ms. Shen who killed me. I got it. So I feel a little uncomfortable. Please forgive me for doing these things. As Miss Shen said, we will be next to each other in the future. We have to take care of each other."

People who know He Yuan may be surprised to hear that He Yuan can say such a small thing.Even Xue Jian was a little surprised. It seems that this old lady has a very high status in the mind of Master He.Xue Jian believes in her own eyesight, and the Master He she sees is definitely not a submissive master.The one who can make him subdue is not himself, nor the elder brother and his wife behind him, but his mother.

Xue Jian also took a high look at this Master He, who can take care of the overall situation of the family and is able to bend and stretch.Such people are successful people.

Mrs. He just came to sit and sit, rejected Xue Jian's suggestion to keep a meal, apologized and left some small gifts and left.From the beginning to the end, Xuejian didn't hear a word from Mrs. He Shao.Even if she greeted her by herself, she just nodded with a smile.

The He family was sent away.Xue Jian called out Grandpa and Grandpa again.The grandparents and grandchildren began to discuss what to do next.What Grandpa remembers the most is what Xuejian said that can make water flow backwards.

Xuejian took out the paper again.In front of the two grandparents, I started to draw.What Xuejian drew this time is a kind of thing called a waterwheel that I saw in my grandfather's hometown in my previous life. It was made of wood, and two people stepped on it on both sides, and a big wooden hammer was inserted upside down one by one. On a round drum, if people on both sides step in the air, step by step, the drum will start to rotate.

It drives a crawler-like thing in the middle, but this thing is installed in a long wooden tank with movable wooden boards on it. As long as you step on it, those wooden boards will block the water below.Then move up the sink.Keep moving until the water is poured out of your head, and then turn again.Such repeated movements do not require much effort, just like two people walking on it.In a short while, the waterwheel from the next field can be moved to the previous field.

It's just that it was something I saw when I was a child, and I really don't understand the specific structure.I can only talk about this thing while discussing with grandpa and the others.I hope it can be done so that the water can be transported from the big ditch to the small ditch in time.Easy to irrigate.

Liang Zhongqiu is also impatient.As soon as I heard about this thing, I rushed to find carpenter's tools.In the end, Wu Qiming went to the tenant village to find him a set.But Xuejian said:

"Grandpa, let's not make it with wood. Let's use some simple things to make a model. Brother-in-law, go to the field and get us some mud."

Lu Cheng has been listening in a daze, not understanding what they are talking about!But hearing Xue Jian's order, he ran out immediately.After a while, he came back with a big lump of mud.According to Xue Jian's instructions, add some water and knead it like kneading dough.Finally knead into several smooth mud balls.

Then Xue Jian squatted down on the ground, picked up the mud, and made something like a waterwheel based on what she had just drawn and some things in her memory, plus some small tree branches.It's just that it's made of mud, so you can't try it out.Liang Zhongqiu has been watching from the sidelines, sometimes helping to pinch it.See the last way:

"Put this here. Your grandma is calling for dinner. We'll come after dinner. I'll get some small wooden boards and make a small one to try."

Xue Jian nodded.There are meals on the table over there.Xiaocao also fetched water and told everyone to wash their hands.

The current Leisurely Villa is not like when it was just here. Now that there are more people, there is a distinction between master and servant.Xuejian's basic life is still done by herself, but Banxia learns from Shi Chun to help Xuejian do some things.But Xuejian's principle is that ordinary people can't tidy up their own rooms at will.Even Pinellia and Shichun can't do it, it's up to Xuejian to come.Banxia only goes to get the clothes that Xuejian has changed every day. In the past, Mrs. Zhang or Mrs. Wang helped wash them, or Xiaocao washed them.Now there are three new girls.So I chose an older girl, Xiaohui, to wash it.

Xiaohui's surname is Hong.I am also used to taking care of my younger siblings at home.I don't hesitate at all to do housework.In this manor, she can still learn to read from her masters and eat well. For her, this kind of life is very good.So on weekdays, whichever masters have rough work to do, Xiao Hui will rush to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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