Chapter 348

Chapter 340 Eighth Hand Testing the Water Wheel

For the three girls who entered the mansion this time, Xue Jian was still very satisfied.The three girls are of different sizes, but they are all hardworking and obedient.In particular, he was very careful about taking care of the seedlings that Xuejian ordered.

The oldest of the three girls is Xiaohui, and the youngest is Shanfeng.She is only ten years old this year, but probably because of the poor conditions at home, she doesn't look much taller than Xuejian at the age of ten.After observing for a few days, Xuejian felt that this girl and Xiaocao got along very well.They arranged for Shanfeng to be Xiaocao's girl.

It is impossible for Xuejian to treat Xiaocao badly.In her life, Xiaocao is a very important person!Regardless of the monk's order or not, in Xue Jian's opinion, grass is important!
There is a girl named Xiaolan who seems to care most about these things Xue Jianzhong.Water carefully and responsibly.She took good care of the few flower trees in the courtyard.It seems that she is a girl who likes to plant.

For the other ten young men, apart from using Wu Qiming alone, the other Xuejians are not going to be separated, and they have to look again.So these young men live on the other side.Meals are also eaten alone.

When there are masters and servants, there must be separation, like eating.It's not like when Gu Shi first came here, everyone sat together and ate.Only Xuejian's family is eating in the hall now.

Xue Jian is still not used to having someone take care of her meals, so when eating, everyone including Shi Chun eats their own.The masters will take care of themselves.Shi Chun privately read Xue Jian about this twice, saying that the girl should wait on the master when he eats.But Xuejian still didn't listen.

Xiao Hu's has eaten alone recently.The nausea was a bit severe, she would vomit whatever she ate, but Xue Jian told her to eat no matter how uncomfortable it was, even if the food just rolled in the stomach and then came out, that was fine.Xue Jian also asked Cook Xie and Cook Zheng in the kitchen to study Hu's Chi Shi carefully.The two cooks also tried their best to take good care of Mrs. Hu.Cook three meals for her in different ways every day, and add some pastries.It can be said that the Hu family is well taken care of here.So after Liang Zhongqiu came back, he didn't plan to go back to Liangjiacun for the time being.

After eating, Old Shen took the lead to find some wooden planks and put them on.Liang Zhongqiu didn't hesitate to make a smaller model according to the model made by Xue Jian, but he couldn't do well when making the wooden board for water delivery.Either it gets stuck and can't move, or it breaks.This is not acceptable!This is the key thing.Xuejian really can only think of the outline of this thing, but Liang Zhongqiu really had to try it out for how to do it.

Several people were busy in the yard all afternoon, and they didn't show any signs of busyness until it got dark.Liang Zhongqiu also joined in.They had to make it before eating, so a few people gathered around there, Wu Qiming illuminated them, and Xiaocao also held up a candlestick to illuminate it.

Has been busy until the beginning of Haishi, Zhang couldn't see it.came and called:
"Old man, if you don't sleep, the children have to sleep. You don't need to use it tomorrow, so you can do it tomorrow. Xue'er has a lot of things to do every day. Don't do it anymore."

Liang Zhongqiu stopped his hands and said:

"Okay, that's all for today. Don't move these things here. I'll do it tomorrow. Now it's how this board can stand up and fall down again. Everything else is fine. I'll think about how to do it again. "

In the early morning of the next day, Xuejian got up to practice as usual, but now that the master came to practice, she practiced with the master. Both master and apprentice came to the back mountain early in the morning.The back mountain has opened up a large space.Because stones have to be thrown to repair the ditch, it seems that there is a wide flat dam outside the backyard of the villa.Xue Jian sighed, he had to plan all these things, and build a manor that best suits his ideal here.

Old man Mo also tested Xuejian's kung fu. Xuejian didn't know any moves, and when the little brother was around, he taught her how to make gestures, so he only knew a few boxing moves.On the contrary, Xue Jian's lightness skill is a little bit accomplished.I can control my little internal force well, and I can jump up to the roof at the highest.It's just that because the internal force is too weak, I can only do one jump at the moment, and I have to rest before I can do the second time.

This time, old man Mo planned to pass on some moves to Xuejian, so that Xuejian would not be in a hurry when something happened.

When Xue Jian came back from practice, she found that many people had surrounded the yard, and they were all watching Liang Zhongqiu make the model.Xuejian also squeezed over to have a look, and found that Liang Zhongqiu had put up the shelves, and there was something wrong with the installation of the sink, and everyone was talking about how to install it.

Tried several ways to no avail.Everyone talked less, and they all stared at the thing in the middle in a daze.Xiaocao pulled Xuejian's hand and said softly:
"Xue'er, can you see if you can add a board here to block this small wooden board that blocks the water, and then make it slanted here and there. When this small board returns to the bottom, it will naturally slant. , the small board will stand up when water is added, and the water will be pulled up again. Is this okay?"

Both Xue Jian and Liang Zhongqiu listened to Xiaocao's suggestion seriously, Liang Zhongqiu slapped his head and said:

"That's right, why didn't I think it would be good to add a board to block it here! Cao'er is smart! Let me try!"

Liang Zhongqiu really started to try.Gently add a board under the place where the water comes out, so as to block it, the wooden groove and rolling plate in the middle will rotate repeatedly like caterpillars, and the wooden board that blocks the water can be retracted and released, which saves money. Save space and effort!Everyone ignored breakfast, so they brought two pots, the bottom one was full of water, and the top one was dry.

Liang Zhongqiu put this novel thing on it.Because it is not easy to fix, you can only hold it down with your hands. This is a small touch model, so naturally you can't really step on it with your feet.Under Xuejian's guidance, Liang Zhongqiu replaced two feet with his index finger and middle finger, and began to "step" a little bit one after the other, but found that he couldn't do it, it failed!

Xuejian called Lu Chengdao:
"Brother-in-law, come squat down and help grandpa fix this thing, and then grandpa will try to 'step' on both sides of the hand at the same time."

Lu Cheng stepped forward in response, and according to what Xuejian said, he stretched out his hands to fix the waterwheel model and dared not move it. Liang Zhongqiu freed his hands, and learned to turn his feet one by one, but he still didn't move.

Xue Jian frowned and leaned forward to have a look, stretched out her hand and turned the stepping point lightly, and suddenly smiled:

"Grandpa! Did you push down hard? You see, it turned up gently!"

As Xue Jian moved slightly with both hands, the wheels on both sides turned, and the wheels on both sides connected to the middle sink also turned.It really pushed the water up. Although I sprinkled some, the bottom of the pot on the top was covered with water after a while!

The waterwheel test was a success!

 Thank you wbj8103 book friend for the continuous monthly pass!thank you very much!Recently, the anti-pornography and anti-crime investigations have been very strict. In the first two chapters, I was screened if I touched some words. Next, I will definitely pay attention to the words I use.Your tip gave me great motivation during this period!
  Thanks also to other book friends for their support!Please pay more attention and give more comments and suggestions!At the same time, please collect and subscribe more!Thanks!More will be added today!

(End of this chapter)

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