farmer's daughter

Chapter 358 Is this coincidence?

Chapter 358 Is this coincidence?

Chapter 350 Is this the coincidence?

With Liang Zhongqiu's intervention, the truth of what Xue Jian said is even stronger.Lord Wang's complexion changed a few times.

If it is true what Xue Jian said, and it is not to plant some precious things, then what did I do before?But think about it, Miss Shen and the others are afraid they haven't discovered what they have done.Maybe he can handle the relationship with Miss Shen well.It's just that the above is not easy to explain!

Xue Jian was scolded by Liang Zhongqiu so much, stuck out her tongue and stopped talking, smiled and jumped back behind Liang Zhongqiu, which was completely the performance of a seven-year-old child.

It's just that she cursed secretly in her heart:
"That's enough!"

As soon as Xuejian ran away, the scene cooled down.Everyone didn't know what to say. As the host, Huang Butler, how could he let the guests be so cold.So he stepped forward two steps:

"Everyone, today everyone came to our other courtyard by coincidence. You are all people that I would not be able to invite. You all know that our Princess misses us old brothers who followed her father to the battlefield. We are also concerned about those disabled people who have returned home but have not been taken care of by their families. That’s why we proposed to the emperor to build such a shelter. We want to collect these people together, and those who can work will plant the land, or Do some crafts to support the people in this shelter. Now the shelter of our princess in the capital has been built. They have accommodated nearly 200 people. We will also build one in the other courtyard here in Qingyang Mansion, so , the county lord, we moved out a few yards behind the other courtyard, rebuilt it, and it became a shelter. This matter, thanks to our Lord Wang who helped to post the notice, yesterday afternoon, we received people They came to report. Now I know there are nearly 30 people. Those who are farther away may not have arrived yet. But our house has not been built yet, but as long as they come, we will take them in first.”

Butler Huang said again:
"Today, Mr. Wang is really concerned about our place. Let's take a look at our construction progress here again. Moreover, Mr. Wang also sent 1000 taels of silver to our shelter in the name of Qingyang Mansion! Today I represent We all thank our Lord Wang for being thoughtful!"

Xue Jian was originally eating the cakes brought by his servants with her head down, but when she heard what Butler Huang said, her eyes rolled and she thought about it.Stretch out his head from behind Liang Zhongqiu, and said with a crisp smile:
"Steward Huang, I think it's a coincidence that we came here today. We met Steward Huang, a big housekeeper. As a housekeeper, it's hard to do things without money. It's a big deal to spend money to build a house. It's also a big deal to take in those old soldiers. It's a big deal. Butler Huang seems to be a smart woman, and it's hard for me to cook without rice. Well, anyway, my grandpa always said that I don't need to use my money wisely. Then I will use it wisely today. I will donate 2000 taels to build this shelter! Turn around Grandpa will testify against me when he goes back, I really used it for a good deed."

While talking, he wiped his little hands that still had pastry crumbs, took out a delicate purse from his arms, and took out 2000 taels from it and put it on the table in public.

Xuejian's move stunned everyone in the room.Including Butler Huang.Butler Huang was only thinking of putting a high hat on Mr. Wang at that time, but he didn't want to hold a donation show.But Xuejian just hit the snake with the stick, and froze all the adults present on the spot.

Xue Jian gave Butler Huang a wink, but Butler Huang immediately said in a secret way:
"Thank you, Ms. Shen! I will record it specially. I guarantee that every penny of this money will be spent on the shelter."

With the head of Shen Xuejian, this little girl donated it all.Also donated [-].Boss Yang immediately followed up, because he had to make a good impression on Xuejian.So Boss Yang got up and said:
"Originally, I came here today to discuss another business with Steward Huang. I didn't expect that we all met together. Speaking of this shelter, the princess is really kind enough to do things for the court. We should do our best. Miss Shen donated two thousand , then I will also donate two thousand. It’s just that I don’t have so many cash tickets with me now, but I will never change what I said. I will send it to Butler Huang later.”

After saying that, he specially gave Xuejian a smile.

Seeing it, Xue Jian took a sip of tea and said with a smile:

"Boss Yang is such a good man! Seriously, my Zhuangzi hasn't planted any seeds yet, so I'll have to wait until after the autumn to confiscate them. I might have to trouble Boss Yang in the days after the autumn. The two fluffy ones are making patterns for Boss Yang, and Boss Yang has to help me maintain the household!"

When Boss Yang got Xue Jian's words, he laughed out of genuine joy, and said repeatedly:

"It's easy to say, let's not talk about it, those small pieces drawn by Ms. Shen last time are really good, and now I'm making the third batch to sell. I'm just waiting for Ms. Shen to draw some new pictures."

Boss Yang and Xue Jian sang together, as if they had practiced.Boss He, who had been sitting on the side without speaking, also stood up and said:

"Boss Yang is right. This is a good deed done by the princess, and we should follow suit. In this way, I will also donate 2000 taels. It just so happens that I have it on me. I originally wanted to buy a tiara for my mother. Boss Yang, It seems that this business has to be delayed to reach your place."

Boss Yang laughed and said:

"It's easy to say, Boss He has a heart! Boss He supports such good deeds as the princess, and he is filial to his mother. Who in our Qingyang Mansion doesn't know this? Well, you have said so, so I won't let this business go. He ran away. I will send the best sets in the store to the house tomorrow, and let the old lady choose by herself. How about it? This old lady hasn't been back for many years, right? I'll go to see her too. "

Speaking of his mother, He Yuan's expression was different, and he nodded with a gentle smile regardless of Boss Yang's joke.

Mr. Wang's face was so dark that it was dripping water. These people came one by one by himself, and they all came by coincidence. Boss Yang said that he came to discuss business with Butler Huang.Mr. Wang believes this, because Steward Huang is half the master of the princess's other courtyard.As long as the serious master is not around, he is responsible for everything here.

And when Master He came, it was obvious that Steward Huang and Qiu Yuan were a little surprised, but because he and Boss Yang were both there, Master He didn't say what he was here for.Just sitting there quietly drinking tea.

And it was a bit of a surprise that Miss Shen came.But other people's reasons are the most sufficient, because I came first and heard that the people in the other courtyard under construction are from Miss Shen's hometown, and her father is the leader!
It's just that when Miss Shen came, the atmosphere in the room was different.This kid just can't figure out her thinking, if it wasn't that he was the first to come, and after he came, he would stay with Butler Huang and this Mr. Qiu, and he had never seen them send a message, otherwise, the one who came later People thought it was an appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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