Chapter 359

Chapter 350 Nine
No matter how unhappy Mr. Wang is, he can see it anyway.This girl is here to spoil the situation.And these people are a little scruples about her, so they cater to her.What ability does this girl have to become the center of these people?Is it just because of the prince and princess couple behind her?
Master Wang thought about it a few times, and he couldn't help but have a different understanding of Xue Jian, and his eyes flashed brightly when he looked at Xue Jian.But it passed in a flash, Xue Jian didn't pay attention, but Qiu Yuan saw it.

Mr. Wang has also been in the officialdom for so many years.Since he knew when to say something, he smiled and said:
"Oh, it's a pity that only Boss Yang, Boss He, and Miss Shen came here today. How about we call together all the big households in this prefecture one day, and let's talk about building this shelter."

Butler Huang laughed and said:
"That's not necessary. Mr. Wang also knows that everyone is here by chance today. How about it, I thank you for your generosity! I will leave everyone for a meal today. It is my thank you. From now on, what do you guys have to do?" If you need help from someone like Huang, please tell me, as long as you can do it, someone like Huang will definitely not refuse!"

Boss Yang is the most friendly person, he hurriedly responded:

"It's fine if I say this. I won't eat the meal. I have to go back to the store to have a look. Everyone, I'll go first. Mr. Wang, I'll take a step first. Butler Huang, stay here!" "

Boss Yang gave out two thousand silver, as if he got a bargain, he strode out of the other courtyard with a smile on his face.And saw Boss Yang leaving.Boss He also stood up and said:

"I actually came here because I wanted to make an appointment with Steward Huang to meet Ms. Shen, because I was a bit reckless last time, and I was ashamed to see Ms. Shen. I thought that Steward Huang would go with me, and Ms. Shen would not drive me out. I didn't expect to see Miss Shen here."

Xue Jian stood up with a smile and bowed back:

"Boss He was joking. In terms of age, you are my uncle's generation, and in terms of relationship, we are still neighbors. Besides, what happened last time is nothing. But I don't know why Boss He is looking for me?"

He Yuan looked at the room and said:
"Miss Shen, can I take a step to speak?"

Xue Jian nodded, and left the main room with He Yuan one after the other.Walking to the side room on the other side, He Yuan waited for Xuejian to stand still, then bowed his waist and said:
"Miss Shen, I want to find you this time because my tenants over there went to see the ditch on your farm, and when they came back, I think Miss Shen is really a god! This time, I want to formally learn from you." Let me tell you about your method. My Zhuangzi is even bigger, but the river also passes by my Zhuangzi. I am planning to open a big ditch, and then some small ditches, but I want to ask the girl to help me. How to do it For good."

Xue Jian smiled and said:

"It's actually not difficult. It depends on how you open the big ditch. Because the big ditch occupies land, you have to appease the tenants. Then, according to your land type, try to make the water from the big ditch supply all your land. As for the small There is only one technique. It is to open the ditch on the usual ridge. This requires you to count each piece of land, and then design how to ditch. You see, it’s like this, there are fields on both sides, and the ridge in the middle Just make a ditch, and lay stone slabs on the place where the road crosses the ditch, which is convenient for the workers. In this way, four fields are connected, and you can open a ditch like this, and two ditches can cover all four fields. Each field Leave a gap facing the ditch. Open it if you want water, and plug it if you don’t want water.”

Xue Jian picked up a stone from the side, drew on the ground and talked about it, once he talked about the source, he understood the reason.It's not difficult, it's just that I didn't realize it all at once.Seeing it clearly, He Yuan patted his head straight and said:

"Oh! Look, why am I so stupid? Those people came back and said to open ditches to irrigate the fields. I thought about digging a ditch for every piece of land. What a waste of land? I never thought that a ditch can be used for both sides. You are so stupid! I understand now that you just said it. The girl is really smart! All right! I want to ask Steward Huang to buy two sets of that iron pear head today. There will be this ditch in the future. The tenants will be much more relaxed! At least I won't be afraid of drying out. Thank you, girl!"

He Yuan, who received the essence of guidance, bowed deeply to Xuejian, this time he really convinced the little girl!He Yuan turned around and went back to the house, and said to Steward Huang:

"Housekeeper Huang, I have more than 1000 mu of land. How about you prepare two sets of iron pear heads for me? I have bought all the cattle. Can you notify me when it is ready?"

Butler Huang's eyes flickered, knowing that He Yuan might just be looking for Xuejian to talk about farming when he came back.He nodded repeatedly and said:

"Okay, this spring plowing will be here soon. I will ask someone to make it for you quickly. Then it will be delivered to your house. To be honest, the price of this thing is starting to get a little more expensive."

Boss He nodded and said:

"It doesn't matter. Firstly, it's really fast to use this. You can see it by looking at Youran Villa. Second, it can be considered as a support for the shelter built by the princess."

Butler Huang bowed deeply to Boss He and said:

"Thank you, Boss He!"

Boss He also left.Only Mr. Wang is left.Master Wang is suffering!I came to the other courtyard early this morning, in fact, to check the progress of what these people here are doing, and also want to see what they are digging that big hole for, but I don’t know that I didn’t see anything, that hole Still there, it seems like it hasn't moved since that day.And all the people are going to build some shed houses.Built around the mountain behind.Mr. Wang went to look at it, but no one paid any attention to him, they were all working hard.In the end, accompanied by Qiu Yuan and Huang Butler, he returned to the front yard to sit and drink tea, but he didn't expect that the people who came after them would be as if they had met, and after a lot of fun, they all left happily.What's left is embarrassment and embarrassment.It's hard to say!
After entering the room again, Xuejian looked at the third senior brother who was accompanying Mr. Wang, and said with a smile:

"Third senior brother, you agreed to accompany me to catch fish? I have been waiting for you at home for two days. I thought you might be busy, so I came here by myself. Unexpectedly, you forgot! Not happy anymore!"

Qiu Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to apologize carefully and said with a smile:

"Hey, I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten, I'm really busy. I'm really busy! You ask Butler Huang, I help with the back work every day, so I can't miss the working hours. I said this before I came to repair the house. They are rushing to finish the work, and they have to go back to farming. Isn't it spring plowing?"

Xue Jian snorted and said:

"Understood, you don't have any land, so you are in a hurry. If you are really in a hurry, you can go to my village. There are things for you to do!"

Those who know know that Xuejian is saying that his third senior brother is not keeping his word.For those who don't know, look at Mr. Wang fidgeting there.Thinking that Xue Jian was alluding to Mr. Wang!

Well, Xue Jian is really turning a corner and scolding Mr. Wang for not doing business.I come here every day to sneak away.Thinking that this person who can be admitted to Jinshi is not a fool, he also understands the meaning of Xuejian's words.

(End of this chapter)

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