farmer's daughter

Chapter 373 Who Sees Who Comes Out to Speak

Chapter 373 Who Sees Who Speaks Out

Chapter 370 Who Sees Who Comes Out to Speak
As soon as the patriarch came in, Xue Jian hurriedly stepped forward to salute.The patriarch smiled and said:
"Stop being polite, Xue'er. She's a good boy! How about it, have you tidied up your village in Fucheng? Did you come back after hearing about your cousin?"

The patriarch asked several questions in a row, and Xue Jian was about to answer.He turned his head and looked around again:

"Where's your father?"

Xuejian replied:

"Grandpa patriarch, my father is back, but I went out to find news about my cousin again this morning. My grandparents, me, and my father came back last night. And my little brother, my little brother this morning I also went out to find news. I think there will be news in two days."

After Xue Jian answered the question that she was most concerned about at the moment, she said again:
"Thank you patriarch grandpa for your concern. My Zhuangzi is not too big. There are dozens of tenants. Those who I can't farm are all arranged by my grandpa for me. Basically, everything is arranged now. It’s just a matter of planting the seeds.”

The patriarch looked up at the sky, sighed and said:

"Changyong, you are still lucky! This girl took you out of our mountain corner, and you went out to see the world."

Old Shen took another breath, narrowed his eyes and said:

"It can be considered that I have benefited from our Xue'er. I went to see the village. It is bigger than our whole village. It is very wide, and it is all good fields. At a glance, it is all flat. Still It’s not like here where one side is high and the other is low. The village is beside the river, so there’s no shortage of water, so it’s a good place to grow crops!”

The patriarch took a sip of tea, sighed and said:
"Your second child and third child are both good. Only the elders, those sons were spoiled by the Hong family! Hey, but this time, your eldest grandson discovered the problem first. Recently, your eldest grandson But it’s changed a lot. Really, I don’t go to school anymore. I help his father with farm work every day.”

Old Mr. Shen raised his head to look at the patriarch in surprise.Last night, he heard from them that Chengzu came to report the letter, otherwise he would not have found anything related to Chengzong's side, and he didn't know where the two girls went.But I didn't expect Chengzu really didn't go to school.Also planted crops?He usually can't lift his shoulders or lift his hands.Can you grow good crops?

Xue Jian whispered:
"Grandpa patriarch, Chengzong, are you locked up?"

"Well, I asked two people from the village to watch. He was still making trouble inside on the first day, but he stopped making trouble yesterday. Because he made a fuss the day before yesterday, no one took care of him. This person is too careless. Do this What a disgraceful thing! This time, the clan will not spare him."

Hearing the patriarch's grandfather's reply, Xue Jian didn't say anything, but she also had a plan in her heart.This Chengzong, I'm afraid he won't be able to stay.Always doing such bad things, with a bad heart, even if he still has the breath, he will find a way to harm others!

Of course, Xue Jian would not say such words.Because in front of these elders, to say such cruel words.I am still a child.

Xuejian asked the patriarch grandpa again.

"Then how do you deal with the couple who have betrayed their hearts?"

The patriarch was silent for a while and said:

"Let's talk about it after we get him back. Anyway, he can't stay in the clan. His family's things should be taken back!"

Xuejian was about to ask what to take back when she heard another burst of crying outside.This time I don't talk about going to see it, Xuejian knows it too.It was the Hong family who came.

Without waiting for the family members to say anything, when the fire broke out in the snow, he tiptoed, and he flew out of the courtyard with two ups and downs.As soon as he left the courtyard gate, Xue saw the backhand area and closed the courtyard gate.She locked herself outside, Xue Jian stood on the steps, and looked at Hong Shi who was walking over while crying and cursing, Hong Shi didn't see Xue Jian standing outside the door, she just cried:

"You damn bitches, if your daughter doesn't learn well, who knows which wild man she ran off with, why did she find my family Chengzong. My family Chengzong didn't go out, what's the matter with Guan Chengzong."

Xue Jian didn't say a word, she stepped forward and flew two palms, hitting Hong Shi so hard that she couldn't continue speaking.The man also staggered back and almost sat down.It was because Xue Jian's strength was weaker, if it was stronger, she would have sat down.

But Xuejian didn't want her to sit down, but reached out to pick up a dry bamboo pole leaning against the wall.According to Hong's body, he was beaten, and he was beaten head-on and face-to-face.Hong Shi was beaten so badly that he couldn't dodge, so he could only jump around while shouting and cursing:
"You little bitch! Why didn't you be taken away by Hades! If you dare to beat me, I won't beat you to death!"

"Ouch! Come on, someone, kill someone!"

A good bamboo pole was broken by Xuejian, not to mention broken, and then broken piece by piece.It made Hong Shi roll all over the floor!
Xue Jian was tired, so she stopped.Fortunately, Hong Shi wore a lot of clothes, otherwise he might be covered in blood.But just like that, he also suffered a few blows on the face, that is, a few blood spots.

Xuejian stopped her hands, Hong was still rolling on the road and shouted:
"Killed! Killed!"

In the distance, there were a few people who were farming. When they looked up, Xue Jian cursed loudly:

"Who hit you? Who saw it? Who saw it? Come out and speak! You shrew! You don't raise your son well. It hurts people! Even if you hit you, you should hit! You wait, I don't just want to hit you, I I will definitely let you know the end of the person who did something harmful to the world!"

Seeing that no one dared to come forward to speak for her, Hong had no choice but to get up slowly.Leaving and groaning, he went back.

Only now did Xue Jian return to her home, opened the door, the patriarch, old Shentou, old Wang, Liang Chengfang and Shen Qiye were all standing in the yard.Cheng Qiang, on the other hand, stood guard at the door, apparently not letting anyone go out.Shi Chun stood beside Cheng Qiang.

Xuejian looked all right, and said:

"What are you all standing here for? Go inside. It's cold here. It's warmer inside."

Liang Chengfang looked at the patriarch, then at Xuejian, afraid that the patriarch might say something about Xuejian.Look at the anxious look on her face.Xuejian stepped forward to support her mother and said:

"Mother, it's all right. I went out to have a look. The Hong family came to scold people, and I told her to go away. By the way, Brother Cheng Qiang and I will take Sister Yueyun and Sister Yueya later. These things It has nothing to do with them. They are just being angry in that family."

The patriarch took a look at Xue Jian, and as expected, he just pretended he didn't see it.Turned around and led the way into the house.Old Wang also wanted to say something, but didn't say it.Of course Xue Jian saw it out of the corner of her eye, no need to think about it, Old Wang was still worried about Shen Dazhu.That's her son!
Everyone went back to the house and sat down again, and Yuewei ran over to hug her sister again.Grandma Shen Qi still took Shi Chun to prepare lunch.This big family still has to eat.sat down.Xue Jian said:
"Mother, does it mean that everyone will not come to embroider after this incident?"

Because Xuejian didn't see any of them this morning.

Liang Chengfang nodded.road:

"A few people came the day before yesterday. Later, your aunt Dachun said that they should not come for a few days. Let's wait a few days. I don't have that much energy, so I agreed."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Did all the people who came now sign and stamp their fingerprints according to the contract I left you?"

Liang Chengfang nodded and said:

"Yeah, I did everything you said!"

(End of this chapter)

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