farmer's daughter

Chapter 374 It Has Nothing To Do With My Old Shen Family

Chapter 374 It Has Nothing To Do With My Old Shen Family

Chapter 370 The fifth has nothing to do with my old Shen family

Xue Jian pondered for a moment and said:

"Okay, it will be the same in the future. It's not what we want to happen to Sister Xingni. Although it is said that she accompanied Sister Yin to the old house, she also proposed it on her own initiative. This matter really has nothing to do with us. Wait." Get her back, let's do it according to the situation. If there is nothing wrong, that's fine. If there is something wrong, we should also pay some compensation."

Turning around, Xue Jian said to grandpa and grandma again:

"I don't know what you two elders think. But I think it's time for you to visit the uncle's house. It's time to help the uncle clean up their house. What are those harmful people doing? Let them continue to do this , Uncle will be forced to death sooner or later! You can watch this matter. It would be great if Shen Laowu and his wife can be found. If they can’t be found, how can the uncle’s family compensate Xingni’s family? There is a second uncle's house!"

After hearing what Xuejian said, Old Shen did not speak, but the patriarch looked at Xuejian twice.She knew in her heart that Xue Jian was going to take action to punish Da Zhu's house.It's just that she is not enough according to her seniority, so she can only ask old Mr. Shen and Mrs. Wang to come forward.

The patriarch also said:
"Changyong. If something happened to your family last time, you two got involved, I'm afraid it will be nothing! This Hong family is really not a good daughter-in-law. It's not just ruining your Dazhu family, it's about to be ruined." The reputation of the whole family and the whole village. Whoever hears that there are kidnappers in this village will marry them! I don’t care what your family thinks. But Chengzong and Hong will never be left in the clan. Of course, after this What else is there, we have to wait for someone to come back and find out."

Old Shen took a few puffs of cigarette hastily, and then let out a big puff.Amongst the smoke and clouds, Xue Jian saw old Shen Boss bowed his head.a long time.Only then did Old Shen raise his head, without looking at anyone, he put away his cigarette bag and stood up.Old Wang also stood up.The two of them left the courtyard without saying a word.

Xue Jian glanced at the patriarch, and the patriarch also stood up and said:

"Let's go, I'll have a look too."

The patriarch hit the front.Xuejian handed Yuewei to her mother, took Cheng Qiang and Shi Chun, and followed.

Old Mr. Shen hunched over and walked in front, while Mrs. Wang walked behind.A little behind is the patriarch, and Xue Jian and his party fell a little farther.Those who were digging in the field all looked up.After seeing Xue Jian following behind, they all pretended not to see.He bowed his head and went to do his own thing.

Xuejian doesn't mind what others think of her, anyway, she knows that most people in this village don't want to offend her, and they all know that everyone in her family is in Xuejian's hands.

Old Mr. Shen walked slowly, but he came to the old house of Mr. Shen's family in a short while.Before entering the yard, I heard shouting and cursing in the yard.Sure enough, it was the Hong family who came back and scolded the two daughters, calling the daughter a broom star.Scolding her daughter for not giving her face.He scolded whatever came to his mind, and he scolded old Mr. Shen and Mrs. Wang as well.

Old Shen's face became even darker when he heard this.Reaching out and pushing, the half-closed door was pushed open.The sound of touching also startled the people in the room.I went in and saw that Yueya and Yueyun were kneeling on the ground, and the two sisters hugged each other.And Hong Shi was sitting on a chair, holding a bamboo pole in his hand and beating the two daughters back and forth. When he heard the door knock, he looked up.At a glance, he saw old Mr. Shen walking in with Mrs. Wang with a dark face.

As for Hong Shi, who had just been beaten by Xue Jian, his body was covered in sand and his face was bloody, plus he was swearing angrily, he looked like a live Yasha!

Old Wang was startled when he saw Hong.Is this the plump Hong family?I don't look so fat anymore!It's messier than before!
And Mrs. Hong is very angry now, so she doesn't take old Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Wang seriously. Instead, Chengzu, who was standing in front of the east chamber gate, came over to greet his grandparents, but when he saw After the patriarch came in behind grandma, he lowered his head and retreated to the other side.

Hong raised the bamboo pole in his hand again, and swung it towards Yue Ya.He also cursed:

"You eat and drink my mother's food. But you don't help my mother with anything!"

These words are obviously scolding the two elders.When Xue saw it, she stepped in and saw that the bamboo pole was aimed at Sister Yueya, without her moving, Shi Chun raised a stone in her hand and knocked the bamboo pole out of the way.

Xuejian took a step forward and pulled the two sisters away. Old Shen turned his head to look, and shouted:

"Shen Dazhu!"

Only then did Shen Dazhu come out from the kitchen next to the wall.He lowered his head and didn't look at anyone in the field the whole time.When Xue Jian saw it, she knew that this uncle might not even have the idea of ​​living.I just heard my father's cry, and it reflected it.

Xuejian sighed, the family has only been separated for a few months, what life is going on in this family, apart from anything else, just look at the fact that the Hong family has lost weight.That is, it is true that the life of this family cannot go on.

Xue Jian turned her head, but she didn't see the Cheng family who beat her.Yue Ya and Yue Yun went to greet their grandparents and the patriarch while crying. After seeing the ceremony, Yue Ya, led by Yue Yun, stood behind Xue Jian.Xue Jian saw that both of them were shaking, looking at such a cold day, the two girls were still wearing single clothes.Xue Jian frowned and said:
"Second sister, third sister, you go to our house first. Let my mother find two clothes for you to wear. Don't catch the cold."

Yueyun has suffered a lot from the family these days.Knowing that listening to Xue Xue is the solution, she really nodded and walked away with Yue Ya who was still crying.When Xuejian saw them walking out, Chengzu raised his head and glanced at them. In those eyes, there was longing, envy, and maybe a little remorse!Then he lowered his head again.

Without anyone's orders, Cheng Qiang first went to the main room to move out some stools.Hong wanted to yell again, but Xuejian snorted.Hong shut his mouth abruptly!This Hong family is a bullying person!Thinking about it, I was also scared of being beaten by Xue Jian!

Old Shen didn't care about the others, just sat down and took out the cigarette.He was about to smoke again, but stopped when he brought it to his mouth, sat upright, raised his head formally and said:
"Boss, when I arranged this marriage for you, my father didn't get your consent. He just wanted to repay your favor, but he didn't expect to hurt you for the rest of his life. It's my father's fault. Not only did he hurt you, but he also hurt you." Several children in the house. In the past, after having Chengzu, your mother and I have always let her go. But I didn’t expect that this child Chengzu would also be harmed! This is how she was brought up to be what she is now , We were wrong! Today, your mother and I were heartbroken. Today, in front of your patriarch uncle, I decide to divorce the Hong family! From now on, her life and death have nothing to do with my old Shen family! Where she goes, it has nothing to do with my old Shen family!"

As soon as old Mr. Shen finished speaking, all eyes in the room were fixed on him!Shen Dazhu couldn't believe his eyes!Father has decided?Are you really going to divorce her?Xuejian saw confusion and dazedness in Shen Dazhu's eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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