farmer's daughter

Chapter 395 Goodbye Bai Haoming

Chapter 395 Goodbye Bai Haoming

Chapter 390 Goodbye Bai Haoming
Xuejian also went to look at the house that was about to be completed in the backyard.The third senior brother also stepped forward to pay attention to Xue Jian's return home, and Xue Jian also talked about some things with the third senior brother.He also talked about the fact that the junior brother used the contacts of the second senior brother.The third senior brother frowned and said:
"Little sister, you are a girl. Although you are learning martial arts from the master, you don't want to get involved in the affairs of the world. Therefore, if you can't show up in the second senior brother's network, you should show up less. The second senior brother's people are good and bad. No one knows. What are you messing with, you are a person with a family business, and you are afraid that these people in the world will stare at you!"

After hearing Qiu Yuan's words, Xue Jian also shivered!Indeed, I did not expect this!I really have to pay attention to these things in the future, my family is divided into two sides.I can take care of this side but not that side.Those people in the arena are surviving on the edge of a knife.Some people are loyal, but some people only recognize benefits!

Xue Jian nodded solemnly.road:

"Yes, Xue'er knows, I will pay attention to this aspect in the future. I just want to be a happy peasant girl!"

Back in the manor, Yueyin and Xingni started their new life in this new place, and what they just experienced seems to be over for them.Seeing the ground, Xue found the little senior brother, and talked to the third senior brother just now, Murong Xing also nodded and said:

"You should be more careful! If you don't talk about you, I have to be more careful."

Because Xiaocao slept more deeply, last night Chengwu peed Kang Xiaocao didn't know, so tonight, Mrs. Zhang didn't let Xiaocao bring Chengwu.Zhang took Chengwu away.Yuewei pestered her to sleep with Xiaocao.Yuewei said that it was uncomfortable to sleep with Xuejian, because Xuejian had to do things at night and the lights were on.Xiaocao was very happy.He took Xiao Wei'er to bed early.

According to Xingni's intentions, Xue Jian handed Xingni over to Aunt Shi for arrangement. Although Shi Chun was born in the Jianghu, his mother was from a wealthy family and stayed in the capital for many years with Lian Quchen.So these rules are still very particular.Once Xingni's identity is confirmed, it is impossible for her to live in the same room with Yueyin, so from the next day, Xingni moved to live with Xiaocao's girl, Shanfeng.During the day, I still spend more time with Yueyin, helping to make those clothes.Even a few maids including Shanfeng also came to learn.Also help to fight.Soon a few girls of about the same age became acquainted.

That night, everyone fell asleep, Xue Jian was still drawing pictures, and the other courtyard was about to be completed.Because the expansion of the manor here is imminent.So the last time I went back to Xuejian, I made an agreement with Mr. Jiang that as soon as the other courtyard was completed, I would repair my own side first.

Xuejian now has a new idea, because the hill behind the mountain was mined for the construction of the ditch, and a cliff was created. Although it is not too high, it is still enough for two floors. Xuejian plans to Buildings were built along the mountain walls.It is all built with mortise and tenon structures, which requires careful planning.Of course, professional Xue couldn't understand it, but someone did.Isn't grandpa a carpenter?Xue Jian intends to make a show first, and then discuss it with grandpa carefully.

Xue Jian, who was not asleep yet, heard a kitten meowing on the roof, and when Xue Jian heard it, it was the sound of the contact with that Bai Haoming.Xue Jian opened the window, and sure enough there was a white figure standing in the middle of the yard.Xue Jian cursed secretly:
"What a boring person. Is he still wearing white clothes this evening, because he is afraid that others will not see him?"

Xue Jian opened the door and walked out.He cupped his hands at Bai Haoming and said:
"Brother Bai is here. Come here."

Xue Jian led him into a small study room specially reserved next to his house.After lighting the lamp, Xue Jian said, "Brother Bai, please sit down!"

Bai Haoming did not refuse, and sat across the desk and said:

"Miss Shen, this is the second letter. Take a look."

Xue Jian took a small box, opened it, and saw that the box was full of papers, which seemed to be unable to fit in an envelope, so it was packed in a box.Bai Haoming didn't hesitate to take the snacks on the side and started to eat.Xuejian looked at it and asked:
"Brother Bai, have you eaten yet? Do you want me to prepare a bowl of noodles for you?"

Bai Haoming said lazily:

"It's okay. I haven't had a good meal since last night. Something happened on the way."

Xuejian was a little surprised, this person looked clean, how could he be so busy that he didn't have time to eat.Bai Haoming looked at Xue Jian and sized him up, he naturally brushed his hair by his ears and said:

"What's the matter? When I arrived in Fucheng, I went to take a shower and changed clothes, and then I came to see you."

Xuejian rolled her eyes and said:

"Do you have time to take a bath and no time to eat?"

"Of course! As a young master, cleanliness is the most important thing!"

Xue Jian went out to find Shi Chun.Shi Chun was just about to fall asleep when he heard Xue Jian's voice open the door, Xue Jian briefly explained Bai Haoming's identity, Shi Chun nodded and went to the kitchen.After a while, Shi Chun brought over a large bowl of noodles and two dishes.Once in the study.Bai Haoming looked up at Shi Chun, stood up and said:
"Hey, why is sister-in-law Zhuang here?"

Shi Chun smiled and said:

"Yes, our husband and wife were sent by the eldest son to follow the lady. It's just that your elder brother Zhuang was sent to the capital by the lady. Now I'm taking care of the house for the lady."

Bai Haoming glanced at Xuejian, but Xuejian looked at them blankly.So they knew each other?
Bai Haoming was really hungry.After taking the noodles, I ate them with big mouthfuls.But he didn't care about the image of the son he cared about at all.Shi Chun didn't ask Bai Haoming what he was doing here, he just waited for Bai Haoming to put away the bowl after eating and left.

Xuejian looked at the letter sent by Mr. Hu seriously.In the letter sent by Mr. Hu, the first is to thank Xuejian for pointing out several problems in his last reply, and the second is to affirm Xuejian's revised drawing methods in some places.Then I attached a picture sent for the second time.Xue Jian took out the first picture she had collected first, added the second picture, and started to draw.She had to put the two pictures together.Then give it to Bai Haoming and take it back.After confirming it, Xue can only confirm it when she sees this side.Although it is a bit troublesome to go back and forth, but in this era of underdeveloped communication, it can only be done in this way.

Xuejian is doing it seriously.Bai Haoming picked up a book and read it.I don't know if he read it or not, anyway, it took him a long time to turn a page, and then he turned it in a hurry!
It took almost an hour for Xue Jian to complete the puzzle, and then she raised her head and stretched her body.But he found that Bai Haoming was looking straight at him.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Brother Bai, why don't you take a break?"

"Why are you so young and so capable? No wonder the landlord asked me to run back and forth to deliver letters. And the prince sent the most capable Zhuang couple to you. It seems that I know a little bit."

Xue Jian listened to Bai Haoming's words in a daze.I don't know what his flying sentence means.If you don't know, you don't know.Xue Jian had to write another letter to Mr. Hu and asked some questions about some things that he didn't quite understand.Then he gave Bai Haoming the reply letter and the pictures he brought back.Bai Haoming took the book and said goodbye to leave.Xue Jian was stunned for a moment and said:

"Brother Bai, it's midnight now, why don't you rest for one night before leaving tomorrow morning!"

Bai Haoming said softly:

"This time I was two days late because of other things. Otherwise I should have arrived the day before yesterday. Now I have to hurry back."

(End of this chapter)

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