farmer's daughter

Chapter 396 Maybe it's also a credit

Chapter 396 Maybe it's also a credit
Chapter 390 The Seventh Might Be a Credit
Xue Jian sent Bai Haoming away.Only then did he go back to his room to sleep, it seems that the world is not peaceful, otherwise the second senior brother Qian and Wan would have missed everything.well!

Murong Xing has been with Old Man Mo since he came to Youran Villa.Even at night, they don't live in the Zhuangzi, they all live with old man Mo in the thatched hut.Anyone who knows that this is a son of the Hou family will not want to believe it.

Xue Jian called Pang Panghu and Song Gentu again early the next morning, and Pang Panghu's land still had a few acres of seedlings that hadn't been planted.But I heard that the second lady was looking for him, so naturally he came here first.

Xue Jian asked the two to sit down and said:
"You two uncles, I want to discuss something with you. You can see that everyone is free now. I have some things that I need everyone to help me with. You should help me organize the personnel. Two things, one is to clean up Let’s go to the quarry at the back. The ground has been cleared and leveled. I want to repair the house. The second is to dig up the [-] acres of land I have vacated. I want to dig a big pond. The quarry will be used next to the pond. The stones that have been cleared up. If the person who digs the pond is finished, he will come to help repair the house and do a job here. Of course, no matter what I do, I will give the wages.”

Pang Dahu frowned and said:
"Second miss, building a house is a big deal. Do you want to discuss it with your parents? Second, we are all only doing coolies, and there are very few people who can build houses. Don't you worry about it for us? "

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"Don't worry, Uncle Dafa. You saw my dad last time. I can make decisions about our family! Besides, you don't have to worry about repairing the house. Besides this Zhuangzi, I also have a construction team. Do you remember Are those men I brought here on the first day? That is our construction team. They divided a group to repair houses in the capital. In Fucheng, we still have a team of people, and now we are giving the county The main courtyard is repairing the house. When the work over there is completed, come and repair me here, and then you can arrange some people to come and help out."

Pang Dahu and Song Gentu looked at each other in surprise when they heard this. Is what the master and girl said true?Does she have someone who specializes in building houses?Did you go to the capital to build a house?This girl's ability is really great!
But the experience of more than a month made the two of them completely believe that what the girl said was true.Believe the girl is right!So the two hurriedly stated that they would organize good people when they turned around, and as long as the girl gave orders, they would come to work immediately.

Xue Jian nodded.Let them go back and arrange their own affairs first.And when the time comes, the most important thing is to rely on the two of them.

Xuejian was talking about some family affairs with Xiaocao when Shi Shishi, Shi's son who was playing at the door, ran in and said:

"Second Miss, there are many people outside, and there is a sedan chair."

Xue Jian frowned, went to the door and saw that it was the people on the mansion platform who came from a distance, and some government servants carried a sedan chair, it seemed that it was Lord Wang who came.Xuejian hurriedly called Xiaocao and said:
"Sister Cao'er, go to the field and tell Master that Lord Wang is here."

Since Xiaocao heard that Mr. Wang is not a good guy, he has been very displeased with him, so naturally he ran to the field quickly.Because the sun is not very good today, it is cloudy, so early in the morning, the grass mats in the greenhouse have not been put away.Xiaocao went to talk.Old man Mo naturally refused to be accepted.Anyway, Xueer said that she didn't want Mr. Wang to see what this kind of thing is.

Mr. Wang's sedan chair slowly came to the gate of the manor house, stopped the sedan chair, and someone came forward and shouted:

"Is there anyone in Zhuangzi? The king of Futai is here!"

According to Xue Jian's instructions, Shi Shi stepped forward and opened the door:
"Come in, please. Our girls are in the backyard. I'll report right away."

After dropping a word, Shi Shi ran in quickly, showing no intention of welcoming anyone in.Seeing that Mr. Wang got off the carriage, his face turned green.But I can't say anything, this is a child.

Think about it, Mr. Wang, yes.The owner of this village is a child.It's okay if you don't understand these etiquettes.I don't care about them, Mr. Wang still thought he was generous, so he walked in by himself.

After a while, Xue Jian came out from the backyard.Sure enough, Shitou and the little girl Pinellia were behind him.Mr. Wang was a little sullen. This time, the master is a child, and the servant is also a child, so it seems difficult for him to speak.

Xue Jian sat down solemnly, and waved:
"Ban Xia, go make tea for Mr. Wang. Be careful, you burned your hands when I asked you to pour tea yesterday."

Hearing this, Master Wang looked at Ban Xia, who was only four or five years old, and held back his breath and said:
"Miss Shen, no need, this little girl might not be able to serve hot tea, so don't scald her."

Xuejian immediately continued:
"Ban Xia, you still haven't thanked Mr. Wang!"

Banxia really thanked Mr. Wang in a childlike voice, but she still retreated and stood behind Xuejian like a little adult.Mr. Wang is so popular, forget it!Let's get down to business.

Lord Wang turned directly to Xuejian and said:

"Miss Shen, last time I came to this village, I wanted to see the repaired ditches, but the girl was not at home at the time, so others said I couldn't do it. I was passing by here today, so I Let's take a look. Fortunately, the girl is at home, so how about we go and see the ditch? After all, the government supported some people who built the ditch. I have to explain this to my superiors."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"It's because I didn't do things well. I should have informed the adults to come and see it the day it was repaired. Then there were some minor things at home. I went back to my hometown again. I just came back yesterday. It happened that the adults came, so I will take the adults. Go and see."

Xue Jian's words are also interesting, you came just after I came back, it seems that you are still watching closely.

Mr. Wang didn't take Xue Jian's words as interesting, because he didn't think this kid could have any crooked ideas.

So Xuejian took Mr. Wang to the layman.First of all, of course, went to the head of the ditch.It's connected to the river.Xue saw that he had repaired it like a small bridge.The river water and the water in the ditch are connected again.It's just because the river is shorter and the ditch here is slightly higher, so it seems that the water in the ditch is not as deep as the river.Now the water in the ditch is less than half the depth of the ditch, just wait for the flood to share some of the flood.

Master Wang praised Xuejian greatly after seeing it, and then without waiting for Xuejian to speak, he walked along the side of the ditch to the downstream of the ditch, naturally the direction of walking was the side with the shed.But after walking for a while, he encountered a block with a rope.Master Wang stretched out his hand to open the block, but Xue Jian hurriedly stepped forward and said:
"My lord, let's go to the other side and have a look. This side is blocked."

Lord Wang said angrily:

"Why do you want to stop?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Look, there is a flock of chickens I raised over there, they always come to eat new seedlings, so we stopped them."

Mr. Wang's complexion looks better now, but he still wants to pass here.Because the purpose of his coming was that shed.He wanted to see what was planted in it. Anyway, according to his people's report, the things planted in it were different, and it was something that the imperial court had never seen before.

And the method of growing things is also different, because that shed has never been seen in the imperial dynasty, who built the house for the seedlings planted.There must be something different here.Mr. Wang thought that if he knew this, it would be a great credit.The credit for the things used by Pear Field has been taken by the Princess House.But this thing is a different thing, maybe it is also a credit.I haven't achieved any results since I came here, isn't this delivered to my door?

(End of this chapter)

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