farmer's daughter

Chapter 398 You have to be mentally prepared

Chapter 398 You have to be mentally prepared
Chapter 390 IX You Have To Be Mentally Prepared

Xuejian frowned and thought about it, then said:

"Little senior brother, go to the other courtyard on horseback, and tell third senior brother and steward Huang about the fact that Mr. Wang came here today. Remind their people to pay attention and find out who this Mr. Wang is. Because I feel that Mr. Wang is here. My lord has been a little anxious recently. It seems like he is asking for credit. Think about it, he is a dignified lord of the palace, and he doesn't need to come to a small place like mine. He just needs to ask Chuan to tell me to go to the lobby, so I dare not go? Even for the sake of senior brother and senior sister-in-law, it is entirely possible to ask a servant to inquire about these matters. But he came here early in the morning in person! This is unreasonable."

Murong Xing waved his hand and said:
"You, you are young, you just think too much. All right, I'll go and have a look, but you have to prepare the delicious food, I'll come back for dinner."

Xue saw him with a blank look and said:

"Are you stupid? Isn't there more delicious food in the kitchen in the other courtyard? Hurry up and do something, I still have a lot to do, and besides, there are no ducks now, let's talk about it later."

Murong Xing glanced at Xue Jian resentfully, and left unwillingly.

Xue Jian sighed lightly, it was too difficult to do something.You can't even hide it!Last time, the big brother said that he should bear it.No matter how well he made it, now he is protected by his elder brother and his master is looking after him.There are not many people who dare to move themselves.It's just that Xuejian can foresee a lot of troubles in the future, this person comes to see, and that person comes to see.Xuejian didn't want to be so troublesome, she just wanted to do her own thing quietly.

Forget it, let's think about what to do now.Xuejian called Banxia, ​​and asked Banxia to bring a cloth bag that she had left in the house to the main room.Xue Jian called his grandfather, and the two of them studied there one by one according to the drawings Xue Jian had drawn.Think about how this new house will be built.

The grandfather and grandson were discussing with their heads there, and from time to time, they would write down what they listened to their grandfather's suggestions.I am going to change some places alone at night.But she didn't know, while grandpa was talking to Xue Jian, he was also very strange, this Xue'er, how come there are so many strange ideas.It's not that there are no such houses, the inn has upstairs and downstairs, but the downstairs is very tall, and the upstairs is not high, which is not like Xuejian's idea.Such a house is tall and bright, of course it is comfortable to live in.Moreover, Xueer always said that she wanted to make a suite or something. This was different from the usual yard at home. It seemed that the yard was excluded and all the houses were built together.I think this is to save some space.

This time, Xuejian's handwriting is a bit big, and she also has some money in hand. Xuejian wants to build this villa into a comfortable residence. Next, secondly, even if the princess and others come, I won't lose face!The most important thing is that I want to create a small villa.In this country, live comfortably.How nice!
Hsueh Jian is going to add some modern elements, but not too much in it.Build an ingenious mansion.In the evening, both Murong Xing and Qiu Yuan came back.Qiu Yuan smiled and said:
"Xue'er, Mrs. Wang seems to be losing his temper. After leaving you, he went to Mr. He's side. Fortunately, you told Mr. He last time not to talk about the water truck, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to come back to you again. However, you come out with new things. It's impossible not to attract people's attention."

Xue Jian also sighed and said:
"Yeah, I also think it's a little bad. What should I do? Or should I count it on the head of the other hospital?"

Qiu Yuan shook his head and said:

"Xue'er, I forgot to tell you that the wife of the princess just attributed the matter of Litou to the other courtyard and found it, but she didn't say that it was done by the other courtyard. She just reported it before Mr. Wang. So, If the higher authorities do an investigation, the princess may have to tell you. Although she and the elder brother are protecting you, there must be someone in your early years. So, you have to be mentally prepared. "


Xue Jian asked with a frown.

"I don't know, it is said that it is the meaning of the elder brother."

Murong Xing said softly:

"Xue'er, you don't have to worry. Eldest brother has thought about it. From what I can see now, if you go up step by step, you will definitely go to the capital in the future. You are not like those noble girls in the capital. Others You are all supported by your ancestors, but you, only me and senior brother, we are only senior brothers, and you have to have your own foundation. I think the senior brother just wants to leave these to you!"

Xue Jian frowned even more.Senior Brother didn't mention this matter when he came last time.It seems that I have to communicate with the big brother, I want to gain a foothold in the capital, only the big brother above will help me a little bit, with my own ideas, there is no way I can't gain a foothold.It's just that Xue Jian has Xue Jian's considerations, he is still young now, and he doesn't want to deal with those people in Beijing early, this society is not familiar to him.Those high-level laws are his own blind area, dealing with those high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital, if he accidentally loses himself, he may even implicate his family and senior brothers.

Xuejian felt that she had to think about it carefully, because there were some things that she could not do if she didn't want to.So it seems.In the future, I might really go to Beijing once!Xue Jian decided to write letters to her brother-in-law and elder brother respectively in the evening.There should be some longer-term plans.

Seeing that Xue Jian didn't speak, Qiu Yuan said again:

"The work in the other courtyard is almost finished. Master Niu said that he will return to Zhuangzi tomorrow. The other people may send a few people over in three days to dig the foundation first. Xue'er, have you made any plans here? "

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"There is a preliminary plan, and it will be just right after three days. But third senior brother, once your house over there is completed, this shelter will be considered open. You have passed the Ming road, so you don't want to do one." Ceremony? Lord Wang has to go and see it no matter how scared he is. So should you keep an eye on Lord Wang?"

Qiu Yuanren leaned back on the chair, laughed and said:

"I really let you talk about it. But I am not as good as Steward Huang when I do these secret things. I leave these things to Steward Huang. In the morning, he did what you said. I told him that I was naked One, there is no manpower. He still has to come, so he agreed.”

Xue Jian smiled.This third senior brother looks like a martial artist, but in fact he has very careful thoughts.fair enough.Xue Jian smiled and said:
"That's just right, you will come to me in the future and help me look at some house repairs. I suddenly feel that there are not enough people. I have to dig out the pond before the rainy season and repair the house. This Everything needs to be watched."

(End of this chapter)

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