farmer's daughter

Chapter 399 Grandpa, just watch.

Chapter 399 Grandpa, just watch.

Chapter [-] Grandpa, just watch.

Early the next morning, Lao Niu returned to Zhuangzi.As a result, there was another old man Mo who was discussing the house building plan with Xue Jian.Murong Xing listened for a long time but didn't understand much.I simply went to the field to accompany the master.Old man Mo has not been idle these days.Living in the middle of the field, no one bothered him, but he had time to think about his decades of kung fu, and deliberately integrated several kinds of kung fu.

When Xue Jian was talking about the building with his grandfather and Lao Niu, Xiao Shitou came to report that someone had come outside the door, looking for Miss Shen.

Xuejian was a little puzzled, there are quite a few Shen girls living here now.There are four big and small.Who are you looking for?Liang Zhongqiu went out to have a look, and there was a decently dressed man standing outside, leading a horse.

Liang Zhongqiu said:

"Boy, who are you looking for?"

The man standing outside the door also cupped his hands and said:

"This is the head of the He Family Manor. Our master ordered me to invite Miss Shen to have a reunion at the house tomorrow. This is an invitation card, and I am here to deliver it."

As he spoke, he took out an invitation card from his arms and handed it over.Liang Zhongqiu also took it and took a look, and it was indeed sent by the Mr. He next to him.Liang Zhongqiu turned sideways and said:
"So come in and have a cup of tea."

The man said:
"Thank you, old man. I have to send posts elsewhere. Farewell!"

After saying and doing a salute, he took a step back and got on his horse to leave.

Liang Zhongqiu turned around and went into the room, and handed the invitation to Xue Jian, who opened it and smiled lightly:
"It turns out that Mrs. He is celebrating her birthday. Oh, and I have invited my little brother. Here is another one."

Liang Zhongqiu said:
"You are a kid, why did you only invite you?"

Xue Jian pointed to the invitation card and said with a smile:
"Grandpa, look, Mr. He invited me as the master of the villa. So I was the only one invited. Besides, the only ones in the village who are related to the elder brother and the others are me and the younger brother. He doesn't know that the master also here I am."

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and said:
"No matter what, you can go when the time comes. But you have to inquire about the etiquette in this prefecture, so don't be rude!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Don't worry, leave this matter to Aunt Shi."

Xuejian called Shi Chun and said:
"I don't know how to give this kind of gift. You can figure it out. Also, ask yourself if you have any taboos. I'm just a little peasant girl, and I haven't seen this kind of world. This is the first time. Someone specially invited me."

Shi Chun looked at the invitation, smiled slightly and said:
"I'll go to Fucheng right away."

Having said that, Shi Chun went to drive into Fucheng.Xue Jian didn't care and continued to talk about her plan with her grandfather and the others.After Xue Jian's plan was carefully reorganized, Liang Zhongqiu said with a smile:
"Xue'er, this building of yours is a good thing, so that many people can live upstairs and downstairs. This building is not like an ordinary attic. When we build it, I'm afraid we have to experiment while doing it. I think so, After you sort it out first, I'll make a model to take a look. Then I'll know where there are deficiencies."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"This is the best. Grandpa! It's just that it's troublesome."

"It's nothing to worry about. Anyway, the spring plowing has been planted now. Your grandma said that your little aunt's body is not stable, so she won't go back. Then I have nothing to do. You still have to repair the house anyway. We won't leave an old man here. Don't worry about it at all."

The old cow smoked and said:

"Okay, her grandpa, do you see where I can use my old cow? You talk. I am free now. I have taught my apprentices. But Xueer, I looked at the one you mentioned that made out of stones That yard is very wide. Your building has replaced rooms again. This will free up a lot of space, what are you going to do?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Grandpa Niu, how can there be vacant land, let me tell you. I only built this building in the backyard, and I divided the front yard into several small yards. In this way, these old yards have to be demolished to make enough space. Well. There’s nothing vacant. That’s right. This piece on this side needs to be vacant, it’s of great use to me!”

Liang Zhongqiu said with a smile:
"Is it more useful than building a house?"

Xuejian nodded seriously and said:
"Yes, it's more useful than building a house. Grandpa, just watch."

In the afternoon, Song Gentu and Pang Panghu came and sent a list of more than a dozen people:
"Miss, these ten or so people are free now, and some others will be free in a few days. We have asked them one by one, and we are all willing to help the lady with things."

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"Okay, let them move the gravel out of this yard tomorrow, they may use it in the future. Then find a way to smooth the cliff behind. This is for safety, it can't be done It’s a matter of money or life. This can be done at the same time. All the stoners will go to the cliff first. Others will transport the stones below. Oh, by the way, the tools used may need some bamboo baskets. Tell everyone to bring it by yourself. I will count as much as you have, and I will give you the price. If you bring something, you should register with Wu Qiming. You can get the money then. Grandpa and Grandpa Niu, you will help me from tomorrow Look at the back mountain and clean it up."

Both Liang Zhongqiu and Lao Niu nodded.Neither Song Gentu nor Pang Dahu will be able to come tomorrow.Because there are still seedlings in the two families that have not been planted yet.

Xuejian said again:

"So, Uncle Dafa, help me find two village women who can cook. I will calculate the wages. Those who work here eat at my place every day at noon and night. In the morning, they eat from each house. Yes. Because the cooks in my village are too busy to feed the whole family. You just need to find two of them, but they need to be quicker and cleaner."

Pang Dahu thought about it:

"Actually, the Shi family who entered your house is a good cook. Others, Gentu, what do you think of Dafu's family and Linzi's family?"

Song Gentu nodded and said with a smile:
"I also only think about these two daughters-in-law. Miss, these two people are fast, and they can be left behind at home. It is said that Lin Zi's family used to be a helper in the house."

Xue Jian nodded, called Wu Qiming, arranged some things, and asked him to arrange for two boys to follow Liang Zhongqiu into the city from tomorrow and help him buy vegetables.He also asked Wu Qiming to make a comprehensive record of all items. If there is anything that is too busy, he will ask Xiaocao to record it.

When Shi Chun does things for Xue Jian, he is relieved, not only for the gifts that Xue Jian is going to give, but also for Murong Xing.Xue Jian looked at a few things wrapped in paper on the table and said:

"It's that simple? Just send some pastries and cloth?"

Shi Chun nodded and said:
"Miss, you are just a child. These are enough. I prepared a slightly heavier birthday gift for Young Master Murong. Because he is from the Hou Mansion."

One sentence made it clear, Xue Jian also understood Shi Chun's meaning, nodded and said:

"Okay, that's it. Tomorrow, you will follow me. Ban Xia will stay at home. Do you think I can bring my little sister?"

Shi Chun nodded and said:
"Of course you can. Although your name is written on it, it refers to the master's family. Do you want to go, miss?"

Xue Jian thought about it:
"Forget it, we are not very familiar with the He Mansion. My younger sister is a child, so I went to watch the excitement, but my elder sister is different. My elder sister is about to be 12 years old. It may not be appropriate to go to such an unfamiliar family."

(End of this chapter)

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