farmer's daughter

Chapter 407 I just want to go to sleep well

Chapter 407 I just want to go to sleep well

Chapter [-] I just want to have a good sleep

Yueyin's worry can be seen completely.Shen Sanzhu drank tea and said:

"Well, it's not about your uncle's family. She had such a grandson. She couldn't be more angry. And the grandson died again. How do you think the elderly can get over it? Don't worry, everything will be fine soon. Your mother is You are recovering well, if you know I'm coming, ask me to ask you, what else do you need?"

"Not bad, not bad, look, my whole body is made of new fabrics bought by Xueer. This is the first time I wear new clothes! Xueer has prepared several sets for me. Third uncle , what about my sister? Did you learn from my third aunt? "

"I've learned it. Your third aunt said that your younger sister is more talented than you. I don't understand. Your third aunt said that your younger sister embroiders very well. She is helping to embroider some big pieces."

"That's good. She used to rely on me, but now she knows that she has worked hard."

No matter what the result of He Yuan's side is, Xue Jian has a lot of things to prepare for here, even if He Yuan's side does not agree, there is still another courtyard behind the mountain.That's enough for my own plan.Xuejian originally wanted to get Butler Huang to come forward.Later, Steward Huang said that it was inappropriate for him to come forward, because he represented the princess here, if he came forward.That's where the princess came forward.

Xue Jian thinks about it too, forget it, anyway, I wrote to the senior brother a few days ago to discuss some things, let's see the reply from the senior brother.If it doesn't work, just let the third senior brother do it.Stand behind the scenes yourself.

In the afternoon, most of the completed workers from Steward Huang's side came over.Xuejian can only squeeze in a proper way here, and make room for everyone to live in. They are all from the folks, so we can't let others go back and gossip.

The people who came all went down to look at Xuejian Zhuangzi under Shen Sanzhu's guidance. Seeing such a wide field, everyone felt that Shen Sanzhu's family had indeed grown, and there was a gap with everyone.

The stone pits at the back of the mountain were all leveled out, but Xue Jian stopped further work because he wanted to do this cement work.Arrange these people to help dig the pond for an afternoon first.Because Shen Sanzhu was going back, it would be easy for him to ride alone anyway.It is also convenient to go back and forth.

Xue Jian asked Shen Sanzhu to go back and bring a letter to the Jiang family, and asked someone from the Jiang family to bring one. Xue Jian meant to ask the workers to do the work in the Jiang family's house first.Because it was measured last time.Just do it with you.Shen Sanzhu thought for a while and said:

"Then I'll go back and make arrangements, and I'll come back tomorrow."

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"My second uncle and you are not here, so I don't worry about it. When you go to Jiang's house, go and call uncle to bring someone to do it."

This night, Xue Jian was too busy to go to bed until late.Xiaocao and Yuewei went to bed early.Early the next morning, Xue Jian called Murong Xing, and the two went to get a bamboo, Xue Jian wanted to measure the size of the ground for the planned house repair.Connecting to the pond, Xue Jian still wanted to do a big thing.Just have to plan ahead and see if it works.

By noon, Liang Shenggao and Jiang Jingming both came to Zhuangzi.Xuejian hurriedly asked someone to prepare food, and it seemed that the two of them were hurrying.

"Xue'er, didn't you say to build your manor house first? Why did you think of doing mine first?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I still have to make some arrangements here. It may be a few days later. I can't let everyone stay here and have nothing to do. I just want to do your side first, and I have to dig ponds here by the way. This can also be accepted. Let's get started."

Jiang Jingming nodded and said:
"Okay, then you can do it with me, my in-laws. This is the key, you just do what we discussed last time."

Liang Shenggao nodded and said:
"Okay, then you can't leave your house, I'll take care of it here first, and you can come and see it the next day."

Jiang Jingming smiled and didn't answer, turned to look at Xuejian and said:

"Xue'er, I heard from your uncle that you made something here again, can you show me?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"There's nothing wrong with that. In this case, I'll ask Wu Qiming to bring someone to take you to see it."

Xuejian called Wu Qiming:
"Go find two people, and take that pear head to the field, in the field we left to make a pond, and show it to Mr. Jiang. There is also a waterwheel."

Wu Qiming nodded, and turned around to find a few young men to carry the things out.Show them to Jiang Jingming one by one.Jiang Jingming looked overjoyed and said:

"This thing is good! Later I want a set of each!"

When Xue Jian showed these things, the people from Shenjia Village also saw them.Everyone was surprised, no wonder Xuejian planted such a wide field early.It's really fast to do this.

Jiang Jingming said to Xuejian again:

"The threshing machine I talked about last time, have you started to do it now? I have already picked up some buyers. My cousin also has dozens of them."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"It's already started to work. My grandfather Niu went to the other courtyard in Fucheng yesterday, and his apprentices and grandchildren are there. It will be soon when they start to operate."

Jiang Jingming had a general understanding of Xue Jian's situation here, and sighed:

"Xue'er, it's not easy being a family, isn't it? Your family has a big career. It's hard for you, a child!"

After Jiang Jingming and Liang Shenggao had dinner, they first went to Fucheng to make arrangements at their own home, and then Jiang Jingming left first, leaving Liang Shenggao to take charge of this matter. In the evening, Liang Shenggao drove a carriage and took some people away. , First go to dig a hole and clean up the house.

Early the next morning, Xue Jian had just eaten dinner and was discussing with his grandfather about the edge of the pond. Xue Jian planned to use stones to surround it, so He Yuan came on horseback.

As soon as He Yuan came in, he was eager to see the snow and said:

"Xuejian, Miss Xuejian, my mother agrees! But she asked to open this half of the mountain first. If there are not so many inside, there is no need to finish opening."

Xue Jian smiled in surprise:
"Thank you, old lady! Yes, let's open this half of the mountain first. Uncle He, you came just in time, I want to tell you. I plan to report this matter to my cousin first, and then go to the mansion Let's talk about it. Come, let's sit down and talk!"

Xue Jian talked with He Yuan all day.Before He Yuan left in the evening, he laughed and said:

"Happy! Xuejian girl! He has been in business for many years. But I am willing to do this business with you even if it doesn't make money! I have never seen a business plan that is so carefully arranged, and all aspects are considered. .You are more thoughtful than me!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Uncle He laughed at me. I'm a child, and I'm always afraid that something is not thorough, so I asked here and there. I was exhausted from tossing myself. Not afraid of Uncle He's jokes, I haven't slept much for two nights. This As soon as I finished talking, my heart was relieved. Now I want to go to have a good sleep."

He Yuan also had distressed expression on his face and said:

"Look, you child. You are still growing. How can you do this? Besides, it's a big deal. It doesn't matter if it's a day or two late, right? I have to criticize you. Oh, yes, I Before coming, Madam said that she missed your sister. She wanted to pick her up and play at my house for a few days. Let me tell you, after seeing your sister that day, my Madam was thinking about it."

Xuejian laughed and said:
"Fine. Well, tomorrow I'll ask Aunt Shi to take her to your house. It's good to have my wife look after her for me. I'm really too busy."

He Yuan smiled and said:

"Okay, then come tomorrow morning. I'm leaving first, it's getting dark. Go back and arrange and I will come again in person."

(End of this chapter)

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