Chapter 408
Chapter [-]: This Matter Is Top Secret
Xue Jian sent He Yuan away.I really lost a word and went to bed. I was really tired these two days.

When she fell asleep in the middle of the night, Xue Jian woke up with a start.Saying that he woke up, he naturally felt someone on the roof.Xuejian was still lying on the kang and didn't move, she didn't know where someone came from.

After a while, I heard a call, and then heard another echo, and I saw it. Is this an internal response?
Xuejian got up gently and walked to the window to understand, when she heard a gentle knock on the door:
"Second Miss, Second Miss, are you awake?"

When Xue Jian heard it, it was Shi Chun's voice.Xue Jian gently pretended to be confused and replied:

"what's up?"

Shi Chun replied in a slightly louder voice:
"The prince sent someone here."

Xue Jian immediately opened the door, and it was Shi Chun standing outside.And a man in black stood on the porch outside the door.Seeing Xuejian open the door, the man in black bowed his hands and said:
"I met Miss Shen."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"what's up?"

The man handed over a letter:
"Miss Shen, my name is Shu Qing. From now on, I will be your contact with Shizi. Shizi sent me to send you a letter."

Xue Jian received the letter, and looked at the letter under the moonlight, it was indeed the senior brother's handwriting.Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Thank you. You have worked hard. Aunt Shi, please make arrangements for Brother Shu to have something to eat. Then arrange for him to stay."

"Miss, I'm leaving right away, I don't live here, everything is explained in the letter. Please check it, miss."

Xue Jian was stunned for a moment, thinking that these people might be the special senior elder brother.Also nodded.Shu Qing jumped up and left.Shi Chun then said to Xue:
"Second miss. We recognize this Shu Qing. He belongs to Shizi. He can be regarded as a confidant! He is not very old, and he may be about the same as Shizi. He is good at lightness kung fu. Shizi specially sent him here for something important. Do you want me? Light a lamp for Miss?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"No need. Aunt Shi, you go to rest first. It's the time to sleep well in the middle of the night. Besides, the senior brother didn't ask him to wait for a reply. It seems that I just need to explain something. I'll take a look at it tomorrow morning. I Go to sleep a little longer."

Xuejian turned back to the room, closed the door and actually lay down on the kang.Shi Chun naturally went back to rest.After Xue Jian woke up with a start, she didn't fall asleep again.He wasn't really in a hurry to read the letter, but thought about his recent affairs and stroked one more thing.The only sigh is that it is still unclear who is behind Mr. Wang.

Thinking about it again, I now have more than one hundred thousand taels of silver notes in my hand.It takes some money to build a house, but not much.But if you really mine this to run, you have to invest some money.I just talked to He Yuan.Although the mountain is connected to their home, it is not theirs.Now no one buys it, because not only the trees do not grow big on the mountain, but also the land around the mountain is not good for growing crops.Of course, now Xue Jian knew why.

It is a land without owner, so Xue Jian and He Yuan planned to buy that mountain and the adjacent mountains.Originally, Xue Jian asked He Yuan to buy it.But He Yuan said that everyone is jointly responsible for doing business together.So it was agreed that the two people would invest in the purchase of the mountain and the surrounding uncultivated land.It is up to He Yuan to handle the specific matters.

You need a share of the money to buy the land, and then you have to build a larger kiln. He Yuan can't help you.Xuejian has only seen kilns built by others, but she has never built one herself, so she still has to draw the design tomorrow and discuss it with her grandpa.With a kiln, there is a burning place for burning limestone. Similarly, Xuejian plans to build a kiln that can burn bricks.It has never been burned, and Xue Jian has seen that all the houses here are built with mud and tamped in a formwork, but if you want to build a building yourself, you have to use smaller bricks, and then use the mud It is not safe to build it, and it will not work if you are afraid of being heavy.Secondly, it's not pretty either.

Alas, Xue Jian is in urgent need of competent people.There are too many things to do next, but they can only be done in the same way.

After sighing, Xue Jian turned over and saw the letter from the elder brother beside the pillow.Then I sat up, lit a lamp, and turned it on to have a look.

In the letter, Lian Shizi was very happy with the first map sent by Xue Jian.I also praised it very much.But be careful, there are people from other countries in Beijing recently, under the banner of traveling, I am afraid that what they are doing is spying.

The second thing is that Lian Shizi said that the farm tools made by Xue Jian, the pear head and rake head, were all praised by the emperor.But the emperor asked people from all states to send people to Qingyang to learn how to use it in autumn.They will learn together with that waterwheel.I'm afraid there will be a lot of demand by then.However, the emperor said that this was made by the farmers themselves, and the royal family did not take advantage of it, and how much it sold was entirely up to Xuejian himself.

Seeing this, Xue Jian twitched the corners of her mouth, it seems that the elder brother gave himself a chance to make money.Then tomorrow we have to gather the people who do carpentry, and we have to make some early!I still have to look for it in other courtyards. Among those people, there must be people who know carpentry.

Xue Jian looked back and was shocked!It turned out that Lian Quchen had mentioned it in his letter.The person behind Mr. Wang has been found out.This man is the prince.It seems that the Crown Prince doesn't trust the Crown Prince Lian and the princess very much.Lian Quchen wrote in the letter, telling Xuejian not to care about this Mr. Wang, he won't stay here for long.Something happened in his backyard.I'm afraid it will drag him down.

Xue Jian's heart chilled, this is the officialdom, presumably he is also a senior brother's person, after knowing that Mr. Wang is not her own, she has to find out something if it is not a matter.Can the five adults still sit for a long time like this?
Xue Jian looked back.But it was the elder brother who told her to make a few recipes and send them to the capital.Because the princess can't eat anything recently.Said that he wanted to eat the dishes made by Xue Jian.Eldest brother actually mentioned that you are going to be a little aunt!This opened Xue Jian's eyes with a smile, it seemed that the princess was offended.Well, I will prepare the prescription tomorrow, write it down in detail and send it away.

The last thing, senior brother, is to confess about Shu Qing, to make sure that Shu Qing is trustworthy.If you need to contact Shu Qing in the future, you can go to a coffin shop in Fucheng to find someone by yourself.Go find the boss, and the boss will contact Shu Qing.And make it clear.This matter is top secret.

Xue Jian's heart trembled again, it seemed that Shi Chun didn't know about this.If Shi Chun knew, he must have said it long ago.Besides, if Shi Chun knew, then this letter would be passed on to him by Shi Chun.Xuejian couldn't help sighing at the senior brother's caution!

Early the next morning, Xuejian arranged for Shi Chun to send Yuewei to He's house, and asked Shi Chun to stay with her there for a few days first, to see if she was really okay, and then come back when she was able to leave.Then he called everyone who was idle at home and said:
"We have a lot of things to do next, everyone cheers me up. Recently, you have learned a few characters, at least you can write your own names down. You still have to study in the future, I am a man! "

Xue Jian looked at each energetic young man, and smiled again:

"Among you, are there any carpenters? Or are you willing to learn to be a carpenter? Is there anyone who knows how to be a mason, or intends to learn to be a mason?"

Ten or so boys, you look at me, and I look at you.Pang Xiaohu, the youngest son of Pang Dahu, stood up and said:
"Second Miss, my father is a carpenter, and I followed suit for two days, but I couldn't make a finished product."

(End of this chapter)

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