farmer's daughter

Chapter 411 I am the village head's wife

Chapter 411 I am the village head's wife

Chapter 410 Two

Another month passed in a flash.All the ponds of Xue Jian's house have been dug.It was the first time to use the cement invented by Xue Jian, and it was also the first time to try the small cave dug out by Liang Zhongqiu.It turned out to be.Xuejian has made Liang Shenggao responsible for making the cement ash.But there is one thing, Xue Jian requires all the people who do this job to wear the simple masks she asked people to make, this is a dusty job.It's always good to be on guard.Although the old men didn't take it seriously, Xue Jian wrote this rule into the factory rules of the quarry.No one can commit a crime.If you make a mistake, just don't want this person.

Xuejian and these people couldn't explain clearly what pneumoconiosis is, so they could only use this tough method to protect everyone's health.The quality of the first kiln that was tested was not bad. From the beginning, Xue Jian told Liang Shenggao some points to pay attention to.Liang Shenggao also remembered it in his heart.That's what eating is all about!
The house on the other side of the Jiang family has also been completed.Now all the personnel have arrived at Xuejian.Of course, as soon as Jiang's house was completed, Jiang Jingming came to Fucheng, invited some friends to come to the house as guests, and accepted several orders.Because the iron pipe is too busy now.So they put it off to build Xuejian first, and then transform other people's.

Mr. Wang was implicated because of family affairs at the end of last month.He was demoted to a remote small county by an imperial decree from the emperor.As for Qingyang Mansion, there is a temporary shortage of supervisors.The elder brother sent a letter saying that the emperor has new considerations!

Steward Huang and Qiu Yuan managed the shelter in a splendid manner.He also received praise from the princess, and asked people from the other two prefectures to come here to learn how to do it.Steward Huang and Qiu Yuan divided the people here into several groups, some were blacksmiths, some were carpenters, and some were more disabled and could still do some work.They all went to work at the quarry in Xuejian.

Because of the rules of the shelter.As long as you can do things, do things.Food, housing, medical care and the elderly are all in charge here.But you only pay [-]% of the wages you receive for doing things, and you can keep [-]% for yourself.So many people want to do things.There are not many people who really stay for the elderly.Because there is food and housing, and no one wants to be raised like this, and there is no need to worry about the future, so they are all willing to do something.

He Yuan also bought those mountains and land, and started to build some simple sheds on the land over there, which can be used for rest and storage.Xue Jian and Liang Zhongqiu also went over to check it out in person, and then confirmed the place to build the kiln.Liang Zhongqiu led people to actually work for ten days, and finally built a kiln that was bigger than the one dug at the beginning, but Xue Jian still felt that it was too small.In the end, it was necessary to test the kiln, and after the ashes were made, it was decided to rebuild a kiln.

He Yuan is a local. As soon as he came out to recruit workers, within a day, many people came and signed up.It is said that the white stone on this mountain is mined here.I want to live here locally and not far from home.Also heard that life in this quarry is doing well.There is still good money to be made.So one pass ten, ten pass one hundred.So many people were attracted.

So, by the end of February, everything was ready, and the only thing left was to start work.He Yuan also went to ask a fortune teller for advice, and after a calculation, it was the sixth day of March.So it was decided to start work that day, and Xue Jian went to book a few tables in Jiang's restaurant, and He Yuan came forward to invite all the big families in Fucheng.And Xuejian let his uncle Liang Shenggao take his place.

And Xuejian is busy with a big event at home.That is building a house.And this time she has a new plan, not only to build a house, but also to build something different, this is a swimming pool!At the beginning, Xue Jian didn't say what it was, but just wanted to build a big pool here.And separated from it, because there is a difference between men and women here, Xuejian felt that she could not compete with her own strength.So it was separated from it, leaving only some water holes, and these water holes are also curved and can only pass through water.

Of course, this is only Xuejian's plan, and it can only be built after the house is built.I started digging the foundation a few days ago, and the foundation here is more difficult to dig.Because there are rocks underneath.The progress is much slower.

This month, Xuejian also went to He's house to pick up her younger sister, but within five days at home, Mrs. He brought her youngest son to pick up Yuewei in person.Yuewei is also willing to play.Xuejian also knows that Mrs. He's family really likes Wei'er, and she teaches Wei'er very well.So Yuewei went to He's house again.This time, I didn't want to come back after staying there for more than half a month.

What made Xue Jian most happy was that this month, Shen Sanzhu brought Chengye, Cheng Wen and Cheng Qiang to Fucheng, and asked them to come and see Xue Jian's days here, and when Cheng Wen left, Heli burst into tears .Because I don't want to be separated from my sister.But I have to go back to reading.Xuejian wondered if it was time to bring Chengwen to Fucheng to study.But I didn't inquire about where is a good place to study in Fucheng.

This month, Xue Jian received the drawings from the second senior brother, and successfully put together the drawings of nearly three townships with Mr. Hu, and things went more and more smoothly.

The corn that Xuejian planted in the field grew taller again, because the weather was much warmer, Xuejian removed all the straw mats from the sheds.Xuejian's crops are growing very well.The tenants were also free.Just want to go to the quarry to make some money.Xue Jian has left some people behind to help build the house, and only recommends a few people over there.

The women of the village were also free.As soon as the women were free, there were quarrels every day, and Xue Jian also recruited some women with better physical strength to help with cooking and other things.But the whole village was excited.Because in the past, this time of year is the time when families are not picking up food, and most people have nothing to eat at home.And now there is Xue Jian as the master.Not to mention that every family has something to eat, and they still have the energy to save some money.A young daughter-in-law went to Fucheng to buy new cloth for the child to make clothes.

People who have some spare money will naturally look for trouble, such as Pang Panghu's wife Liu Guihua, the last time Xue Jian saw her bring people to trouble Song Gentu's family for the first time, so she didn't have a good impression of her.If it wasn't for Pang Panghu's face, Xue Jian really didn't want to see her.That's it, every time Xue Jian recruited for a job, she was never found.This made her lose face in the village.In particular, Xuejian obtained the prescription for building a kiln from Hong Linzhen.Afterwards, Hong Linzhen was given 20 taels of silver.This made Liu very upset, and kept suppressing his anger.No, just find something and start firing.

In this village, Mrs. Liu is the best friend of Huang Lao Er's family who loves to talk about the family's family.The two of them got together again this day, and Huang Laoer's family said something intentionally or unintentionally:

"Look, those women in the village were called by the master's family to help with the work. They are earning money and eating the master's food. I offended the master's family, and the master's family doesn't want me, alas, But isn't your man the head of the village? Why doesn't your man fight for you to do something? Is it your man?"

Before he finished speaking, he even cast a glance at Gu's original home.Mrs. Liu immediately understood the meaning of Huang Laoer's family.The fire came up, of course, in front of this Huang Laoer's family, Liu always took herself seriously, thinking that she was superior to her, and she was the wife of the village head!
(End of this chapter)

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