farmer's daughter

Chapter 412 The Trouble Comes

Chapter 412 The Trouble Comes

Chapter 410 The Third Trouble Comes
Today, everyone is busy everywhere!Now there are quite a lot of people repairing the house, and there are three or four women who cook. They are talking and laughing while picking vegetables, and they don't know what they are talking about, and they are laughing.

Mrs. Gu walked out of the manor.Every morning after finishing her work, Mrs. Gu would go home to take care of her mother-in-law.Sometimes I take some leftover vegetables from the manor home to my mother-in-law to eat. This is agreed by Xue Jian, but Gu's work is always careful, and every time he takes away something, he will give it to Shi Chun or Wu Qiming read it.Never take it away on its own.This reassures Xue Jian, it seems that he also confiscated the wrong person!

Mrs. Gu held a basket in one hand and led her daughter in the other.Although the son is young, Xuejian has assigned him a job to guard the gate, and to report if anyone comes.The daughter was still young, and she played with Yuewei when Yuewei was there. Yuewei is now at He's house, and this little girl follows her mother around.

When Mrs. Gu walked out of the gate of the manor, several women outside who were washing and picking vegetables by the pond greeted her:

"Sister, are you delivering food to your mother again?"

Gu Shi smiled and said:
"Yes, the sun is fine today, I want to take the quilt out for her to dry in the sun."

Another woman laughed:
"Then old Aunt Li is blessed only after marrying you as his wife. If it were someone else, she might have died two years earlier!"

The others nodded in agreement.Gu Shi really has nothing to say to this mother-in-law.People are doing it, and everyone is watching.

Gu smiled and said nothing, and led her daughter to the village.And at this time, it was Pang Panghu's wife Liu Shi who came out of the village angrily!Mrs. Liu has a windy walk and a murderous look in her eyes.The women were talking in low voices that they were afraid that someone would provoke this tigress again!
Mrs. Shi didn't pay attention to Mrs. Liu who was coming from the opposite side, but lowered her head and was straightening the collar of her daughter's clothes. Mrs. Liu happened to walk in front of Mrs. Shi. A slap made him stagger, and then fell into the paddy field next to him. That field was a field of black rice planted by Xuejian, and the seeds were a little bit picked by Lian Quchen.The seedlings bred are not enough to plant even one acre, which is usually a precious field for Xuejian.Everyone in the village knows about this.

Shi Shi was so beaten that she threw herself into the field and rolled halfway, which crushed a large piece of seedlings to death.And Xiaoya was stunned by the fact that her mother was beaten.Screaming, not crying.I just closed my eyes and screamed, and the people who repaired the house in the distance heard it.Shi's eyes were blinded by the beating, but when she heard her daughter's cry, she hurriedly got up and tried to comfort her.But before she could get a firm foothold, Mrs. Liu threw herself into the field and rolled away with Mrs. Shi in her arms. This was a good move, one-third of the black rice field was removed!

The women who were washing the vegetables saw it badly, and one of them shouted:

"Liu Guihua beat someone! Liu Guihua beat someone!"

Several women rushed over.Because we had to turn around the edge of a field to get to the place where the fight took place, but several women shouted as they ran:
"Stop hitting, stop hitting, hit the black rice field!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw three figures jumping out from Xiufang, they were naturally Xue Jian, Qiu Yuan and Murong Xing.A figure also flew out from the shed, naturally it was old man Mo.Because the shed is close.Old man Mo was the first to speak.From other people's point of view, Old Man Mo seemed to be galloping on the tip of the seedlings. The figure flashed, and Old Man Mo threw one onto the road with one hand.It seemed that there was some mud on the sleeves.Old man Mo looked down and snorted!
But Liu Guihua stared at Shi Shi again.Xue saw it, and kicked Liu Guihua's arm that was thrown out.There was only a scream of 'ah', and Liu Guihua fell to the ground.

Xue Jian stood firm and looked at the little girl who was still screaming with her eyes closed.He stretched out his hand to pull it over, and slapped Xiaoya on the back with a palm, and Xiaoya fell limply. Shi Shi was completely unconscious, but after a while, Xiaoya fell down, and then crawled hard to Xiaoya's side!
Xue Jian looked coldly at the two people who had become clay figurines, and shouted:
"what happened!"

Having said that, Xue Jian just turned to look at the black rice field, and felt distressed for a while. The black rice seeds were finally obtained. They were old, so the survival rate was not high. Xue Jian was still worried that the yield would not be good.At this moment, one-third of it was removed, and Xue Jian's face became even darker by a third.

Shi Shi completely passed out before he could climb to Xiaoya's side.The women who washed the vegetables also ran.Look at Xiaoya and Shi Shi who are lying on the side, and Liu Guihua who is still howling there.A woman stood up and wanted to say that she was pulled back by another woman. Xue Jian saw it, and said in a deep voice:
"Tell me, what did you see! No one can tell lies!"

Murong Xing stood beside Xue Jian, looked down at the little girl, leaned over to pick up the girl and said softly:
"Xue'er, I'll take the child back first, for fear of catching a cold."

Xuejian nodded lightly, those women also looked at Xiaoya, Murong Xing said:
"The child is fine. Xue'er just doesn't want the child to keep screaming. The child will be frightened. It will be fine when she wakes up."

Only then did the women feel relieved.And the people who repaired the house also came.Pang Panghu was the fastest runner, because he heard someone shouting from a distance, "Liu Guihua hit someone." 'He knew it was bad.When I ran over, it turned out to be my own wife!
However, Qiu Yuan went to the field as soon as he arrived, and helped up the seedlings that could still be raised. Those that were crushed were completely helpless. Two other tenants also went to the field to help, but they seemed afraid. A lot has been destroyed.Everyone else looked at Xuejian who was suppressing his anger.Since this master came here, he has never had such a dark face. Everyone always smiles at Mimi. Everyone likes this master.But now, everyone looked at Xue Jian's black face and was a little scared!
"Ouch. My arm is broken!"

Mrs. Liu was still howling.Xue Jian looked at those women and said:
"Aren't you going to say it?"

The woman who stood up first stood up and said:
"Miss Hui, Mrs. Shi was taking the child back to see her mother-in-law. As soon as she got here, Mrs. Liu beat Mrs. Shi without saying a word. We didn't know why."

"She deserves to be beaten! That bitch deserves to be beaten!"

Liu Guihua sat up cross-legged.The right hand held the left arm that was broken by Xue Jian's kick, and he didn't care about the sore spots and muddy water on his body, it was cold.Liu Guihua stared at Xue Jian, this is the master, she still didn't dare to play wild with her, but scolding Mrs. Shi is ruthless!

Listening to Liu Guihua's cursing words is simply unbearable!But it probably meant that Xue Jian understood.This Liu Guihua suspected that Shi Shi had an affair with Pang Panghu, so Pang Panghu didn't call him anything.Xue Jian was so angry when he heard it!

Looking at the thin and unconscious Shi Shi, Xue Jian raised her hand and said:
"You two aunts, come and carry Sister-in-law Shi back to the manor. Clean her up and find a doctor to take a look. What if she gets sick and her child? By the way, send a letter to my sister in the village and call her Also ask someone to bring some food to Mrs. Shi's mother-in-law. Take care of the old and the young for me."

Several women rushed forward, but they didn't care about Shi Shi's body covered in mud. They lifted her up and rushed into the village.I'm afraid it's cold in this muddy water.The master said that she should not be allowed to get sick.You have to hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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