farmer's daughter

Chapter 413 Xuejian has a heavy hand in this chapter

Chapter 413 Xue Jian Has Made a Heavy Hand This Time
Chapter 410 Xue Jian Has Made a Heavy Hand This Time

Turning her head, Xue Jian walked up to Mrs. Liu, looked at Mrs. Liu and said coldly:
"Mr. Liu, you said bad things about Mrs. Shi, but there is evidence? People say to catch thieves and get dirty, why do you stop them and start beating? Don't you know that Mrs. Shi sold herself to me? The one who beat me? Yours You are brave enough!"

Mrs. Liu yelled, hearing Xue Jian's words, raised her head and cursed:

"That slut! She has a vicious look on her face. What evidence does my mother need? People in this village think about her a lot. When she dies, men come to mess with my men. Why don't I beat her ? I see her hit me every time! You keep this kind of bitch, and it will ruin your reputation!"

Pang Panghu, who was standing aside, became more and more outrageous when he heard Liu's words.Raising his hand, he slapped Mrs. Liu and cursed angrily:
"Damn! You, a woman, do these messy things all day long without doing anything. You are the one who should be hit!"

"Oh, I don't want to live anymore. Pang Panghu, if you have a heart, you will dislike me as a yellow-faced woman. You like the appearance of that little daughter-in-law. I have been interrupted and you still beat me. You You have no conscience, my mother has been with you for decades, and raised two sons for your Pang family! You can beat me if you want, you can beat me, beat me. If you don’t beat me to death today, I will consider you a softie!"

Mrs. Liu simply threw a splash.Covered in mud, he rushed towards Pang Panghu, and Pang Panghu was so angry that his face was flushed red when he was watched by everyone.Raising her hand to strike again, Xuejian said coldly:

"Sapo also has to find a good place, Mrs. Liu, you have no evidence to label me indiscriminately, you have ruined the reputation of my leisurely villa, and I can't keep you in this villa. Keeping people like you is the root of the trouble!"

The people around were stunned when they heard Xue Xue's words. Everyone in this family knew that in the countryside, it was common for women to fight between women. They would pull their hair and scratch their faces twice in three days, beat up the old men and drink together. After that is not good again.This Xuejian is a child after all, this seems to be a bit heavy to deal with!
Pang Panghu also froze on the spot, not knowing what to do.Turning to look at Xue Jian's dark face, then at Liu Guihua who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground covered in mud.Somewhat at a loss.

Then Liu Guihua yelled:
"Ms. Master, why are you being unreasonable? I hit the bitch, that bad woman. The bad woman should go. If you don't get rid of the bad woman, tell us to leave! Why don't I have any evidence, Huang Lao Er's family You said it. Can you still fake it?"

"Old man Huang's family?"

Xuejian raised her head and looked around, but she didn't see the Huang Laoer's family.With a crouching sound, a woman fell from the air, and old man Mo shouted:
"Xue'er, check to see if it's this woman. She ran away just as you were talking."

The woman fell down and yelled "Ouch" before lying on the ground and not moving.Xuejian stepped forward and kicked the man's hand holding his head, and the man muffled:

"Not me, not me!"

Xuejian pushed harder, and kicked the woman over, and looked at who it wasn't Huang Lao Er's family!

This Huang Lao Er's family is not a good guy, and he is a master of sowing discord in the village.Her man is an honest person, but his honesty is too much.He can only work foolishly with hard work, and is scolded by this woman every day!

I heard that this woman is not Huang Lao Er's original partner. Huang Lao Er's original partner died of illness and left a son for Huang Lao Er. This child is also in Xuejian's team now, and he is also an honest person.However, after this woman married Huang Laoer, she did not have a male and a half female.Instead, she picked up a daughter to raise, but she was an idiot.

Seeing Xue Jian's face, Huang Laoer's family knew something was wrong.Now my family is so good that I can eat with this master.If it wasn't for the presence of this master, Huang Laoer helped to do some things and got some wages, and Huang Laoer's son met with Xue, and would also take money home, this Huangyue would not be hungry.If Xuejian really doesn't want her family anymore, then she can only go out and beg for food.

Xuejian looked at Huang Lao Er's family coldly, and said:

"Did you see it?"

Huang Laoer's family moved back and said hesitatingly:
"I can't tell you when I see it, what do you, a little girl, listen to?"

Xue Jian couldn't see such a person, stepped forward, stepped on Huang Laoer's calf on the ground and said:
"I asked you what you answered! Did you see it? Where? What is the evidence? When? You have to think about the answer, the person is here, and you will know after a confrontation. If you talk nonsense, I will kill you." Send you directly to the Guanfu, anyway, I don't like people like you who have a bad reputation!"

Huang's second family looked at the cold eyes of the master and girl, and couldn't help being frightened.Hastily said:

"I didn't see it, I didn't see it, I just said that casually that day, no, I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, it was Liu's own random guess."

Speaking of Huang Lao Er's family, he recounted the original conversation with Liu Shi yesterday.That Mrs. Liu stared at Huang Laoer's family and told him to take responsibility for everything in order to shirk responsibility, and also hurriedly shouted:

"Mr. Huang's family, what are you talking about? Didn't you wink at that bitch's house while you were talking yesterday? If it wasn't for your winking, I would have guessed it was her?"

Huang Laoer's family waved their hands and said:

"Hey, Liu Guihua, don't talk nonsense, when did I wink at you? There was sand in my eye. Squeeze my eyes!"

"Okay! You bitch beat me up like this!"

Liu Guihua is usually in good health.Even if he was injured, he immediately stood up and walked over, raising his foot to step on Huang Laoer's body.Xuejian snorted, Liu Guihua raised her feet and put them down again.Sitting on the ground and crying again.

Xue Jian took two steps back and said:

"Wu Qiming, write it down for me. From today onwards, these two women are no longer members of my village. I will hand over the household records of the two of you to the official household for filing. It seems that you think this place is too peaceful If you like lively places, then you can find other things. Uncle Pang Da, Huang Laoer, if you want to follow along, let me know. If you want to keep these two women living in your house, you have to leave it to me Rent money, because I’m not from my village, I don’t need to stay. Also, it’s okay to say that Shi’s mother and daughter are fine, if there is any injury, the Pang family will pay for it in full! Who will gossip with this Huang Lao Er’s family anymore Roots. Deal with them together!"

Pang Dahu was stunned for a moment, and was about to kneel down to beg for mercy, and Huang Er even fell to the ground.Xuejian said coldly:

"I know your thoughts, but this Zhuangzi belongs to me. If you live here and plant the land here, you have to guard the water and soil well. It's okay to talk about chickens and dogs every day. Come out with some messy things. I'm busy every day. I'm too busy to deal with these things. Anyway, people who offend my Zhuangzi just leave. You have seen this year. I have a pear head and a rake head. I have a waterwheel. This is more than 800 mu of land. I can plant half of the people. I didn’t keep you here to make you quarrel and make trouble every day!”

Xuejian played a heavy hand this time!The main reason is that I have heard recently that people in this Zhuangzi have been very popular recently, and a few people have gathered to gamble at night.It's only been a few days of better days, and it's not a good day. It can only be said that because Xue Jian has done a few projects, they have wages, and they can eat well this year.And some people want to make trouble as long as they are full.Xue Jian didn't want to get used to this kind of problem.The shot has to be heavy, to destroy everything at the source.This happens to be an opportunity!

(End of this chapter)

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