farmer's daughter

Chapter 414 This is an Indiscriminate Disaster

Chapter 414 This is an Indiscriminate Disaster

Chapter 410 Five
Wu Qiming also knew that Xue Jian's punishment was a bit heavy, but after following Xue Jian, he could see from everywhere that Xue Jian was very defensive.Now something happened to Shi Shi who was protected by Xue Jian, so Xue Jian was naturally angry.It was because of the face of their husbands that they didn't beat them out.

Xuejian turned her head to look at her own black rice again, and sighed angrily:

"Wu Qiming, write it down, how many seedlings have been hurt, and I will ask them to pay for it at the price. This thing is expensive, and if they can't pay for it, then next year I won't grow some of my good things for their family."

Xue Jian was so angry that she turned around and left.Wu Qiming really counted them down one by one seriously.Xuejian returned to the manor, looked at Xiaocao hurriedly running past, and shouted:

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Xiaocao hurriedly said:

"Sister-in-law Shi woke up, maybe she was cold, and the little girl woke up too, but she kept screaming with her eyes closed and her mouth open, but she couldn't make a sound. Mr. Murong went to invite the doctor."

Xuejian was startled, but the child was still frightened.Are you afraid that you lost your voice in fright?Xuejian also rushed to have a look. Sister-in-law Shi was lying on the kang of her own house, beside the kang stood Xingni and Yueyin, and there was a small body under the quilt on Sister-in-law Shi's kang, she was Xiaoya.Xiao Ya closed her eyes tightly, but opened her mouth one by one, as if she was yelling, but no one heard the sound.Xue Jian stepped forward and touched the little girl's forehead, she didn't have a fever, but found that the skin and flesh on the little girl's face were tense.It seemed that he was extremely nervous.

Xuejian gently rubbed Xiaoya's cheek, and whispered softly in Xiaoya's ear:

"Little girl, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I am Second Miss, Second Miss is here, and Second Miss is here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Shi Shi on one side also cried out:
"Little girl, mother is here, mother is fine!"

The little girl's brows were not so tightly wrinkled.A stone cry came from outside the door:

"The doctor is here, mother, the doctor is here!"

Afterwards, a middle-aged doctor was hurriedly rushed over by Murong Xing.The doctor came in, but Murong Xing didn't come in.After all, Mrs. Shi is a woman, lying on the kang.

As soon as the doctor came in, he saw one big and one small lying on the kang, he was stunned for a moment and said:

"Are you asking me to look at the big one or the small one?"

Snow said:
"Look at all, first look at this little one. I'm scared, I'm afraid she will lose her voice."

The doctor stepped forward to feel the pulse, frowned and said:
"The child's pulse is a bit rapid."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Well, if you touch her cheek, her flesh is so tight that she can't make a sound when she opens her mouth. She doesn't want to open her eyes either."

The doctor also stepped forward to touch, sighed and said:

"What scares the child like this. This is a heart disease. There is no cure for the heart disease, so I have to take it slowly."

"Doctor, my daughter is only three years old, so she can't just be speechless. Please. Give her some medicine or an injection. She's so good, she can talk about everything, and she can help the lady pass on the message." But you can’t say nothing.”

Shi Shi cried and begged the doctor.The doctor shook his head and said:

"It's because I'm not good at learning. There's really no way to rule this out. The only thing I can do is wait and see if she will talk again one day in the future."

Xue Jian looked at the little girl lying down, she looked very cute.What Xuejian likes the most is that she smiles and squints her eyes and calls her Second Miss, but now...Think about it, even in modern times, this mental obstacle can only be recovered slowly by oneself.Xue Jian also said:

"Sister Shi, don't worry, with us here, the child will get better soon. Doctor, please give Sister Shi a consultation. Sister Shi accidentally fell into the water just now, so she scared the child."

The doctor nodded, stepped forward to feel Shi's pulse and said:

"I'll leave two prescriptions for you, you go grab the medicine, take one now, and take it after three days if you have a cold."

Xue Jian nodded.The doctor followed Shi Chun to write the prescription.Xue Jian said:
"Sister-in-law Shi, don't worry, I have already punished them. I also sent someone to deliver the food to your mother-in-law. You can spend the past two days with the little girl. Don't cry all the time. If you cry, she thinks it's okay." If there is danger and you haven’t dealt with it, you’re still afraid. You have to smile, and when you smile, she’ll feel fine. She’ll get better.”

Mrs. Shi also heard Xuejian's words, and hurriedly wiped away her tears and said:

"Okay, I won't cry, I won't cry."

Shi Shi bit her lip to keep from crying, she stood up sideways and hugged her daughter in her arms.Gently patted her daughter, Xue Jian looked around, and could feel Xiaoya slowly relaxing, Xue Jian said again:
"You talk to her softly, talking about things or things she likes that she is usually familiar with."

Mrs. Shi took a long breath, suppressed her sobs and nodded, and gently told her daughter about her daughter's petite child, those flowers and so on.

Xue Jian turned around and came out with a very ugly expression on her face.Shi Chun stood outside the house, saw Xuejian coming out, and said:

"Second Miss, Pang Dahu is waiting outside. I want to see you!"

Xue Jian went out to have a look, and Pang Panghu was standing at the gate with his eldest son Pang Xiaohu and daughter-in-law Liu Shi.Pang Panghu, a big man, saw Xuejian coming out, and knelt down with a plop. Xuejian quickly stretched out his hand to support Pang Panghu and said:

"Uncle Pang Da, what are you doing? Why did she ask you to kneel down when she did something wrong? Didn't I punish Jiuzu for sitting down? She is an adult, and she should be responsible for her actions. Now Mrs. Shi lies down On the bed, and the most troublesome thing is Xiaoya, who is so scared that she can't open her eyes and can't speak now. Your family must pay for this gift! For the two of them, this is a disaster for no reason!"

Pang Panghu suddenly seemed to be old, and everyone was gone.Originally, I was very proud of myself in front of this boss.After finally meeting such a smart and kind boss, I thought I would have a chance to succeed, but I didn't expect this woman to drag the whole family down.

Pang Dahu was afraid that Xuejian would no longer want to see him, and even more afraid that Xuejian would not want his youngest son Pang Xiaoyong.What if Xiaoyong is sold?So, a six-foot-tall man knelt down to Xuejian.

Pang Panghu was even more ashamed after hearing Xue Jian's words!road:
"That's right! Second Miss, it's not convenient for me to see Mrs. Shi. Please help me send a letter to Mrs. Shi, telling her to take good care of her body and take care of her children. She doesn't have to worry about her mother-in-law. I will call my daughter-in-law Go take care of the old man! When Shi Shi recovers, we will make an apology!"

Xuejian is also a sensible person when he sees Pang Dahu.nodded and said:
"Okay. I'll pass on your words. But your family, please forgive me. I can't tolerate her in this village. What I can't tolerate the most is this kind of black sheep, who beats people when they shoot, and even throws her My black rice seedlings were ruined. If there is a problem between people, everyone just speaks out, even if they are arguing, it doesn’t matter. She is good, she has you and her son at home, and she just wants to bully people in this village. That's definitely not going to work! You go back and do what you have to do. It's none of your business."

Pang Dahu nodded, and left with his son and daughter-in-law.Pang Dahu's family, with regard to this matter, was immediately dealt with submissively.Now everyone in the village knows that this master looks small, but he is very decisive in dealing with things, and those who cause trouble are directly kicked out of the village.Such a good Zhuangzi, no one wants to leave.As a result, a tenant village settled down, and the impetuousness that had just happened also calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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