farmer's daughter

Chapter 415 The Shocked Liang Shengyue

Chapter 415 The Shocked Liang Shengyue
Chapter 410 The Shocked Liang Shengyue

The mining of the ore went smoothly, because He Yuan recruited two veterans.It is said that he opened a gold mine.The cave dwelling was also successfully fired in the first kiln, and the prepared cement ash was used to rebuild a large one.And Xuejian thought of making blue bricks again.Someone tried to make it and fired it in the first small kiln, but it was a success unexpectedly.Xue Jian couldn't be happier.Originally, some stones were collected and planned to use stones to build houses, but now they have changed to use green bricks!

Because Xuejian's blue bricks are famous here, people from afar come to see the houses built in Leisure Villa every day.This gave Xue Jian a headache.Originally, I didn't want to make Leisurely Villa famous.It is now a public place.Xue had no choice but to transfer the matter of burning bricks to the mining team.He also cooperated with the He family in this business.He Yuan was so happy that he laughed, because as soon as the blue brick came out, several big households in the city took a fancy to it and ordered it first.They all said that when Xuejian finished repairing the house here, he would remodel his own home.

Some people also saw the effect of Jiang's floor heating, and thought of rebuilding a house entirely.In just two months, Xuejian's Leisurely Villa and the construction team became the hot spots in Qingyang City. Everyone rushed to see it, or go to the He family to book a business.

But at this time in the capital, there is a big event happening, that is, March of Yangchun has arrived.The three-year spring test of this dynasty has arrived.All the students who have been in the cold window for ten years are looking forward to this day, and Liang Shengyue, who entered the capital early to review and manage, is naturally among them.

Liang Shengyue has already come to Beijing, and he has basically never contacted Lian Shizi, and Lian Shizi sent someone to look for him when something happened.Therefore, no one knew about the connection between Liang Shengyue and Lian Quchen.Although Liang Shengyue is rushing for the exam for the first time, he has already taught students for three years. It can be said that he has rich social experience, and he often talks with Xue Jian. Influenced by some knowledge of Xue Jian, Liang Sheng Yue still has some reputation among these candidates.

Because everyone was interacting with each other, and Liang Shengyu, who was good at talking, unconsciously became the center around which some students surrounded.If you have any questions, you like to talk to Liang Shengyue.Whether it is writing an article or discussing current affairs, after talking with Liang Shengyue, you will gain something.

One night in mid-February, a different guest came to the courtyard where Liang Shengyue lived.And this person is King Liang!Liang Wang visited late at night and covered his head and face.When the people behind King Liang came forward and said in a low voice that this was King Liang, Liang Shengyue only raised his eyebrows, and also calmly received the people first.

Liang Wang only brought one person.After King Liang entered Liang Shengyue's study, the man disappeared on the roof.Liang Shengyue was not surprised either.On the contrary, Liang Wang laughed and said:

"Don't worry, I just want to talk to you, just let him watch outside. I don't want others to disturb our conversation. Mr. Liang has become very famous in Beijing recently. I heard that some students are now the only leaders What about Zhan?"

Liang Shengyue cupped his hands and said: "My lord, how can the rumors be trusted? I'm just a scholar from a farm family. How can I become the top student?"

Prince Liang also sat down on a chair naturally, then smiled and said:
"You don't need to be too modest, sir. I know your knowledge well. I also know where you come from. Otherwise, I don't have to visit you late at night! I also heard what you talked about with some students yesterday. I was there at that time. In the next room. Hearing the words of Mister, I am extremely impressed!"

Liang Shengyue looked at Prince Liang indifferently. Prince Liang naturally picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea. Liang Shengyue then stood up and said:

"My lord, it's cold, wait for me to make another pot."

Prince Liang didn't stop, he even picked up the cold tea and said:

"Don't worry, sir. I'm in good health. I can eat hot or cold. It's okay to talk to sir, and drink some herbal tea. Please sit down, sir. I'm here today, and I really want to make friends with you!"

Liang Sheng felt more and more bitter.He made friends with some students. First, he wanted to know more about the level of students from various places. Second, it was better to have many friends than many enemies.Didn't Xue Jian say that it's easier to do things when you have more friends, even if you haven't passed the exam.This is a chance to make friends.

But Liang Sheng didn't expect that his act of making friends would attract this prince.This is the prince who is the most difficult to get in touch with in Beijing now. His identity is a thunder, and he will explode if he is not careful.And the person behind him is Shizi Lian, and Shizi Lian is a person who supports the emperor's faction, that is, a person who maintains orthodoxy.It would not be a good thing if the prince knew about it.It could be a disaster for yourself and your family!

But Liang Shengyue was still able to sit and talk with this prince calmly, and I don't know why, the prince really didn't talk about the policy of governing the country or any important family affairs with Liang Shengyue, just talked about some articles and poetry.The more he talked about Liang Sheng, the more frightened he became. He didn't expect this prince to be a man full of poetry and books.There are many similarities between the views on some articles and Xue Jian's views.The more Liang Sheng talked, the more relaxed he became.

It was getting late, the moon was already in the west, the people on the roof came down and reminded outside the door:
"Master. It's about time."

Liang Wang drank the herbal tea in his hand that had been refilled several times in one gulp, stood up, picked up the cloak on the side, took a step and said:

"Mr. Liang, it's getting late. It's time for the king to go. A conversation with the gentleman is like getting an enlightened teacher. Don't worry, the king has no other intentions. I know who the king is. I won't Thinking about implicating my husband. It’s just that I’ve been aloof for a long time. But I don’t have a friend who can talk to me so straightforwardly. That’s why I came to meet you, sir!”

Liang Shengyue has already given in to this King Liang in his heart, and from entering the room to talking together, King Liang has always referred to himself as me. He did not use his identity to talk about things in front of Liang Shengyue, but only called himself when he left. This king.Liang Shengyue also got up and cupped his hands and said:
"Prince Liang's knowledge impresses the students! As a prince, he can still study seriously, which surprises the students. If not for his status, the students would have made friends with the prince!"

King Liang could also hear the meaning behind Liang Shengyue's words.With a sigh:
"On the contrary, I already regard Mr. as a friend. It's fine if Mr. doesn't want to be my friend. By the way, Mr., the last sentence. Please tell Mr. Lian, be careful of a person surnamed Lin around you."

After Liang Wang finished speaking, he strode out of the house and disappeared into the night with the person who was hidden outside.Liang Shengyue, who was extremely shocked, was left behind.After King Liang left, Liang Sheng was in a cold sweat.It seems that Liang Wang knows his relationship with Lian Shizi!
(End of this chapter)

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