farmer's daughter

Chapter 416 I Remembered This Favor

Chapter 416 I Remembered This Favor
Chapter 410 Seventh, I Remembered This Favor

The more Liang Sheng stayed up all night, the more he thought about this matter, the more troublesome he was. Don't bring trouble to Prince Lian.If other people knew about this, they didn't say that they belonged to Prince Lian, but they came out to help Prince Lian's faction?The more Liang Sheng thought about it, he called Xiao Ma before dawn.

Xiao Ma is an orphan. It is the child Liang Shengyue went out to buy breakfast one morning when he first arrived in the capital and saw him lying frozen in a corner. He was probably only seven or eight years old.The more Liang Sheng couldn't see it, he brought the child back. He asked if the mother died of illness, and the father hadn't returned for two years, so he didn't know whether it was alive or dead.People from the clan occupied his family's field. He was locked up as a child and escaped by himself.I don't even know how I got to the capital.Anyway, I haven't eaten for two days.

Liang Shengyue gave him something to eat, and judging by his manner of speaking, he should be a child of a middle-class family. He said that his mother was a daughter of a scholar's family, so she taught him to recognize some characters.But I never went to school.Liang Shengyue let him stay.But he insisted on being a boy for Liang Shengyue.Liang Shengyue never planned to bring a book boy, but it's not good for you to drive this kid away, so he stayed.

Later, the people brought by Shen Erzhu went to the princess's yard to start work. The housekeeper of the yard where he lived came to see what Liang Shengyue needed, and Liang Shengyue even mentioned this child on purpose.The housekeeper told Liang Shengyue in two days:

"What the child said is true, you can keep him by your side and take care of him."

Liang Shengyue left behind a child. The child's surname was Ma. Liang Shengyue called him Xiaoma. Xiaoma would follow Liang Shengyue to study, help Liang Shengyue cook, make tea for Liang Shengyue, and play games. Water for washing feet, let alone, Liang Shengyue, who lives here alone, also has a companion.

Liang Shengyue didn't sleep because of what happened last night, so he called Xiao Ma and said:
"Little Ma, go to the yard you visited last time right away, and tell the housekeeper that I lack some food from my hometown."

Xiao Ma nodded, and called Liang Shengyue for the washing water before leaving.

Xiao Ma came to the yard early in the morning. The housekeeper just woke up. He didn't expect the child to find him so early, and hurriedly asked:

"Little Ma, is there something wrong with Mr. Liang? Why did you come here so early?"

Pony said:
"No, Mr. Liang asked me to tell you that he lacks some food from his hometown."

The butler was taken aback, then he patted the pony's head and said:

"Okay, I see, I will prepare it for my husband. You go back first, have you had breakfast, or can you just eat here?"

While talking, the housekeeper wrapped the pastries on the table with paper, put them in Xiaoma's hands and said:
"Here, eat when you have nothing to do."

The pony backed out happily.I ran back again.

After Xiaoma left, Liang Shengyue learned a method taught by Xuejian to write to Xuejian. Of course, he also cared about his family. It has been almost a month since Liang Shengyue left home. I don’t know how his wife is doing now. up.I left her at a critical time. Although I believe that my family will take good care of her, it's still better than staying with her at home.

In the evening, Liang Sheng sent the pony to bed early.Sure enough, not long after it got dark, Liang Shengyue came here again, and this time it was Prince Lian.Lian Shizi's own martial arts is very good, so he came without anyone when he went out.Liang Sheng had prepared the hot water earlier.After pouring tea for Prince Lian, he sat down and said:
"My lord, you came to drink hot tea today, but I had a guest here last night, but I only had cold tea for him."

Lian Quchen had just taken a sip when he heard that he put down his cup and said:
"So you sent a message saying something was up?"

Liang Sheng frowned and said:
"I'm new to the capital. I don't know how deep the water is in the capital. But last night it was King Liang who came to drink water from me. It can't be fake!"

Lian Quchen stood up suddenly, looked at Liang Shengyue and said:

"Why is he here?"

Liang Sheng shook his head and said:
"I don't know why I came here. I thought about it all night last night, and today I have a little idea. It may be because I have had a lot of contact with the students after I arrived in Beijing, and it has attracted some people's attention. And he is one of them." One. However, his last sentence was a bit intriguing, so I asked someone to send a letter to Shizi, and asked Shizi to come and talk to Shizi face to face."


"King Liang didn't talk to me last night. We kept talking about articles, poems and songs, but when he finally left, he got up and said: 'Tell Prince Lian, the man next to him named Lin is not trustworthy. '"

Liang Sheng looked at Shizi and said it word by word.Lian Quchen clenched his fist, slammed it on the table and said:

"The one surnamed Lin? Is it Lin Shiyun who came to my mansion last year as a Muliao? This person has just become a little bit of a man recently, but Zhi Sun thought Liang Wang knew about it? It can be seen that my mansion is not clean!"

Liang Sheng frowned and said:

"Yes, there may be people watching each other among all of you in Beijing. I was just thinking, why did King Liang want me to pass this letter? I am confident that no one knows the basic connection between me and you. But how Just let King Liang know? My son, our Liangjia Village and Shenjia Village are so remote places, could it be that King Liang has been there too?"

Lian Quchen paced back and forth, slapped the table and said:

"Oh, I forgot. King Liang, he just came back from Qingyang mansion! He was sent by the queen to check some of the queen's properties. He passed by Qingyang mansion. Could it be that he got the news from there?"

Liang Sheng took two steps closer to the table and said:

"Then my Liang family and Shen family will be fine?"

Lian Quchen was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and said:

"Shengyue, you, King Liang just knew about your relationship with me. You didn't make a mistake, and I didn't commit a crime. How could you implicate the family members? Don't worry."

Liang Shengyue also thought about it all at once, and he also smiled and said:

"Yes, I am also in a hurry."

Even Quchen smiled and said:

"It's okay, but I have to thank King Liang for reminding me. I'll take note of this favor. Later, King Liang will come to chat with you, and you can talk freely. This person, if not because of his status, is worth dating. It doesn’t matter if he knows your relationship with me, we didn’t do anything, since he came back from Qingyang, he must know that you are my junior sister’s uncle, and the relationship between me and Xue’er is probably He knows it too. It doesn't matter. I'm just a person who is loyal to the emperor. Whoever is the emperor doesn't do it. Anyway, I will be loyal to the emperor!"

Liang Sheng became more and more stunned when he heard it.Even the prince really dares to say this!

Lian Quchen chatted with Liang Shengyue for a while before leaving.

Afterwards, Ye Fei Liang Shengyue came here to drink tea as expected when King Liang was free. Even if it was cold, it didn’t matter. gone again.It made Liang Shengyue pretend that he didn't see a certain prince coming and going.

Liang Shengyue didn't bother about going to the capital to repair the house, even about the people who came to repair the house. Liang Shengyue didn't care at all. The only people who interacted with him were those princes. Of course, there were also one or two nobles from the noble family The disciple of the old man came to chat with Liang Shengyue, but it was just to establish a relationship with each other, because he saw Liang Shengyue's recent reputation among the students.

(End of this chapter)

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