farmer's daughter

Chapter 418 What Is King Liang Going To Do?

Chapter 418 What Is King Liang Going To Do?

Chapter 410 IX What Is King Liang Going To Do?

Liang Shengyue sat down on the chair with a bang. Although it was spring, it was not that hot, but Liang Shengyue was sweating profusely on his head.

Liang Wang slowly put down the cup in his hand, looked at Liang Shengyue with a smile in his eyes and said:

"What's the matter, Mr. Liang?"

Liang Shengyue didn't speak, just stared straight at King Liang.He wanted to hear what Kongshang Liang Wang had to say.King Liang laughed lightly and said:

"Mr. Liang, don't worry, I'm not a tiger, and I'm different from them. I know Miss Shen, and I even drew a picture of my princess's head and face after being cut off by Miss Shen. I like that picture very much. But, I I'm afraid my princess won't be that lucky!"

Liang Shengyue still pursed his lips and said nothing, King Liang didn't seem to want to hear what Liang Shengyue had to say, so he said to himself:

"Don't worry sir, I don't mean to harm the little girl, and it has nothing to do with sir."

After Liang Wang said this, he lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something. When Liang Shengyue thought that he would not speak anymore, Liang Wang said slowly:

"Sir, these days I come here to sit with you if you have nothing to do. There is no other meaning. When I passed by Qingyang, I met Miss Shen by chance. She is a very cute girl. She is about the same age as my eldest daughter." But look at Miss Shen, and then look at our delicate princess. Alas!"

When Liang Wang said this, it seemed that he was talking about other people's affairs, and his voice was far away and soft.Liang Shengyue still didn't respond.Liang Wang said again:
"Mr. is a scholar. It is said that he has been a gentleman for a few years. Scholars like to compare the previous dynasty with the present. I don't know which dynasty's princes lived to old age safely?"

After saying this, King Liang looked straight at Liang Shengyue, and Liang Shengyue's face changed. How could he, a scholar, dare to comment and listen to royal affairs casually?However, King Liang is forcing him to listen!
King Liang didn't need Liang Shengyue to answer, but he smiled helplessly and said:

"Don't worry Mr. Liang, I'm here to talk to you today because I can't find anyone to tell the truth. I don't know who to talk to. I don't want to, I really don't want to fight, but I want to live Why? I'm going to be that stepping stone?"

"He was born two years before me, so he has everything. If he has it, he has it. I don't want to fight for it. As long as I can remember, I endured, I let, even my princess is fake, They exchanged his counselor's daughter for my concubine. The concubine's family knew about it but dared not say it. I can bear it. Anyway, she is an innocent woman. Who am I going to spend my whole life with? Anyway, as long as I don't have the heart to fight .”

"But, they don't want me to live a peaceful life for a few years. They are always guarding against me and always thinking about how to make my life bad. The princess is theirs, but now, even the princess I want to get rid of it. I’m just afraid that the princess will agree with me after being with me for a few more years! They sent another beauty to use the beauty trick for me, and I accepted it. Everything was done according to their plan, why did they still want to force the princess to death? Woolen cloth!"

At the end of Liang Wang's speech, although his voice was suppressed very low, he finally shouted hoarsely!Liang Wang's eyes were red, and tears flowed down with his narration.

"He thought I didn't know, he thought he could change me to another princess at will, or put some people around me at will. He didn't care about anything except that seat! Now the father is still here. If, I just want to Why is it so difficult to live?"

At this moment, Liang Shengyue wished there was a hole in the ground, wished he could do it all over again today, then he would never listen to what King Liang said!Those who hear these words will die in the end!

Liang Sheng became paler and paler!After all, he is just a scholar from a small place. Even if he is a figure in Liangjia Village, he still has a little reputation in Huishan Town, but in this capital, Liang Shengyue is like a little ant on the side of the road!Life and death are sometimes involuntary!
Liang Wang lowered his head for a long time before raising his head again.They've obviously sorted out their moods.Liang Wang picked up the teapot again, poured himself a cup, raised his head and drank it, and said:

"You really don't have to be afraid. I'm just talking. Just talking! However, after I finally said these words, I feel much better!"

Liang Shengyue went from head to room, almost without blinking an eye, just sitting there listening like a piece of wood, but his heart was overwhelmed.Liang Wang stood up, walked to the window to look at the moonlight outside the window and said:

"The moonlight is very good tonight. Mr. Liang, let me tell you this, just as if you are a friend. In the future, I may not come again. If I come again, Mr. Liang will be noticed. Yes Mr. Liang, please tell Ms. Shen that the princess likes her face painting very much."

After saying these words, King Liang turned around, and when he passed by Liang Shengyue, he stretched out his hand to pat Liang Shengyue's shoulder, and said with a light smile:

"Scared you. I'm leaving."

Liang Shengyue didn't stand up to see Liang Wang away, because Liang Shengyue knew that he couldn't stand up, his legs were weak!It's not that Liang Sheng is more afraid of things, but that this matter is a bit serious. How could a commoner scholar, who suddenly knew about such secret matters in the palace, let himself live?And this is not what I want to hear, but King Liang said it directly without saying hello.

King Liang left, but Liang Shengyue sat there all night without moving. When the pony came to wait on him the next morning, he found that his husband was pale and his eyes were dull, but he was sitting upright!

Xiaoma realized that something was wrong, and rushed forward to support the beam, shouting more urgently:
"Sir, sir!"

It wasn't that Liang Sheng was more timid and scared out of his wits.Instead, he thought about it all night and didn't understand what Liang Wang was going to do!The first time I heard him talk about Xueer, I thought he was going to use Xueer to blackmail me, but the relationship between Xuejian and Lian Quchen was still unknown to the people in Beijing.Unexpectedly, he just mentioned Xue'er lightly, but turned around and threw himself an explosive news!Why is that?why?

Liang Sheng thought about it all night and couldn't figure it out.He is not very clear about the secret relationship between Beijing and China.But he didn't dare to ask anyone about this kind of thing, even Quchen Liang Shengyue didn't dare to say a word.If there is really something, don't implicate Shizi Lian because of it!

Liang Sheng was lifted up by the pony's hand, and he just mechanically followed the pony's support and walked towards him.Even if it falls on the ground.Liang Shengyue didn't close his eyes either.

The little horse was so scared that she cried. My husband sent me to bed early last night. I don’t know why I fell asleep so fast. I don’t know if my husband is sick. It seems that I have to go to a doctor to take a look. .

Liang Sheng heard the pony's cries more, then turned to look at the pony, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Why are you crying? Pour me a glass of water. I just thought about something and didn't think about it. I'm afraid I didn't pass the exam."

The pony immediately poured water, cried and asked:

"Is it true? Are you really okay?"

Liang Sheng sat up slowly and drank a cup of warm water, as if he had regained some energy.nodded and said:
"It's okay, you go down first, I'll sleep for a while. I just passed the exam, and I haven't gotten enough sleep yet!"

Xiao Ma really supported Liang Shengyue and lay down.After pulling the quilt for Liang Shengyue, he went out.

(End of this chapter)

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