farmer's daughter

Chapter 419 What's Wrong

Chapter 419 What's Wrong

Chapter 420 What's Wrong

Xiao Ma was a child, so he took what he said seriously, and he thought Mr. was fine, so he went out and went to the kitchen for a while.I thought that if Aunt Wu, who was helping to cook, came, I would ask her to buy a chicken to supplement my husband.Otherwise, the spirit of the teacher who passed the test is too bad.

Liang Shengyue lay on the bed and thought about it for a long time, his eyes turned red, but he still couldn't figure out why.I was a little dazed right now.What should I do?What should the family do?After staying in this capital for a few days, I know how powerful it is.If something happens to you, what will you do at home?When they know the news, I'm afraid something will happen to them too.Although it wasn't my fault, I didn't provoke anyone.But whether there is anything wrong with this kind of thing is said by the people in power!
This damn King Liang!

Liang Shengyue didn't get up to eat at noon, Xiao Ma had been guarding outside Liang Shengyue's study with a lot of worry.Xiao Ma wanted to go to the doctor to have a look, but then thought of what Aunt Wu said at noon, that the husband was just tired from the exam, and some people went home after the exam and slept for three days and three nights without waking up.But Mr. is awake?
It wasn't until Aunt Wu came over to make dinner and asked:
"Xiao Ma, sir's chicken soup is going to be cold again, why don't you wake him up? There's a big problem outside. Don't go out and run around."

"What's the matter?" Pony asked casually.

"I don't know what it is. I only heard that Concubine Liang has gone. White banners have been hung in Prince Liang's mansion! You have to remind sir, don't go out to talk to friends these few days, and you don't know very well in the capital. , Afraid of running into trouble!"

Aunt Wu is from the capital, and she can be regarded as a warm-hearted person, so I remind you that if it was someone else, I wouldn't bother to care about you.

Xiaoma nodded and responded:

"Oh, our husband's funeral has nothing to do with our husband. The husband is not in good spirits. I don't think he will go out. Aunt Wu, please heat up the chicken soup again. I will call you sir."

Liang Shengyue in the room heard the conversation outside the room, and opened his eyes that had been closed for rest, and his heart suddenly became clear.King Liang, I came here last night because I was afraid that I was in a bad mood and wanted to talk to someone, but I became that unlucky person!King Liang knew yesterday that the princess would not survive.Thinking about it, as a member of the heavenly family, a high-ranking prince, in the eyes of outsiders, is a beautiful scene, but my life is restricted everywhere, even the person next to my pillow is someone else's, so I can't let it go. He talks about life and death, but the life and death of the person next to him is in the hands of others!Anyone who lives this kind of life will explode!

break out? !Liang Shengyue sat up all of a sudden.King Liang, will it explode?
How could a prince with no power, influence and connections break out?How can a person who has been controlled to death break out?

No, there's something wrong with it!
Because Liang Shengyue didn't have a good rest and got up too abruptly, he felt a little dizzy all of a sudden. He knew something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong all of a sudden.Called out:
"Pony, fetch me some water."

Liang Sheng sat up for a while before slowly getting up, took a sip of the tea on the table, the ice-cold tea slid down his throat and down his stomach, a chill came up all of a sudden, and his mind seemed to be clearer.But Liang Shengyue still didn't catch what was wrong!

Xiao Ma called for washing water, and Liang Shengyue went to wash himself.Xiao Ma hurried to bring the chicken soup again and said:

"Sir, you should eat some. This chicken soup is stewed by Aunt Wu in the morning."

Liang Sheng submerged his face in the water, raised his head after a while, and wiped the water channel with a cloth:
"Okay, you and Aunt Wu can eat too, I can't eat anything by myself."

When Xiao Ma heard that Mr. agreed to eat, he was so happy that he almost jumped up and said:

"Hey, I see. I'll call you some rice and vegetables again. You can eat more."

Seeing the pony running out happily, Liang Sheng shook his head and sat down at the table.When I looked up, I seemed to see the prince talking and crying here last night.Liang Sheng picked up the chicken soup and just brought it to his mouth when he suddenly thought of it!
"He was born two years before me, so he has everything. If you have it, you can do it. I don't want to fight for it. As long as I can remember, I tolerate, I let, even my princess is fake. They He exchanged his counselor's daughter for my concubine. The concubine's family knew about it but dared not say it."

Dare not to say, dare not to say, Liang Sheng thought about this over and over again.

The real concubine's family didn't dare to say it, so who told Liang Wang?How did King Liang know that the princess would die today?King Liang.
Liang Sheng sat up straight, this Liang Wang!Not a simple person!With the Prince keeping such a close eye, there is still a group of people of his own.And these people are probably hiding deeper!
Liang Sheng got more and more headaches.This is a real headache.King Liang, maybe he really didn't want to fight or grab before, but just wanted to survive, but this side seems to be too urgent.If you are in a hurry, rabbits can bite people!

Liang Shengyue had just finished his exams and hadn't entered the officialdom yet. He didn't want to be forced by Liang Wang to become Liang Wang's man.Liang Sheng smiled wryly, as if he didn't dare to refuse!It can only be said that Liang Wang is an extremely smart person!
A princess has passed away.This is not a trivial matter in the Tianying Dynasty, and the princess is still very young. Two days ago, it was said that the princess was a little sick. Today, everyone in the capital knows that Princess Liang has passed away.The emperor personally issued an order, and the people from the Ministry of Rites buried the princess generously, and announced that no weddings could be held in the capital for one month.A month's funeral for the princess.

For the people in the capital, this month's mourning was a bit strange.But no one dared to ask the emperor why, even the empress had some opinions on this, but seeing the emperor's dark face, she couldn't bear it and said nothing.

The emperor announced Lian Quchen to enter the palace, and gave him the imperial decree to confer titles on the dead princess, and asked him to announce the decree.And on behalf of the emperor, he went to see the two little princesses born by the princess.

People in the court speculated again. Everyone knew that Lian Quchen was now a popular person beside the emperor, but many people didn't know why the emperor doted on Lian Quchen so much, but they knew that Lian Quchen could be allowed to announce a The imperial concubine's decree shows one thing, the emperor attaches great importance to this matter!
Everyone in the prince's party had gloomy faces, and the emperor only sighed in front of the queen:
"Husband and wife can't grow old, I didn't expect my son to suffer this badly!"

Soon the crown prince knew what the emperor said, and he let go a lot, thinking that the emperor just thought that the king of Liang had not yet had a son, and the concubine had passed away.So I feel sorry for this son.

Of course, the death of a princess changed not a major event in the government. Half a month later, Chun Wei's results came out this time.For Liang Shengyue, this half month has been really calm for half a month. Liang Shengyue basically didn't go out, and he didn't know what was written in the study, unless those students came to him, Liang Shengyue didn't go out. entertainment.The results were released today, and Xiao Ma was ready to go out early, so that he could go with his husband to see if he was in high school.But I don't want my husband to enter the study early in the morning, and it may take a long time to sit.

Xiao Ma hurried forward and said:

"Sir. Don't you want to go and see the list?"

Speaking of the past, Liang Sheng was really anxious to take a look, because for every scholar, publishing the list is a kind of recognition for his hard work!But now, Liang Shengyue wished that he hadn't passed the exam!

(End of this chapter)

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