farmer's daughter

Chapter 420 Here Comes the Good News

Chapter 420 Here Comes the Good News
Chapter 420 Here Comes the Good News
The more Liang Sheng doesn't look at it, it doesn't mean that others don't look at it.

Xiao Ma is still worried about how to push the husband out to have a look, Xiao Ma's heart is also up and down, it may be whether the husband is good in the exam.The sound of gongs and firecrackers sounded outside the door, and then I heard Aunt Wu shouting happily:

"Little Ma, Xiao Ma, hurry up and ask your husband to come out. The messenger of the good news is here! Our husband has won the prize!"

Xiao Ma immediately stood up, rushed to the door of the study and shouted happily:

"Sir, sir, the announcers are here, come out quickly."

The person who announced the good news was the person from the court, so he had to go out to greet him.For passing the exam, Liang Shengyue was not as happy as when he came to the capital.After Liang Wang's incident, Liang Shengyue really thought that he might as well go back to teach.

Liang Shengyue tidied up a little bit, these days he was depressed, he couldn't eat well, he couldn't sleep well, he lost a lot of weight, and his clothes seemed looser.

"Come on, come on, sir!"

Xiao Ma is more active than Liang Shengyue!He directly held Liang Shengyue's hand and walked out.Liang Sheng got to the door and opened it, and it was indeed a happy news.After confirming Liang Shengyue's identity, the officials who sent the good news sent Liang Shengyue the good news. Liang Shengyue was awarded Jinshi, ranking No.6.Ten days later, he will take a palace test in the court.

Liang Shengyue wasn't particularly happy either, he took out a red envelope from his sleeve pocket and gave it to the official who sent him off.

As soon as the officiant officer left, Liang Shengyue turned around and went back to his study, and immediately sat down to write a letter to his family. No matter what, he passed the exam, so it's good news!
While Liang Shengyue was waiting for the palace examination, the construction of Xuejian's new house was in full swing.This time, when it was repaired, it was a little different.Without steel bars, it would be impossible for Xuejian to make a concrete floor. Therefore, when repairing the upstairs, he still used wood. This is the real solid wood, but a layer of wood is laid on top of the wood.

Several big families in Fucheng came to see Xuejian's house.They all expressed that they would ask the person who designed for Xuejian to redesign their own home.This home looks solid and nice without taking up a lot of land!The most important thing is that the blue bricks made by Xue Jianxin are especially favored by them. Some people place orders on the spot, and He Yuan is naturally very happy.This is where the money is earned!
As soon as the matter spread out, there was not much to see.But the day before, old man Mo suddenly said that he was going to leave for two days, and Murong Xing asked Murong Xing to look at the things in the field, and Xue saw that he had nothing to do during the day, so he came to have a look.This year, all the crops are growing well because of sufficient water.

Xue Jian also followed Murong Xing to practice the kung fu left by old man Mo, but Qiu Yuan was extremely tired, and he was in another courtyard, and was running around in Zhuangzi.There is no effort to practice at all.

This is, Xuejian just came back from morning exercise and went to look at various places where the house was built.I heard Wu Qiming back and forth saying that someone was looking for her.Xue Jian was also a little puzzled, who came so early this early in the morning?

When I went out, I saw two people standing outside the door. Although it was early summer, the morning dew was still heavy, and it was a bit cool, but the clothes of both of them were a little wet.The hair is also wet.Hearing the sound of the door opening, the two looked up, saw Xue Jian, and shouted:

"Little uncle, cousin Xiangneng, why are you here so early?"

Wei Chenggang smiled naively and said:

"Xue'er, we walked out yesterday. It was dark when we reached the gate of the city last night. The guards did not allow them to enter the city to rest, so they guarded the gate all night. We only crossed the city early this morning to come to your place. .”

Xuejian hurriedly greeted the person into the house and said:

"Brother Ang, go and call my sister and tell her that my little uncle is here."

Wu Qiming nodded and turned to find someone.Xue Jian let Wei Chenggang and his son in, and then said:

"Isn't Cousin Xiangneng studying? Why are you free?"

Wei Chenggang nodded and said:

"Yes, according to what your father said, he was sent to your village to study. Ten days ago, his grandfather left. He asked for leave and went home. The husband said that he would go back after a year of mourning. We didn't go there again. Xue'er, Look, this, this."

As he spoke, Wei Chenggang dug out two wine gourds from his baggage and handed them to Xue Jian.Xue Jian took it over, opened the gourd and heard:

"Ah, it's wine, little uncle, has your wine been brewed?"

Wei Chenggang rubbed his hands and said:
"Well, it came out. I haven't done it for a long time. This is the third time I succeeded. Try it."

Seeing the anticipation on Wei Chenggang's face, Xuejian laughed and said:

"Little uncle, I don't know how to drink. It's a pity that my master is not here. If he is, he won't be able to taste it. Wait a minute, I will go to my grandfather. He is here, and he can taste wine."

Wei Chenggang nodded, Xuejian looked at his cousin who was sitting on the side, and said with a light smile:

"Did you father and son not sleep or eat last night? Sister, why don't you take them to sleep first, eat something before going to bed, and I'll go find grandpa."

Xuejian just talked to Xiaocao who came in, and then heard a voice from outside the door:

"What do you want me to do?"

Seeing that it was Grandpa who came in, Xue Jian hurriedly smiled and said:
"Good thing, I asked your old man to taste this wine. Grandpa, this is my little uncle, and he made this wine. Would you like to try it?"

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and said:
"The wine of the Wei family is very famous, but I haven't drunk the wine of the Wei family in the past few decades."

Xue Jian was a little surprised and said:

"Grandpa, so my little uncle's wine is very famous?"

"Of course they are famous. The wine of the Wei family back then was the best wine in the three prefectures and two counties nearby. How many families used horse-drawn carts to pull it. It's a pity that they can't do it when they are in the previous generation. Me too When I was young, I followed my grandfather to play and drink once. Come, come, let me have a taste."

Xuejian poured a cup for grandpa from a teacup on the table without any hassle. Liang Zhongqiu took a sip, slowly aftertaste and sighed:

"This wine is better and sweeter than the wine we drink every day, but it still doesn't taste like the one I drank when I was a child. It's still worse."

Wei Chenggang's eyes lit up, and he said softly:
"Uncle-in-law, isn't it a little old? I'm in a hurry to show it to Xue Er. This is a fresh wine. If it is left for a few months, it will taste even better."

Upon hearing this, Liang Zhongqiu hurriedly asked:
"Is this just brewed? Then you can't go wrong. If your wine is stored for a few days, it will be better."

Xue Jian was listening to them, anyway, she couldn't understand, but looking at the wine, Xue Jian reached out to take Liang Zhongqiu's unfinished teacup, and smelled it lightly, there was some wine smell, but it didn't seem that strong .Xue Jian took a sip of the drink, it was really more water than wine.Xue Jian understood in his heart that they may only be able to make primitive wine, but not distill it.

(End of this chapter)

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