farmer's daughter

Chapter 427 Here Comes My Own Development Opportunity

Chapter 427 Here Comes My Own Development Opportunity

Chapter 420 The Eighth Own Development Opportunity Comes
It was only then that Xuejian understood what the young man meant by handing over the deed of birth. It turned out that he wanted to sell himself to pay off the debt.He is a loyal young man who sells himself for the sake of the whole village!
After thinking about it, Xuejian reached out to take his body deed and looked at it, and sure enough the name recorded on it was Xiaomu.It seems that there is no official name.

Xuejian watched and said:

"Xiaomu, what else do you want?"

Xiaomu blushed and said:

"Girl, let's see if the girl wants someone else, can you help the girl with all the laborers in our village?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I thought I made it very clear that day, you all go. It's just that there are not so many places to live in my place now, and I have to repair the house myself. I have places. So, you can pick a few people to follow It's okay to see, if you can't do it, you can leave. I don't force you to stay. But I will never tolerate those people who don't do anything and deliberately let me support them."

Xue Jian paused and said:

"So, you have to choose the right person to follow me."

Xiaomu nodded and said:

"it is good!"

Xuejian said again:

"Do you know a villa outside the south of the city? There's a river over there?"

Xiaomu nodded and said:

"Yes. We used to run around and go to those places when we were kids."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"It's over there. If you are like this, I will really accept your body deed. But don't worry, as long as you don't want to follow me, I will return it to you. Now you go back and find someone, no more than ten People, if you are willing to stay after working for a few days, you can stay. If you don’t want to, I won’t force you. I have to go first. When I go back, I have to arrange your accommodation. Can you come by yourself? My name is Shen Xuejian , Youran Villa."

Xiaomu Jianxuejian really accepted his body contract.He smiled happily:

"Okay, thank you girl, I'll go back to find the old and young men now. Then we will go to Zhuangzi to find you."

Xue Jian nodded, turned around and got into the car, Liang Zhongqiu drove away again.On the way, Liang Zhongqiu said:
"Xue'er, why do you trust someone so easily? You see, they originally planned to be bandits. This is not a good person. Anyone who dares to have such thoughts has a vicious heart. Why don't you stay here?" Is there any harm left?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I believe that this person named Xiaomu is a more trustworthy and sincere person. I believe him. Think about it, grandpa, a person who can always consider the whole village is not far behind."

"For example, just now, he can tell us to take him away without worrying about the people in their village. Because he must know that for a master like me, a man like him who works hard and has no family is very important. The best. But he still wants to bring people from the village. Especially when he said that he sold himself to pay back my penny of silver, I completely trusted him."

"Of course, there may be people in his village who are not good people, such as the brother Kun we took away that day. But I still believe that there are more good people than bad people in this world."

Liang Zhongqiu was silent for a while and said:
"Oh, me, I have lived in vain for decades! All right, if you want to take them away, take them away. Anyway, there are so many people needed to repair the house at home, and people who work in the mine need people. Let's talk about it when we get there. .

Xuejian and his party didn't arrive until almost noon.Also all the way fast.After getting off the carriage, Xiaocao greeted him and said:
"Xue'er, is mother all right? Is everyone in the family all right?"

"Where's my mother? Xueer, is my mother better?"

Yue Yin also hurriedly came forward to ask.I didn't know how it feels to be homesick until I left home. Although I am homesick, I can't go home yet.

"Okay, okay, okay, everything is fine, there is nothing wrong at home. Don't worry! My second aunt is also fine, and now she helps the embroidery workshop every day."

The two sisters carried Xuejian into the house, and as soon as Xuejian sat down, they called Wu Qiming and said:
"Wait a few people will come, you can arrange a place to live first, I think there may be a dozen people. It doesn't matter if you take care of it, anyway, we will expand the house after the construction here. The people who come will first arrange to help repair it. house."

"Yes, second lady."

"Is there anything going on here these days?"

Xue Jian asked.Xiaocao said:

"I don't have anything else to do, but the house at the back may be separated for two days. You and grandpa are not here, so I can't arrange to come. You have to go and see after dinner. Oh, yes, Butler Huang He came here yesterday, but you were not here, so he left a letter here."

Xiaocao took out a letter from her pocket.Xuejian took it over and opened it for a look, then exclaimed in surprise:

"My uncle and senior brother are coming!"

Zhang hurriedly asked:
"Your uncle is coming back? Why didn't you bring a letter first? This child!"

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"My uncle is now an official. From now on, grandma, you will be my wife. My little aunt will be my wife!"

"Don't make fun of us all the time, tell me, what kind of official is your uncle? Are you going back to the mountain town?"

Zhang's eyes narrowed with a smile and said, her son is promising, so the mother is naturally happy!

When Zhang Shi said this, Xue Jian frowned and said:
"how can that be?"

"what's wrong?"

Seeing Xue Jian's expression, Hu immediately became nervous.Xuejian hurriedly comforted him:
"No, no. Don't worry, little aunt. I was wondering if the letter left by Butler Huang was wrong. He said that my uncle came back to serve as our master. This is a state capital, and my uncle is a newcomer. As for the examinee, how can you give him such a big official at once? Isn't that a bit wrong?"

Hearing what Xuejian said, Liang Zhongqiu also came over to have a look. Xuejian handed the letter to Liang Zhongqiu. Liang Zhongqiu didn't know many characters and couldn't read it completely, so he asked worriedly:

"How did this happen? Could it be that your big brother helped me?"

Xue Jian thought about it and shook his head:

"No, in the capital, the senior brother has always kept a distance from the uncle. Pretending to be strangers to each other, it is impossible to make such a noticeable help! It must not be the senior brother! It says that the uncle was summoned by the emperor. But it is not Among the top three, my brother-in-law is No.4."

"Oh, you guys, it's all in vain to worry about. I think my uncle is very good. My uncle is knowledgeable and a good person. He is good at everything. Maybe the emperor also likes my uncle's ability. Our state capital has been short of adults for a long time. Well, my uncle is from this side again, so the emperor sent him back. Don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s a good thing. Think about it, if something goes wrong, even the crown prince won’t ignore it.”

Xiaocao gently patted the shoulder of the little aunt, this Xue'er was, surprised, the little aunt was pregnant.Xuejian also saw Xiaocao's movements, and she was annoyed at how she spoke so quickly.Busy round the field:
"Hey, it's really possible. My brother-in-law is a good talker, not a scholar who can only read books. My brother-in-law knows everything. You see, when he came back to take office, he even came back with the protection of his senior brother. This shows that my brother-in-law is deep I won the trust of the emperor. My brother Lian is a big celebrity in front of the emperor! I said, Sister Cao’er, why are you so smart all of a sudden? I made things complicated.”

After everyone heard it, they felt that what Xuejian and Cao'er said made sense, no matter what, Liang Shengyue is now an official.Moreover, returning to this place to become an official, Xue Jian thought to himself, this is his opportunity for development.

(End of this chapter)

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