Chapter 428

Chapter 420 IX
After everyone sat down to eat, Xue Jian told everyone about going back and building a winery.I also confessed that the extra grain after the autumn harvest this time will not be sold, and will be taken to my uncle, so that my uncle can brew more wine, so that it can be brewed early and stored, so it will be easy to sell in the future!
After eating, Xue'er went directly to the repair room at the back to have a look, and measured the height, it should indeed be layered.Xue Jian discussed it again with her grandfather and several master-level people who repaired the house.Decided to follow what my grandfather said, look at the day, the day after tomorrow will be a good day, and the day after tomorrow will be a good day.

It was also because of the last house repair at home that Xue Jian knew that people in this era attach great importance to the beam when repairing a house.Although what I am repairing is not the kind of house in Shenjia Village with the main beam, it can be regarded as the completion of a layer of roofing.Xue Jian thought about it, and it was better to invite her father and grandpa over this matter.So among the people who had been working, two people were called to drive the carriage back to Shenjia Village to pick them up.

As soon as the carriage to pick up the people left for a while, Wu Qiming came to report that seven or eight people had come, and they were brought by a person named Xiaomu that Xuejian had confessed.Xuejian just finished talking with everyone, so she also came out to have a look.Sure enough, it was Xiaomu who brought seven people. Among the seven people, some were old and some were young, but it could be seen that they were all honest. When they came here one by one, they didn't look left or right. They all stood obediently behind Xiaomu.

Because Xuejian accepted Xiaomu's body deed, now Xiaomu is considered a member of Youran Villa.Seeing Xuejian coming out, Xiaomu stepped forward and said:

"Girl, I brought seven people here. Originally, there were still some laborers in our village, but they were worried that they would not dare to come because they offended you last time."

Xue Jian smiled and nodded, this is human nature.laughed:
"It doesn't matter, these people stay here first, Xiao Mu, you take care of the people you bring. This is my housekeeper here, named Wu Qiming. If you have anything to do, you can go to him first. It doesn't count as a matter. Heavy, I am repairing the house here, and there are still a few manpower. You bring all the people to help. It will also give you a process of getting to know me here. In the future, if everyone is willing, I will send it to work in the mine. In this way, Steward Wu, you take the person down first, settle down and then take them to work. Tell the others, don’t bully the newcomers, let me know. I only have one punishment, which is to leave directly!”

Wu Qiming bowed respectfully, and then led Xiaomu and his party to the side of the prepared side room, where there were two double rooms, enough for the seven of them to live in.

In the evening, Wu Qiming asked Xuejian to report on the day's affairs as usual, and said:

"Miss Er, you didn't see that those eight people ate more than the twelve of us. The little dog looked silly watching them eat. It must have been hungry for a long time. At that time, all the meals we called When it was not enough, I went to the construction site to get another pot of white rice from the cooking cage. They ate it too. They are indeed from a poor family! It’s the same as my family before.”

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"It doesn't matter, it's just that you start to eat more. Starting tomorrow, you tell the kitchen staff to steam more steamed buns. Just don't let people do things hungry. It will be fine if you get used to it in the future. In fact, farmers, if they are not forced If you are in a hurry, you will not come out to rob houses or beg for food. This is so forced! By the way, you go to another courtyard tomorrow, find Butler Huang, and tell him that I plan to buy more The land, it’s better to be connected to our Zhuangzi. It doesn’t matter if the land is good or bad, as long as the mountains at the end of our field are fine. I want to expand it a bit. If Xiaomu brings people from a village, he has to do something for them. "

"Second Miss, are you planning to take over a village? That's too much. I don't know who is in their village and how many laborers they have."

Wu Qiming is now doing the job of being a housekeeper smoothly, and he has learned a lot from Xue Jian and others. He also sincerely manages this leisurely villa as his own home, so he is also worried about what the master will do. Don't lose your fortune by doing good deeds.

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"I want to help others more, but my ability is limited. What I can do is to provide them with an opportunity to do something and support themselves. I will not support others for nothing. You see, I This helped them again, and they also helped me. I expanded my family business, and the more I earned, the more abilities I had, and the more people I could help! Besides. I heard some The rumors have spread, some of us in the Zhuangzi are now in better condition, and they all plan to leave here and enter Fucheng to live on their own."

Having said that, Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Oh, by the way, you can let me out by the way, and you are willing to go. I can help him go to the government to change his tenant's household registration. In this way, his children can also take the exam in the future, and they can also not be instructed when they get married. Yes. People are going to live a better life. I just thought that one day, all your registrations will be removed. It will be fine if you don’t all become tenants.”

Although Wu Qiming was shocked and moved by Xue Jian's words, he couldn't help but smiled and said:

"Second Miss, what you said is childish. If there are no tenants, who will plant such a wide land for you?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"This is not childish. I really plan to release the registration of tenants batch by batch. If they are not tenants, they will stop farming? Those who are capable can not farm, but most people rely on farming to make a living. , I don’t have the reputation of being a tenant, but I can also rent my land for planting. It’s just that it’s not called paying rent, it’s called exchange. Do you think no one will plant such a good land? Look at my grandfather, he is so old, I can support him when he grows old, but he still wants to plant a piece of land by himself."

Wu Qiming took a deep look at Xuejian, took a step back, gave Xuejian a long bow and said:

"Second Miss, it is Qiming's blessing to meet you as a master. Qiming will never change his status in this life, and will always be Second Miss' slave!"

Even Xiaocao and Yueyin, who were sitting on the side listening, took a look at Xuejian, and Shi Chun also looked at Xuejian.Xuejian laughed loudly and said:

"Steward Wu, get up and talk! I can't see that I can't salute like this. Don't rush to swear. Let me tell you, a slave who doesn't want to be a master is not a good slave! You, do things well now, and when you get married, I will definitely I will change your registration, if you still want to help me at that time, then we will become partners. Sometimes, it is not the household registration that can limit a person's lifelong development."

Wu Qiming raised his head.He looked at Xue Jian seriously and said:
"No! There are gods standing three feet above your head. I swear, I, Wu Qiming, will be Miss Second's slave for the rest of my life! I will never change my status!"

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(End of this chapter)

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